***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Has anyone had pain on top of their bump/under ribs?
I had bad BH's all night that were sore and then all morning had a constant pain under my bump thats worse on breathing in. Thinking maybe her position? But omg its so sore! Xx

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My pain is mostly in my back. It's hard to walk, I walk really slow and I can't stand more than 5 minutes in one place. I get out of breath when I walk too. And sometimes if I walk far, like when I walked to the restroom and back at work, or to the breakroom, I start to feel braxton hicks. The walking far triggers them, but not all the time, just sometimes. I feel movement and kicks all over, but not really pain, not in my bump. One day T.J. kicked me so hard in my ribs! :shock: It felt like someone punched me LOL. But most of the time he just squirms around. I think one time he had hiccups because he was moving around so much, it felt like he was moving both arms and legs all at the same time, a million miles an hour. It felt funny LOL. :lol:

I had some more braxton hicks the other night, it felt like period cramps but 3 times as painful. It hurt so much, I felt myself getting nauseous. I just wanted to lie down. Then finally it stopped. He's been moving a lot today, or else I just feel him more because he's getting bigger. When he's moving it feels like people can see him move under my skin.

Sounds like a lovely day, blueflower! Good on you for getting out and about so much still as well.

Does anyone else think about their babies like 24/7? I feel like such a bore but it's the only thing on my mind all of the time more or less. When I wake up in the night, I'll have been dreaming about something relating to them as well. I sort of can't focus on other things. Maybe I need to get stuck into a good book or something to give myself other things to think about!

Yes Laura :) I think about T.J. all the time! Today at work I was just imagining him being born and the nurse putting him on my chest next to my face like how they do when a baby is born. I was imagining how his little cries will sound. :love::love: :) I can't stop thinking about him because my bump keeps me constantly reminded and when he moves too it makes me think of him. :love: Glad I'm not the only one. :) I've had dreams about him too.

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I'll look up yoga position to help :)
I get BH's more when walking too.

I've started getting a little nervous for labour now! Never been nervous about the pain till now but last night there was a woman in labour in and she was screaming and screaming. And I've found this rib pain painful enough I think I will struggle a lot more with labour than i thought xx

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I'll look up yoga position to help :)
I get BH's more when walking too.

I've started getting a little nervous for labour now! Never been nervous about the pain till now but last night there was a woman in labour in and she was screaming and screaming. And I've found this rib pain painful enough I think I will struggle a lot more with labour than i thought xx

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It's getting a bit real now isn't it! I remember having awful leg cramp at like 20 weeks and rolling around the bed in agony thinking "holy crap, nothing can be more painful than this!" think i'm in for a reality check!
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Yes Millie I agree! Yes Laura, as we are getting closer to the day, reality is starting to set in for us. LOL!
Reality definitely settling in!

I feel so anxious atm. I wasn't overly anxious after the 2nd lot of reduced movements but now its been 3 times plus the pain I've had etc. I'm so so stressed something is going to happen to her after coming so far. Too scared to finish the nursery off now and cursing myself for buying all pink things in case something happens and if we were lucky enough to have another baby and if it wasnt a girl (as much as id love a boy) id feel loss all over again as everythings all ready for a daughter.

Has anyone else had these thoughts? Xx

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its definitely getting real isn't it girls ! I am anxious about the whole unknown process !

Tmi but dtd this morning & just had a little brown blob of discharge, do you think I've just wiggled things around ? No tightening or anything like that, but thinking I'll just keep an eye ? Hoping it wasn't the start of my plug or something !!
Yeah I think it's probably just from being knocked etc but keep an eye and if more comes maybe phone for advice zx
I wouldn't worry too much Sarah you've probably just dislodged something :) Apparently it's really normal to naturally lose bits of plug throughout pregnancy and it just rebuilds..

