***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

I don't know how you all have the energy to de-clutter and properly clean your houses! I'm such a dud pregnant lady, I crippled myself trying to run the vacuum around about 3 weeks ago so other people have been doing it since. I really have the urge to clean things up now, but not the energy and I know I would need about 2 days to recover afterwards so I'm a bit apprehensive! xx
Lol I sit down every 5 mins or so and also get tons of braxton hicks! Takes ages to do stuff haha.

My sleeping is so bad..not slept again all night not even a tiny bit. Lavender oil does nothing now lol. Going to try Horlicks tonight but not sure what else I can do!? Even if I got a 30 min nap I'd feel better.
My heartburn was horrible earlier.. I'm on omeprazole which the doc prescribed which I'd had today, I'd had gaviscon and had milk and the pain was so bad I woke OH up and said to call the hospital and get me milk NOW lol must of given him a fright. I downed the milk then had bicarb of soda in water and it helped a lot. I actually thought there was something wrong and I was having a heart attack lol it hurt so much! I used to get heartburn before pregnancy but never known anything like this!
Hoping my scan is today xxx

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Haha I sound so dramatic reading that back but never had heartburn like it. It kinda felt like when you had bad period cramps or ibs pain but in my chest and between shoulder blades coming in waves so I think it was a bit of trapped wind as well as the intense burn feeling.
I hope she has lots of hair for all her hairbows haha! Xx

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Oh no, Millie, that sounds horrific! Fingers crossed for scan today.

Uppababy is an American brand so not sold in too many places, but came really highly recommended from a friend who's also in central London. My parents wanted to help with buying it, and we've bought literally everything else off eBay or been given it second hand - including an old change table for £1.20 that we're refurbishing! - that it felt so luxurious to have something new :-)
Love, love the Uppababy Thumbs - good choice!!

Haha yes, I remember celebrating my OH's promotion and then us both realising him entering the next tax bracket meant his pay rise wasn't quite as fantastic as we'd first thought :lol:

Ooh sounds horrid Milly.. burning and pain in chest and shoulders deffo sounds like trapped wind - I got it a lot in Tri 1 xxx
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Oh Millie sorry that your heartburn is so bad it's the pits! I also had another nights terrible sleep! Tried the spare room to see if that was better but it wasn't at all!
Feet are now puffy & I'm feeling it all! Have no idea how twin mummies soldier through to past 38 weeks !!! Yikes!!
Scan is today at 10.45 yay! Feel like a zombie but glad it is today :)

It's awful isn't it..never known heartburn like it!
When are they letting you go until FBTTN? :) hope you don't have to wait until 38 weeks plus! Must be horrid xx

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Sorry to hear people aren't sleeping :( horrible heartburn.. mine has improved a lot since I stopped eating tasty things, stopped eating 2 hours before bed, two thick pillows (the neck ache is worth it lol) and I keep Rennie on my bedside table and usually have a few of those in the night when I wake with it. I bet you've both tried all these things though already. Really hope it passes as it's awful not sleeping.

Let us know how your scan goes! Not long now, you're probably on your way!
After a week of calling every day, M&S have finally given me a delivery date for this Friday. Woop woop! I might finally have a room sorted for the babies!
All ok phew!
She is measuring between the 10th and 50th centile on scan so its just bump that measures big haha. Estimated weight atm of 3.3lbs :). She said really good blood flow in cord. Sooo relieved!! Xx
Got a gorgeous pic of her face will add when my tapatalk works again xx
Wonderful news! You can relax now! Look forward to seeing photo.

So I've just had an appointment card through the door for a consultant appointment on Monday, which is alarming me a bit because it seems a bit random when I saw a consultant last week and we didn't have much to discuss then so I don't see what we'd be discussing now.. the only thing I can think of is that I had a lot of blood tests done last week to check my liver functioning and now I'm worried something bad has come back from that, as when I called to ask about the appointment, they said "to discuss underlying health issues" - but I don't have any that I'm aware of! Surely they would phone me or see me sooner if it were really urgent though, so I guess I'll try not to over-think it.
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So they think the reduced movement was just position then? That's a relief! Bet your dead happy! And the chance to see her again must have been lovely x x
Ah Laura could it of been tests for OC? Have you had any itching? I think theyd call you though and tell you straight away? Xx
Yeah Ery she said most likely was just her position as the first time she was breech and doing movemets I couldnt feel. Saturday she was genuinly totally quiet for the first half but thats the day she turned head down i think so just finding her new position. She has been back to norm since.
She said never ever assume its just position though and to come in 100% if it happens again xx
Think i added pic ok haha on the mobile site


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It's good they take it so seriously. I think you can be a bit naive with your first or until you've been through or heard some of the things the girls I here hae been through. I'm so glad they are looking after you and your daughter x she is so lucky to have you as a mummy x
Glad all is ok MillieLaura & lovely picture!

I think it it was too worrying Laura they would of called you so try not to panic, easier said than done I know.

I like the uppababys but OH wasnt a fan annoyibgly :(

Looking after my 20 month old god daughter today before work..., she basically had to talk/grunt me through how to change her pooey nappy as I started freaking out... God help me when it's my newborn!!! Didn't think nappies were so complicated haha! Really threw me when I realised hers didn't tape up and are like pull up things! Stupidly pulled it down then realised you can just rip the sides to take it off so safe to say, poo when everywhere! xxxxx
:lol: Abi!! Images of you pulling a pooey pull-up nappy down! Haha you poor thing.. Toddler poo is plain awful, newborn poo is almost pleasant in comparison..

Hope it's nothing sinister Laura but as Abi said i'm sure they would have called if something was very urgent - odd they can't give you more info over the phone though?! Yay for furniture though..

Millie that's amazing! I almost found it a bit creepy when they went into detail of my baby's face on the scan.. It's incredible but weird!

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