***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Ha the nursery being painted here is basically the only thing that is done.. and that's because we had someone in to do it over the summer! I'm still waiting for the wardrobe for the nursery, I do NOT recommend ordering furniture with M&S - they can't even give me a delivery date!
Ha the nursery being painted here is basically the only thing that is done.. and that's because we had someone in to do it over the summer! I'm still waiting for the wardrobe for the nursery, I do NOT recommend ordering furniture with M&S - they can't even give me a delivery date!
Oh nooo how long has it been?

I ordered Immys cot bed mattress and sheets today :D

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Really Laura? That's shoddy.. Bad customer service gets my goat! I had a major run in with Parcelforce this week..

Ahh Millie, so exciting isn't it getting the nursery just so! I did a load of washing this morning and having it all up drying today keeps making me smile :) Did you get your scan date through? Has she been moving today? xx
I hope to god the NHS last i really do...

Ahh laura, my mum mentioned that in the past - she wasn't happy!

I'm really not in the nesting mood so all of babys stuff is still piled high in his nursery, ive been cleaning his clothes but ceebs to actually put them all in order and away properly lol. xxxx
Well I ordered it in October and checked it was in stock first, as didn't want to wait ages for delivery. They said it was in stock and delivery around 5 November, so I went for it. Then I had to chase them up for a delivery date (they are meant to call you to arrange it but didn't). When I called, they said it was out of stock and the earliest I could have it was 14 November, so I was a tad annoyed but fine. They turned up last Monday in a whacking great heavy goods vehicle, and I couldn't find them anywhere to park as I live in a city centre with very restricted parking on a narrow street. So they had to take it back and arrange re-delivery in a smaller van, which was meant to be arranged within 48 hours, but it's been a week now and when I call, they just say "sorry, we don't have a date yet..". It's seriously crap - they've taken 600 quid from me and I just feel completely at their mercy as to whenever they feel like delivering.
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I think they have relaxed the rules on smears recently.
That's rubbish about the delivery. Don't order from Argos either, we use them at work to order for clients and their customer service is dreadful!
Oh noo Laura that sounds a nightmare :(

Imogen moved quite a bit last night all through the night and has had moments of moving today. Midwife rung and said that itl be sometime this week but itl be on the same day. She said to keep a very close eye on movements since the 2 episodes were close together. Hopefully the first time was just as she was breech and i couldnt feel and then when she switched on sat just hoping she just had a quiet day xxx

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She said any more reductions before scan then I must go in xxx

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That's reassuring that they're taking it seriously so you have the option of being seen if you want to be :) since our convo yesterday, I noticed that twin 2 not moving much and haven't felt her much today either! It's hard to know what to do because you never want to overreact too quickly and be pregzilla but you also want to err on the side of caution!
That's reassuring that they're taking it seriously so you have the option of being seen if you want to be :) since our convo yesterday, I noticed that twin 2 not moving much and haven't felt her much today either! It's hard to know what to do because you never want to overreact too quickly and be pregzilla but you also want to err on the side of caution!
I would go in. I felt really really silly calling especially the 2nd time but they were really nice about it and said to always come in even if its the day after. Xxx

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We don't get regular gynae check ups here. Only if there is a problem..and in my experience you have to push pretty hard for GP to refer you to see the gynae as well xxx

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Oh I see. Wow that's so different.

Congratulations Lisa! Looking forward to seeing a pic of the little cuties! Hope you recover quickly.

Papermoon from US TV it seems as if everyone gets gynaecological appointments regularly even if they aren't pregnant or trying to conceive, is that correct or misleading?!

Yes, that's correct. Starting from when you're a teenager. Is that how it is for you? :)

Not at all! That’s why it's strange seeing it on TV! As Millie says we only go if there's a problem! I suppose that’s the difference between Health Insurance and the Health Service, if you are paying regularly you are entitled to checkups in all areas but we just pay National Insurance contributions & the NHS is so stretched you only go if you are ill. But that also means that poor people in the USA don’t get medical care which seems awful!

What sort of things would a teenager see a gynaecologist for? My friends and I would have been mortified to go to the Dr about anything like that!

Yup, it starts between 13yrs and 15yrs of age and doctors just check things to make sure everything is working correctly. They also offer to give birth control, and now they give the HPV vaccine. It protects against cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. ... HPV infection can cause cervical, vaginal, and vulvar cancers in women; penile cancer in men; and anal cancer, cancer of the back of the throat (oropharynx), and genital warts in both men and women.

Yeah it is very scary going for the first time as a teenager! :)

I get health insurance through my job. For just me, it costs $100 a month and is automatically deducted from my paycheck. Hubby gets his through his job too, same amount. Once T.J. is born it will cost more because I will add him to my insurance.

Yeah a lot of poor people have to get medical care through the welfare system and some people who make too much money to qualify for welfare but who still don't make enough to afford insurance have to go without. But recently Obamacare has made it so that people will get fined at tax time if they don't have some kind of insurance. Obamacare is supposed to offer a low cost health care for poor people who can't get it through their job or through welfare.

