Thanks guys! Yup, they both got blonde hair. And so much alike, I can't tell them apart yet. Definitely plan on employing the trick of nail polish when the ankle bands (their wrists are too small) come off. Although I will have to use a tiny nail art brush lol...
They're doing great. They're getting too hot in their incubators so will move out to a heated bed tomorrow or the day after. I'm still amazed at their quick progress. At this pace we'll have them home before Christmas!
I've had this so maybe when they kick it or something? XxCan babies grab/squeeze your stomach? I just lay down in bed feeling ok, suddenly babies started to move loads and then I had to sit up as quick as possible and (don't read if you have a weak stomach) half a bucket of stomach acid came up from nowhere. I get sickness still sometimes where I'm nauseous for a while before or heartburny, but this literally came out of nowhere. I haven't eaten in hours so it was just pure acid.
Have you had a bath and then lay down and drunk a lot of water Laura?
Mine were getting regular for hours on Sat but since you're having twins I'd try those things then call just in case! Xx
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