I think about baby for the majority of the time too Laura, it'll be the same once they're born, they're all you'll talk about :) Perfectly normal but I did try and make an effort to keep myself interesting as I was so conscious of only ever talking about my child! I think it's quite easy to lose a sense of your identity after having a baby, especially for the Mum..
Yeah I think it's probably just from being knocked etc but keep an eye and if more comes maybe phone for advice zx

:rotfl: "Just from being knocked etc" - I bet Sarah's OH would have something to say about that comment!
Yes Kate, I don't want to become a total bore that only ever talks about their children and posts 50 photos of them on facebook every day!
I've had dark thoughts too but tried to push them away, it must be normal to worry after how far we've come.

Had our breastfeeding session today and I felt so emotional! Can't wait to see their little faces and cuddle them!

If anyone wants a distraction there are about 3 ladies on the Yellow Booties thread who really need some hope. Seen some booties on Amazon for only £1.50, it might really cheer someone up who is struggling to conceive.
I do get anxious about things going wrong, Millielaura.. I don't even think the pregnancy truly sunk in until this trimester when I could actually feel them moving around all the time and feel limbs and hands pushing against my tummy. Before then, I was so worried about getting my hopes up. I wish I were more laid back about it, but I suppose that comes more naturally to some people than others xx
Thanks girls, had another this morning, mucous type in colour quite a big blob ! Sorry tmi! Phoned the hospital who said to keep an eye & if anything else starts happening to let them know, Hubby said we are never dtd ever again lol!
Ooh scary! I was unsure when to stop dtd too! It can make the babies come early!

Ladies with cats, does your cat sit on your bump at all? I was really looking forward to my little cat doing that but thought if the babies moved she might bop them like she did if our feet moved under the duvet!
Gosh Sarah, I'm sure that's given you both a bit of a fright! The twins on this thread seem to want out early! They do say that half of twins come before 36 weeks, I think, so I suppose 2 out of 4 of us are statistically likely to have them soon? Rhiandell has already "delivered". Do keep us updated, hope they'll hang in there a bit longer xx
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Ooh scary! I was unsure when to stop dtd too! It can make the babies come early!

Ladies with cats, does your cat sit on your bump at all? I was really looking forward to my little cat doing that but thought if the babies moved she might bop them like she did if our feet moved under the duvet!

Haha my cat tried to sit on my lap a few weeks ago and looked very alarmed with being bopped by bump so he naffed off to someone else's lap.
I don't think my cat's "noticed" I'm pregnant at all. I'm intrigued to see how she reacts to a newborn, we only got her when Anna was 5 months so I'm not sure what she'll make of newborn cries etc...she stays out of Anna's way most of the time though so she'll probably just do the same with this one!

Can't remember if I mentioned on here but for a few weeks I kept waking up with a horrible need to cough/tickly chest feeling. It went away for a while and now it's back. Does anyone else get this? I don't have a cough at all otherwise, it's just when I've been laying down for a while. It's particularly unpleasant now because I'll wake up, start coughing, and my messed up pelvis starts cracking from it. Ahh the joys of pregnancy, eh?
Yeah my cats are obsessed with bump!! Ever since the tww this time :) my girl cat started sleeping on lap which she never does. Then since 2nd tri they sit on bump with paws round and head on it which they never did before! Lol they move their ears about when she kicks etc and wake up but they dont seem to mind. They totally know. When we had to put Alfie to sleep we were sat stroking him for a while before while vet sorted things. He had his ear against my bump and paws around me and thats how he was when he drifted off. The others have started paddling bump a lot too so if she moves they paddle back haha xxx
That's so cute! I wish my little cat was here to do that. She was with us from the day after our terrible embryo results to when I was 16 weeks and we were telling the last few friends, so I suppose she was here to help us through the tough bit. I'm sure she helped me to relax during the 2WW as well and gave us something else to focus on during the treatment. If she doesn't come back I think we'll get another cat next Autumn or winter when we have settled with the twins. Another girl cat would be nice to balance things up!

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