How do people afford medical insurance out there though, I mean, it must cost a lot? I base this on the fact that my Auntie in NY's final bill for her twin medical care (including csection) came to around $150,000! She and my Uncle are self-employed, but I guess they must have incredible insurance to pay for that.

Woo! That is a LOT! Yeah most insurance covers around 80% of the medical cost so most of that she didn't have to pay.

Do you really? I can't imagine getting regular check ups, I've been begging for years for smear tests but they won't even do that for me!

Yes Laura I imagine insurance is a fortune! I do feel sorry for those who can't afford it :( xxxxxx

Yup, for me and hubby it's $100 a month each, it's taken directly from our paycheck before we even touch it. When I add T.J. I think it will be another $50.

Wow that's scary! Our Income Tax and National Insurance is just 22% of our earnings isn't it? Unless you are on a higher pay bracket. And it's free if you are unemployed.

We had to go private for all our fertility treatment but all the initial appointments, investigative procedures and a lot of the blood tests were on the NHS thankfully!

Because I didn't have kids I always got killed with taxes taken out of my paycheck! They were taking like $250 out of each paycheck! :shock:And I get paid every 2 weeks. Along with the $100 for insurance! Then at tax time I still had to pay some more. But once I have T.J. that will change because you get a tax beak and a refund at tax time if you have kids. Those with no kids or dependents pay the most in taxes especially if you are of a higher pay bracket.

Gosh blue, that must of cost a fair bit!! But so worth it now you have those two beauties growing inside! <3

If you are feeling emotional, don't put this morning on now ... Jean Christopher the chef is talking about his new born baby's cancer :'( xxxxx

Oh my goodness how sad! :cry: :cry: :cry: I don't even want to think about something like that. That must be the most awful thing! :cry:
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Do you ladies get a lot of taxes taken out of your paycheck? Do you have to pay taxes at tax time? This is interesting how different things are. :)
Do you ladies get a lot of taxes taken out of your paycheck? Do you have to pay taxes at tax time? This is interesting how different things are. :)

Yes, tax and national insurance is taken straight from paycheque here too. I miss Hong Kong, the tax there was sooo low!
Massive tick off the to-do list this evening... just bought our pram! Feeling nesty - 10 weeks and a day to go :-)
Debated long and hard over the Bugaboo Bee as we're in zone 2 at a station without a lift - and it seems to be what everyone in London has - but we just don't like the flimsiness of it so went for the Uppababy Cruz which feels so much sturdier and long term. Will just have to practice bumping up and down stairs! Absolutely love it and feeling a lot more real now!

Also bought some really sweet cot sheets with stars from Mothercare for £4 if anyone is still looking for some. Their Black Friday sale started today.
Do you ladies get a lot of taxes taken out of your paycheck? Do you have to pay taxes at tax time? This is interesting how different things are. :)

We get taxed 22% which includes National Insurance and everything else. Yes it gets taken at source each month. If you earn over a certain amount it's 40% & under a certain amount you don't get taxed but still get free healthcare. It is good.

Massive tick off the to-do list this evening... just bought our pram! Feeling nesty - 10 weeks and a day to go :-)

Ooh exciting!

Enjoyed my first day of maternity leave! Had a lie in, friend popped round, went shopping just for a bit, did a few jobs on my list and read my book!
Debated long and hard over the Bugaboo Bee as we're in zone 2 at a station without a lift - and it seems to be what everyone in London has - but we just don't like the flimsiness of it so went for the Uppababy Cruz which feels so much sturdier and long term. Will just have to practice bumping up and down stairs! Absolutely love it and feeling a lot more real now!

Also bought some really sweet cot sheets with stars from Mothercare for £4 if anyone is still looking for some. Their Black Friday sale started today.
Oh just seen this lol!
Not seen that pram before. Mines just a mamas and papas rubix we got second hand lol.
Awww cot sheets sound cute :)
I ordered Imogen some pink cot bed ones :) xx

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Do you ladies get a lot of taxes taken out of your paycheck? Do you have to pay taxes at tax time? This is interesting how different things are. :)

We get taxed 22% which includes National Insurance and everything else. Yes it gets taken at source each month. If you earn over a certain amount it's 40% & under a certain amount you don't get taxed but still get free healthcare. It is good.

Massive tick off the to-do list this evening... just bought our pram! Feeling nesty - 10 weeks and a day to go :-)

Ooh exciting!

Enjoyed my first day of maternity leave! Had a lie in, friend popped round, went shopping just for a bit, did a few jobs on my list and read my book!
What do you plan to do with your maternity leave?
I'm going to make Imogen a few canvas's etc for her room I think and de clutter the house. I've been bored not working lol!
I suppose it'll be really nice for you though to finally have some time off and then it wont be long till they arrive :)

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