***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Thanks Laura :-) gorgeous scan photo glad all went well, fingers crossed no GD, I found the test not too bad x
Randomly my bump around my belly button feels odd now when I touch it, think my belly button is going to become an outy soon lol
Has anyone had their belly button pop yet? Mine feels weird too, I know it's disgusting to say but I think it feels like a foreskin and it grosses me out slightly when I touch it haha
Ha ha ha that's so funny the popped bit lol ! Mine inside and around has just got squidgy where it's all wanting to come out lol
Oh I am forgetting my PF exercises! Will put a reminder on my phone!
So cute Laura, did you get a private scan? We only got twin 2 & paid £140, even had a rescan but Twin 1 was still hiding, bit disappointing cos my colleague persuaded me to get it as a keepsake for them but it's not the same if it's only one of them!
My belly button has been smooth for a few weeks with a slight sticking out bit! Weird that the tunnel part has stretched flat and you can see what would have been the pit of it, yuck! I can also see the scar from my laparoscopy and where I had a piercing 20 years ago all come to the surface!!
Lovely scan Laura!
My belly button is almost flat now, it used to be quite deep!!! xxxxxl
I think my belly button will pop eventually, it's definitely flattening and parts that used to be inside is outside now.
Anyone still dtd? We did for the first time in ages today, the placenta is not in the way anymore & just kinda happened x
We are every now and then... I had to be blunt with OH though and tell him that he his no where near big enough to cause damage to the baby :') xxxxx
Oh good, so many of my friends are like oh no never never wouldn't dream of it! Just couldn't during and after & I feel like a bit of a weirdo as I do miss it if we don't & hubby seems to have got past the babies wriggling in there (not during btw lol) ha ha Abi bless him how did he take that ;-)
We still do but only about once a week, would miss it otherwise. Did it the other day with me on top and he thought the babies were being squashed! I suppose I am used to them being in the way of everything I do now but he isn't! He prefers other positions! I also find it messier afterwards at the moment too which is annoying.
Just wasted an hour...walked to the doctor for my flu jab with my almost two year old, stupidly left the pushchair out with the hood up, so it was all wet...so we just had to walk across the massive heath near our house. Of course, she wanted to look at everything and got all muddy and wanted to be carried the last half. Soooo we finally get there and I'm absolutely exhausted and late...aaand I realise the doctor is closed. Then it dawns on me that the appointment must have been at the other doctor a 10 minutes drive away. They didn't say when I booked it though :( soooo then we have to walk back, LO gets even muddier, wants to explore even more and then is desperate to be carried but my arms were killing. So glad to finally be home, pooped now!

Anyway, don't think we've dtd for a good few months, was just uncomfortable last time and tbh it's not something either of us really think about much!
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We still do but only about once a week, would miss it otherwise. Did it the other day with me on top and he thought the babies were being squashed! I suppose I am used to them being in the way of everything I do now but he isn't! He prefers other positions! I also find it messier afterwards at the moment too which is annoying.

Yeah I suppose we are used to it aren't we but it's different for them, glad you said that as I thought it was a little messier this time lol! We did spoon as my big belly was in the way ha ha
He seemed a bit deflated bless him but took it well haha. Aww sprout what a nightmare!!!! Did you make t for the appointment after all that?

Just had a cheeky scan from MIL! Felt very special! She measured baby and he's a healthy estimate of 2.2lbs currently and measuring a couple days a head. He was being so cute and stroking his face and yawning during the scan. Xxxxx
He seemed a bit deflated bless him but took it well haha. Aww sprout what a nightmare!!!! Did you make t for the appointment after all that?

Just had a cheeky scan from MIL! Felt very special! She measured baby and he's a healthy estimate of 2.2lbs currently and measuring a couple days a head. He was being so cute and stroking his face and yawning during the scan. Xxxxx

Nope, tried to call but no answer, and I know they were there because my dad and SIL both had their jabs there today.

Aww that sounds adorable!
Does anyone need adding to the first post? What team are you Rhiandell?
I think we've done it a handful of times through the whole pregnancy. Fancy it more these days, couldn't even contemplate it at the beginning.

Blueflower, no it was nhs scan, I didn't even know they had 3D on the machine. She just busted it out because they were in an awkward position and we couldn't see anything at all in the normal mode. I also paid out for a 3D scan though and not much joy! It's disappointing isn't it?

I'm finally meeting my in-laws this weekend... we got there last night after about 4 hours on the train and I felt rougher than rough all evening :/ not great when you're trying to make a good impression but I was just knackered and terrible heartburn, and then at 2am I was throwing up and had a dodgy tummy. And bless them, they'd given up their bedroom for us and were sleeping on an airbed in the bedroom next to the bathroom so I think I kept them up all night with my trips in there and being sick. They didn't say anything in the morning though.. I'm a bit embarrassed but they are lovely.

Everyone having a nice weekend? xxx
Oh no Laura that's not ideal! How come you didn't meet them before?

I might ask for a 3d pic of Twin 1 then if he shows his face next time!

We are used to making an effort to dtd so try to do it so we don’t get out of the habit. For fertility treatment we were instructed to do it on certain days for clomid and then I think it's 3 days before ivf egg collection so you get fresh sperm! You end up laughing about it and getting on with it. I was too scared to do it when first pregnant but have felt like it more from the 2nd trimester. Its one of the reasons we got together and I wouldn't want to end up just like housemates but expect I will be too tired when the babies are here!
I think I'd have been sick on him if we'd done it in the first 20 weeks!

Haven't met them before because we were both living and working abroad when we met. He hadn't even seen his family in 3 years before we returned to the UK a few months ago!

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