***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Really good weights!! I've got a scan on Thursday when I'll be on the verge of 27 weeks so I'm looking forward to seeing what they weigh. It's exciting seeing the weight going onto them now isn't it!
Thanks girls yes I was really happy with their weights and Laura you're right it's exciting x
28 weeks today and had our 28 week scan both babies doing well, both still head down, twin 1 placenta has moved from the cervix & both weighing 2lb 10oz :-)

brilliant news and they are such a good size for twins. My little one was around 2 lb at 26 weeks so your twins are doing amazingly well!! Good news about placenta too.
Trimester 3 for me today! I have one more scan at 29 weeks to check on baby's size ( although not small, the baby is small for me apparently.
Just had my whooping cough jab ! Ouch that's a stinger ! Anyone else had theirs yet? Any effects? X
Mine just have me a numb arm for a day and still have a red raised lump from both jabs that's pretty itchy!! xxxxx
My whooping cough jab wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, just couldn't really lay on my arm that night. Flu jab on Saturday...haven't had that before so I'm a bit wary.

I'm feeling very much in the third trimester now...did lots of walking yesterday and today and found it really hard after about 20 mins, back and hips were so achy by bedtime last night. Also getting reflux all the time, getting through Rennies like nobody's business...aaaand Braxton hicks have started, forgot how weird they are, not painful at all but it feels like my whole belly's dragging me down and if bub moves while I'm having one, it feels horrible!

How are all your symptoms?!
Oh yeah, totally forgot! My belly's started "clicking" when he kicks sometimes (like when you crack your knuckles). Had exactly the same with my daughter and she had hip dysplasia...it's supposed to be much more common in girls and first borns so I'm going to be so sad if he does have it...not really a huge issue but I found it really hard seeing my little girl in a leg harness from 6 to 13 weeks... :(
Oh yeah, totally forgot! My belly's started "clicking" when he kicks sometimes (like when you crack your knuckles). Had exactly the same with my daughter and she had hip dysplasia...it's supposed to be much more common in girls and first borns so I'm going to be so sad if he does have it...not really a huge issue but I found it really hard seeing my little girl in a leg harness from 6 to 13 weeks... :(

Oh I haven't heard of this before. I hope your little boy does not have it. will you only be able to find out at the birth?
Sprout- I also want to ask what your plans are in relation to feeding your little girl when baby arrives. I'm still feeding my 20month old and don't really have a plan to manage it.

I don't want to stop feeding my older child as it's such an easy way to get him to sleep and to comfort him- also has benefits to his immune system.

How difficult do you think it will be to manage feeding the two of them do you think?

I'm not sure how my little boy will react to having another baby feed from me. I don't actually think he is getting much from me anymore( may be small amounts of colostrum.), so it may come as a shock to him once my milk comes in again.
That's good that apart from achy arms whooping cough was ok for you girls hope I'm the same
Flu jab is always gives me a cold afterwards ! I had it for about 3 days and just rode it out. X

I've heard about the clicking, never knew it was related to hip dysplasia ?

I don't think I've had any bracton hicks yet? What happens with them?
I'm on mint gaviscon most nights lol and I'm the same with walking starting to feel the weight of these munchkins & get quite achy when walking or have a busy day. X
Princessp, Yeah I think we'll have to wait til birth to find out, he'll have a hip scan at 6 weeks because of my daughter's history anyway so we'll know for sure then.

How have you found bfing through pregnancy? I've found it so so hard, I had every intention of keeping it up and tandem feeding but I've had horrible nursing aversion, so sadly we're down to a quick bedtime feed and an occasional naptime one. Thankfully Anna's not minded too much (which really surprised me because she was feeding a good 8-10 times a day until I was about 15 weeks!)

I imagine we'll keep the bedtime feed, as you say it's by far the easiest way to get her to sleep, but I think we're going to attempt Daddy putting her to bed maybe once a week or so and see how that goes...at least then if I've got a newborn stuck to me, we know if that's an option! He works a lot of evenings though and I have to say, I'm pretty nervous about my first bedtime alone with two!

FBTTN, I'm sure some people have clicking with no hip issues, it just makes me nervous because I think it my case that's what it was, and I also think there's a genetic factor.

Braxton hicks just make your belly tense up for a bit, I find it really weird and uncomfortable. I don't think I had any until about 36 weeks last time.
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Girls a bit tmi but I think I might be leaking a little from ze bladder ? Amniotic fluid all normal on Monday & not a constant thing, seems to be every now & again & when I've had a busy day but I can't feel anything coming out ? Could it be the twinnies heads on my bladder causing a little incontince ? Has anyone had this ? How embarrassing! X
Girls a bit tmi but I think I might be leaking a little from ze bladder ? Amniotic fluid all normal on Monday & not a constant thing, seems to be every now & again & when I've had a busy day but I can't feel anything coming out ? Could it be the twinnies heads on my bladder causing a little incontince ? Has anyone had this ? How embarrassing! X
I had that the other day. I felt one baby very distinctly kick me in the bladder and it leaked. Thankfully I was at home when it happened.
Otherwise it can also be from your vagina. I've been having a lot of discharge of various viscosity since the beginning, it goes up and down in volume.

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My normal CM is very thin at the moment and sometimes just falls out suddenly, its horrible! Feels like wee but don't think it is!
My bladder has been leaking for a little while tbh (only since pregnancy, mind). I also get discharge, but I can tell that it isn't always just that. Have you been doing pelvic floor exercises? I think these are important to try and avoid it long term, and I try and remember to do them every day but I don't always rememeber to.
Thanks girls I think it may be a little bladder & d/c sometimes too but hard to tell! Pregnancy is so glamorous isn't it lol!
I have been doing them but not as much as I should be so I'm going to make sure I do them every day to prevent anything long term like you say. X
I'm going to move over here now I think, as I'm 27 weeks tomorrow :D

I just had a scan to check on the growth. Weights are estimated at 2.7 and 2.11 now (10 ounces up each on 2 weeks ago). The sonographer asked if I had been tested for GD yet because they're measuring rather big! Getting that tested next week, but hopefully they are just nice chubby, healthy babies.

I am in a bit of a state of amazement because I've just seen my twin 1's little face for the first time. 3D scan is still creepy, but it was pretty amazing to see her face! I've attached the photo. She's lying in a U-shape, with her knee in her nose lol. Twin two wasn't playing ball, so no photo for her unfortunately.


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Thanks girls I think it may be a little bladder & d/c sometimes too but hard to tell! Pregnancy is so glamorous isn't it lol!
I have been doing them but not as much as I should be so I'm going to make sure I do them every day to prevent anything long term like you say. X

The physio at the hospital said to try and do 10 x 2 second "squeezes" and 10 x 10 second "squeezes" three times per day. So it's a bit of hassle but doesn't really take long, it's just the remembering!
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