***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Lol thats a funny dream!
Pregnancy dreams are weird. I had one the other night and I was trying to formula feed her and for some reason formula was going like my Horlicks does lmao and just not blending and having bits of powder floating around in it haha. The prep machine I was trying to get to work and I tried breastfeeding her and she latched on well but there was literally no milk lol! So I couldn't feed her and I kept carrying her up and downstairs and she kept flailing about and I was so scared I'd drop her haha! Xx

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Hurrah for controlling mothers... lol
My mum is mostly trying to control me, but she's so hung up about my hubby's eating habits. He's a really fuzzy eater, but he doesn't make a big deal out of it. He eats what he likes and leaves the rest, he doesn't complain and if he's hungry he'll fix himself something. We're working on it but it's not a big priority. But every time he leaves food or goes to make himself a sandwich she freaks out and starts to question me about it. My tactic is to just leave him alone, because he just gets stressed and feel guilty when questioned about food and I really don't want to make a big deal of it because I think that will just make things worse. But she just can't let it go.
Once the boys are home I'm sure we'll find a hundred new things to clash about. I'm going to have to pick my battles I think.
Oh lord Lisa that would set my mum off like nothing else I think! She can't bear fussy eaters and takes it very personally.. when we were growing up, her mantra at the table was "eat it or starve" which to be fair, has created three very adventurous eaters that will pretty much try anything!

My BIL pretty much only eats peri chicken and chips (although he's very slim so he'll get one every 3 days and that does him haha) so that drives her mad. Thank goodness OH is pretty good with food, although she doesn't approve of the fact that he's quite partial to a chicken kiev or fish finger hehe. Don't see the problem if your husband sorts himself out with food he does like anyway though, it's not like it puts her out?

Kate and Millielaura funny/scary dreams! The skin thing sounds horrible!!xx
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LOL Ladies, I've had some interesting dreams too! The strangest one is where I dreamed I was inside the womb with T.J. seeing things from his perspective. LOL! I also dreamed about breast feeding too. I dreamed I was breastfeeding T.J. :) I also had a few dreams that my mom was looking down from heaven watching me and T.J. :) I hope that part is true. :)
My mum would hate that too Lisa! To leave what she has made and make something else would be totally unacceptable! Is it food she has bought that he gets or what you have bought?

That's a lovely dream Papermoon.
I was up the entire night with braxton hicks every few mins. They finally eased off and had stabby type pains since. My bumps dropped a lot so I think it's her head pushing down. Had a ton of watery cm too but I lay down for an hour and stood back up and no gush so think I'm good. Xxx
ARGHH in a proper pregnant lady rage.. Just got a parking ticket parking right outside my house but on the wrong side of the road (single yellows).. We're on a terraced street and the council give out up to 3 permits PER household so we have a poxy strip of parking to share between about 20 houses where most have at least 2 cars so you have to park wherever you can.. So annoyed I forgot to move it but more annoyed at the £35 down the toilet. Sorry, rant over, really irks me :wall2:

In better news, things went perfectly at midwife today bar low iron and them testing for OC, baby was head down but not engaged <3 She feels to be a good size apparently!
Millielaura did you call midwife? Sounds like a truly miserable night, hope you can rest today?

Kate that's sooo annoying I'd be raging too. Parking is really tricky around here too, we live on a pedestrian only street with bollards either side, and there is a tiny street around the back with one space on it to share between 15 houses. We have to email and "book" the space when we want it, but it causes a lot of neighbour battles! We do all have a garage too, but the street is so narrow it's almost impossible to get a car in, and ours is taken up with about 50 bikes because my brother has his own bike business and uses it for storage! This is why we don't have a car, but it makes deliveries and guests visiting a nightmare.
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Oh my goodness Millie hope everything is okay.

Wow Kate that is annoying!
Oh no Kate! I got a ticket in London for having my car slightly on a curb - never heard of that being fineable up where we live!!! £55 down thanks to my pesky wheel!!!! xxxxx
BH's aren't as often now so think I'm ok! Got the midwife tomorrow morning at 11 so will mention it then. I think Imogen must be engaging with the bump drop and stabby pains and also finding it hard to even walk around house as so much pressure now etc. Least that means she should stay head down now right?
Hoping my urine sample tomorrow is clear of protein although I haven't heard anything back from the hosp yet so I'm presuming the amount at the lab wasn't high enough to worry about?

Oh no :( that's horrible..I get so annoyed at things like that that just waste hard earned money down the drain :(. Xx
Not sure Millielaura, I've had pretty strong pressure for a while now and they still seem to be changing up their position on a weekly basis! Monkeys. I looked in the mirror today and it looks as though my bump has dropped a bit too, seems a bit early for that though. I'm not sure when one should expect that to happen but I didn't think it would be for a good few more weeks.
Ohhhh Lisa!!! <3 <3 <3 So perfect and diddy! You have brewed some absolute beauties :-* How are they doing?

Aww Lisa what a little pair of munchkins! Have they got a bit of blonde fluff? <3 Congratulations again, how are they doing? They look quite similar, do you think?
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Thanks guys! Yup, they both got blonde hair. And so much alike, I can't tell them apart yet. Definitely plan on employing the trick of nail polish when the ankle bands (their wrists are too small) come off. Although I will have to use a tiny nail art brush lol...
They're doing great. They're getting too hot in their incubators so will move out to a heated bed tomorrow or the day after. I'm still amazed at their quick progress. At this pace we'll have them home before Christmas!

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