***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Glad both babies are okay Laura and that they are monitoring you closely :). Eeek 23rd December..not long at all and just in time for Christmas yayy! That ctg does sound a nightmare! They wouldn't of taken you off if it didn't look okay so I'm sure it was fine :)

We have to take one of our cats for jabs today. There's also the ice festival on in York where there is different ice skulptures everywhere.. I loveeee it but not sure I can manage the walk into town then the walk around especially when it'l be so busy! My support band arrived yesterday yay so hoping I can at least do something this weekend. Xx

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He was ok on ctg, but nothing I could actually feel. The lady next to me was bleeping away with her little button thing you press. Made me a bit annoyed they put us in the same room as I just wasn't feeling anything.

Glad girls are ok Laura. Bet having that set date is exciting but scary! I presume you're trying for natural first then seeing how it goes? Poor about the 4.5 hours, that was like us in triage on Monday!!! I had an hours nap after a cry for being there so Long on the bed and even then they still didn't come to see us!

I have a feeling squig will likely be induced, depends what this consultant fetal guy says on Thursday.

Anyone else have to pay extortionate fees for parking at their hospital? This week alone we have spent nearly £30! xxxxxxx
Sounds like a nightmare Laura. Good you have an induction date though. Very real! I can’t get my head round how soon it will be. Can't accept I'm having a C Section on 20th, determined Twin 1 will flip! Wanted to go swimming to help him along but had a cold all week plus sore throat and have been waking up coughing which hurts my tummy! :( Now got a huge ulcer on my tongue and am not allowed Bonjela! Its all small annoying things and babies are fine but I need to feel well enough to do everything I can to give him room to turn.
God yes it's sooo expensive lol we live in walking distance so I usually walk but there is a huge bridge with tons of steps so on Monday we drove and it was like £6 for 2 hours so OH moved the car after a while as we were there hours and hours. Glad we can walk!! Xx

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There's a guided bus from outside my house that gets to the hospital in 20-25 mins, so we don't have to bother with parking thankfully, I have heard that it costs a fortune to at the hospital.

Blueflower, I've had a sore throat and stuffy nose for weeks now and convinced I had an awful cold coming but nothing seems to be coming of it even though it's annoying. Hope nothing comes of yours either, as it's definitely the last thing any of us need with babies coming so soon. Hope the little monkey flips. When's your next scan when you'll know positions again?

BlondeP, he's probably kicking backwards so you're not feeling as much? That's what they've said about mine. Yesterday she was kicking away during the scan, but I still wasn't feeling most of the movement. Or he could be very chill. My mum says that my sister never moved throughout pregnancy. I hope the CTGs reassure you a bit.. I am definitely sleeping better for having them regularly.

Millie hope support band works for you!

Sarahhhh where are you? xx
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Parking at our hospital is extortionate too but the on street parking is about £1 an hour. When our manager’s daughter was in hospital he used a work parking permit, very cheeky! DH often parks in the free residential spaces 40 minutes walk away to save money!

No more scans now so the Dr will go by the last one or maybe just feel where the babies are.

Its just a cough and cold but sore throat is usually gone before the cold starts, not this time! Cough is so annoying at night and turns a bit whoopy as I got whooping cough twice as a child. Could be from the recent jab? The babies immune systems are apparently finalising now so maybe they are taking it from mine?!
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Is it worth asking us they have a maternity parking scheme. After our 12 week scan we paid £14 for the rest of pregnancy parking permit. So we don't have to pay anything else now so I can labour for as long as I like without having to worry about the car lol.
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Glad your babies are okay Abi, Millie and Laura. :)

Wow there will be no one left to give birth in January. :)

Yes parking fees are horrible here too.

I had a nice birthday yesterday, had a nice little party with friends so it was cool. :lol:

Time is getting closer, I can't wait to hold T.J. in my arms. :lol:
Awww blue how pants being sickly :(
Happy birthday for yesterday paper moon, I didn't realise sorry! Did you get some nice bits?

