***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Glad I'm not the only main driver in the household Kate! My OH is just lazy and doesn't like driving my manual ¬¬ I've woken feeling much more positive about it this morning so fingers crossed the feeling stays :)

Hope Twin 1 turns soon Blue! They are going to be here sooooo soon!! How exciting! xxxx
Blue have they said if it's possible for them to still turn at this size? X
I think they can turn whenever..not sure how it is with twins but my friends boy was 8lb 7 and he turned at about 39+6 lol. I know thats too late for your twinnie to turn Blueflower but fingers crossed he can soon xxxx

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Yes the midwife said they can turn. Advised doing the downward dog yoga position, sitting with legs in the air for 10 minutes and spending time on my hands and knees to give him space to turn. Even if Twin 2 turns as well that's a better way round! Will try those today!
Yeah I think they can turn whenever, according to midwife here anyway.

They gave me my extra scan date for next week, just got the letter through :) hope their weight disparity has evened out, they had 3/4 of a pound difference last time.
Aww you look lovely Kate. You seem to carry quite high? I've carried super low with both and high bumps always look so much neater to me haha. I don't understand why people feel the need to comment on size, there's so much variation on normal anyway.

I think this baby is head down but definitely back to back. Anna was very much facing the right way this time last pregnancy so I'm getting really worried about having horrible back labour now! Spending lots of time on my hands and knees XD

My next mw appointment (36 weeks) will be at my house and she'll be dropping off the homebirth stuff. So exciting! It's going to get really real then.

Oh, I almost forgot! Had a few mild contractions yesterday which freaked me out a bit - I say a few, I timed them after a bit and they were every three minutes and went on for about 3 hours. Had a bath and they stopped though. I guess they're just contractions that don't do anything like but they were very different to Braxton hicks. Didn't have that at all last time and hoping I don't get them too much more.
Oh wow I was thinking as twins got bigger because they had less space that they were less likely to move, fingers crossed they do for you !

Just been contacted by work and apparently even on Mat leave I still have to complete their e-learning ?!
Ohh sprout, hope little one holds out for a few more weeks so you can have the home birth. Did you have Anna at home too?

Thats poo Sarah, do they not realise you might be slightly more preoccupied? lol

Fingers crossed they stay tucked up for a few more weeks sprout

That's what I was thinking abi lol x
Shouldn't jinx it but I'd be really surprised if he was early - the bath stopped them pretty immediately so they weren't effective contractions iykwim. A friend of mine had regular contractions from about 36 weeks until she was induced at 42 (poor thing!!) So I think it just happens sometimes.

I didn't have Anna at home, was a bit too unsure of how I'd react to labour for that :)
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Hope everyone's babies are sitting tight this evening!

I ended up calling the hospital today because it's been three days now and I've still felt very little movement from twin 2. They were pretty good and invited me straight in for monitoring, which was more than I bargained for, I thought I'd just get a doppler and then go on my way. They gave me a delivery room and I was hooked up for like an hour and a half, having their heart rates and movements monitored. There were not many movements from twin 2, but both heart rates look absolutely fine, so I'm not so worried! Being in a delivery room made me SOOO excited though! It was like a hotel room with en suite and shower. I was well impressed. The next 5 weeks are going to draaaag.
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Nice bump ladies! Nice ultrasound Millie! :)

Wow Sprout that does sound scary! Contractions 3 minutes apart? Woo! Hopefully your baby will stay put! Yeah I've been thinking about it, I think that one intense one I had might have been an actual contraction because it was different from the normal braxton hicks I usually feel. Thank goodness that was the only one. I hope you don't have anymore any time soon Sprout.

LOL FB you guys have to do those E-Learnings too! I guess those are universal! :):lol:

Wow Sprout your friend had contractions from 36 weeks to 42 weeks! oh my goodness poor thing! :shock:

Am I the only one who's had no Braxton hicks yet? Have you all been feeling them for a long time?
I think I have only had them for the past week or two really... But I'm pretty sure mine are actual contractions, I could time them last night and they were quite painful :( xxxx
Hope he's not early Sprout! I need more time to prepare too!

Sounds lovely Laura, did a virtual tour of our labour dept and it looks really clinical. At the antenatal class last night she said if you are induced you go in for the first pessary in the evening, stay over in a shared ward without your partner then have the 2nd one in the morning before moving to your own room. We all thought that didn’t sound very relaxing! Glad your twin 2 is ok. People keep telling me to count the kicks but I don't have that many. I think with twins they are too tightly packed to kick outwards much!

That’s bad you have to do e learning Sarah. V cheeky! Mind you I emailed my colleague yesterday about something I remembered and he told me to concentrate on growing babies haha!

I might have had Braxton Hicks or it might have been one of the babies pushing as he turned round, it was like an intense cramp for a second, not had that for a week or so.
Hi girls! I've missed so much! I went back and skimmed through it but I don't think I can comment on it all. Happy to see that everyone is doing well and the little scares are just temporary things.

The twins are progressing at an amazing pace. They only needed breathing assistance for two days and now they don't even get drip anymore. They still can't suckle, but it still counts as them eating in their own through the tube. My milk has come in so they get mostly that and some donor milk if it's not enough. Still trying to get the hang of pumping, so not producing enough yet, but soon.
Both boys are healthy and all tests so far are good. It's amazing how quickly it's going. Less than a week and they are almost free of tubes and wires. Only thing they have left is for monitoring. I'm so incredibly happy. The doctor is really impressed with their progress.
Can't figure out how to upload pictures on the phone so will have to do that later.

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