***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Congratulations Lisa! Looking forward to seeing a pic of the little cuties! Hope you recover quickly.

Papermoon from US TV it seems as if everyone gets gynaecological appointments regularly even if they aren't pregnant or trying to conceive, is that correct or misleading?!

Yes, that's correct. Starting from when you're a teenager. Is that how it is for you? :)
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We don't get regular gynae check ups here. Only if there is a problem..and in my experience you have to push pretty hard for GP to refer you to see the gynae as well xxx

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Congratulations Lisa! Looking forward to seeing a pic of the little cuties! Hope you recover quickly.

Papermoon from US TV it seems as if everyone gets gynaecological appointments regularly even if they aren't pregnant or trying to conceive, is that correct or misleading?!

Yes, that's correct. Starting from when you're a teenager. Is that how it is for you? :)

Not at all! That’s why it's strange seeing it on TV! As Millie says we only go if there's a problem! I suppose that’s the difference between Health Insurance and the Health Service, if you are paying regularly you are entitled to checkups in all areas but we just pay National Insurance contributions & the NHS is so stretched you only go if you are ill. But that also means that poor people in the USA don’t get medical care which seems awful!

What sort of things would a teenager see a gynaecologist for? My friends and I would have been mortified to go to the Dr about anything like that!
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How do people afford medical insurance out there though, I mean, it must cost a lot? I base this on the fact that my Auntie in NY's final bill for her twin medical care (including csection) came to around $150,000! She and my Uncle are self-employed, but I guess they must have incredible insurance to pay for that.
Do you really? I can't imagine getting regular check ups, I've been begging for years for smear tests but they won't even do that for me!

Yes Laura I imagine insurance is a fortune! I do feel sorry for those who can't afford it :( xxxxxx
Wow that's scary! Our Income Tax and National Insurance is just 22% of our earnings isn't it? Unless you are on a higher pay bracket. And it's free if you are unemployed.

We had to go private for all our fertility treatment but all the initial appointments, investigative procedures and a lot of the blood tests were on the NHS thankfully!
Do you really? I can't imagine getting regular check ups, I've been begging for years for smear tests but they won't even do that for me!

Yes Laura I imagine insurance is a fortune! I do feel sorry for those who can't afford it :( xxxxxx

They won't give you a smear test? I actually got my first "invitation" to book one last week, as I'll be 25 next year. I thought everyone was able to have one from the age of 25? Then every three years. xx
I'm still only 23. But have requested one ever since I have the coul fitted 4 years ago as that's an unnatural invasion in the uterus I suppose so puts me more at risks of cell abnormalities :/ but they have refused completely.

Health visitor has just left. Oh my days she is lovely!!!! Very happy now xxxx
Gosh blue, that must of cost a fair bit!! But so worth it now you have those two beauties growing inside! <3

If you are feeling emotional, don't put this morning on now ... Jean Christopher the chef is talking about his new born baby's cancer :'( xxxxx
I had smear tests as soon as I requested contraception and I was under 25, thought that was how it worked?
Well that's what I was lead to believe ... But turns out not in my area :( xxxx
I had smear tests as soon as I requested contraception and I was under 25, thought that was how it worked?

I haven't heard of that, I was 16 when I started on the pill and have only been offered smear test 8.5 years later!
I think smear tests are only for a certain age and then regularly from then. I was put on the pill at a young age because of an ovarian cyst but never got my first smear until 25 or whenever it was x
Trailing the spare room tonight! Really hate sleeping apart from hubby but I had such a restless night last night I feel bad tht I'm keeping him up too then he's having to go to work! X
I had to pay £99 for my smear test lol when I was getting random spotting but nhs wouldn't do it because of my age and then the private clinic wouldnt give clomid without it. I think they should lower the age!

I think most Americans have insurance via work. OHs company is american and he gets insurance..here its nhs too up thing but in america its an insurance policy. I think they usually cover children under 18 and also if not working in some states I think they do help with it. (I'm on a facebook group and it has a lot of US ladies on lol). I think most of them had to pay some extra insurance didn't cover for birth though. Xxx

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I mean they had to pay some extra insurance as didnt cover all of birth haha xx

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Yes it's all completely different over there, as Millie says most jobs come with insurance/benefits packages. Thank goodness for our NHS, I wouldn't dare complain about it. I don't know how much longer it's going to survive though, in its current format anyway, boggles the brain how we can afford it.. Every injection/blood test/appointment I have I wonder how much it's cost the NHS..

I've never heard of routine smears for under 25s either in any circumstances.. I'm sure if there was a significant reason to test you under that age they would?

Finally painting the nursery this weekend, just want everything sorted now!
When I went to the docs for random spotting in my cycle I told them it could be a sign of cervical cancer and she agreed but said it would be hard for me to have on nhs due to my age :O. It was the gp who never took me seriously about anything though. I reallyyy struggled to be referred for help ttc as she kept telling me at my age I should be going out and having fun etc not ttc. So it may just of been her haha.

I don't think it'l exist for much longer how it is either :( it costs so much to fund.

We need to finish the nursery lol buying satinwood for the skirting this week and her closet door then can get all her furniture in place eeek :) xx

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