Laura I agree, I'm sleeping a lot easier knowing he is being checked on so much and it's not all in my head. I think he must be, but the way he was laying on the scan did concern me lol it makes me not want to lie on my right now do fear of snapping his little neck!

Maternity parking scheme sounds good, I should ask really!! We couldn't walk to the hips annoyingly and the bus for it is a 10 min walk away to the stop before the 15 mins drive to the hosp so not ideal really with me whose struggling to walk now.

Less than 7 weeks max til D Day! Can't believe some babies will be here in a matter of couple of weeks. Xxxxxx
Hey all so I'm a mummy!!!
Henry & Arthur were born last night at 23:43 & 23:53
So in love and can't belibe they are mine !
Fantastic!!!!! Congratulations hun x hope it was an OK birth!
Hey all so I'm a mummy!!!
Henry & Arthur were born last night at 23:43 & 23:53
So in love and can't belibe they are mine !

I popped over to this thread to see if you had posted. So happy for you Sarah. Love their names too. Huge congrats xx
That's so brilliant Sarah! Knew it was 2 boys!! Was it a natural birth? So happy for you! Hope you are all doing ok! :clap: xxxxxxxxxx
Hey all so I'm a mummy!!!
Henry & Arthur were born last night at 23:43 & 23:53
So in love and can't belibe they are mine !

What amazing news!!!! Biggest congratulations Sarah, such a perfect end to your ridiculously long journey < 3

So happy for you xxxxxxx
Eeeek congratulations Sarah!! Lovely, lovely news and gorgeous names! Hope you're all doing brilliantly :-)

And happy birthday for yesterday Papermoon!

Wowza, it's all happening now! Still 7 1/2 weeks to go for me. At this rate it'll only be you and I bringing up the rear in January, Kate!

We have our NCT course this weekend - all day on both days. Feeling a bit fried after day 1!
Congratulations, Sarah! So glad to hear all went well, let us know more when you get half a second :) lovely names too! Look forward to hearing the whole story when you get time. How many babies do we have left? That's 4 down now and we aren't even halfway through December! xx
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Hey all so I'm a mummy!!!
Henry & Arthur were born last night at 23:43 & 23:53
So in love and can't belibe they are mine !

Oh wow!! Congratulations!! :dance::dance: That's good to hear! Those are nice names. :) Hope everything went okay with the birth and the babies are doing fine. :) Your babies have the same birthday as me! Cool! :D :dance:

Awww blue how pants being sickly :(
Happy birthday for yesterday paper moon, I didn't realise sorry! Did you get some nice bits?

Laura I agree, I'm sleeping a lot easier knowing he is being checked on so much and it's not all in my head. I think he must be, but the way he was laying on the scan did concern me lol it makes me not want to lie on my right now do fear of snapping his little neck!

Maternity parking scheme sounds good, I should ask really!! We couldn't walk to the hips annoyingly and the bus for it is a 10 min walk away to the stop before the 15 mins drive to the hosp so not ideal really with me whose struggling to walk now.

Less than 7 weeks max til D Day! Can't believe some babies will be here in a matter of couple of weeks. Xxxxxx

Thanks Abi! Yeah we're getting down to the wire now! :D None of us have much longer to go. :lol:

Eeeek congratulations Sarah!! Lovely, lovely news and gorgeous names! Hope you're all doing brilliantly :-)

And happy birthday for yesterday Papermoon!

Wowza, it's all happening now! Still 7 1/2 weeks to go for me. At this rate it'll only be you and I bringing up the rear in January, Kate!

We have our NCT course this weekend - all day on both days. Feeling a bit fried after day 1!

Thanks Holdingthumbs! Yes I think you and me will be bringing up the rear! LOL :) My due date is not till Jan 24th! That's close to February. :) When is your due date?

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Amazing news Sarah congratulations.. so thrilled for you, hope you are all ok xxx

Haha yes Thumbs at this rate we'll be the only ones here come mid Jan!! 7 weeks sounds like nothing but I still feel like there's such a long way to go!

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