***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Hi girls. A little too tired to read up on everything I missed, so sorry about that. I just wanted to give you an update.

Erik and Olof were born with emergency section around noon on Friday. We're all doing well. They're breathing on their own and even doing short times without Cpap. I'll try to get pictures later when I can see them. Got to spend three hours skin to skin with Olof yesterday.
Ahhhh Lisa, congratulations! Absolutely wonderful news!! We were all getting a bit worried about you, but I'm so thrilled to hear that they're safely here! And beautiful names too! Look forward to seeing photos when you can, and take care of yourself xxxx

Abi, sounds like they do things very differently where you are! None of my midwife appointments have ever lasted more than 20 mins and we've never discussed anything at all! Usually just blood pressure, measuring then out the door! What kind of discussions do you get to have? Birth plan etc? (Not meaning to be nosy, just curious!) I haven't even got any of my exemption forms, which reminds me I need to chase. Will ask about health visitor at 32 week appointment.
Hi girls. A little too tired to read up on everything I missed, so sorry about that. I just wanted to give you an update.

Erik and Olof were born with emergency section around noon on Friday. We're all doing well. They're breathing on their own and even doing short times without Cpap. I'll try to get pictures later when I can see them. Got to spend three hours skin to skin with Olof yesterday.

Congratulations, Lisa! Two little boys? Can't wait to see a photo! How are you doing after the section? How were their weights in the end? I hope you're feeling better now they're here, although of course sore and exhausted. Sorry for all the questions.. Ahhh I just want to meet my little ladies now!
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I'm wondering whether my time is getting close.. I think both babies have moved head down (can feel two sets of feet in my ribs and my lower bump/cervix feels really strained with weight of heads), and last night I had a very sudden "clear out" of both ends followed by really awful lower back pain, groin pain, cramps, period ache.. it's still going on now and I had a couple of contractions in the night which I haven't had before. They weren't very strong, just uncomfortable. Hmm.. or it could just be that I walked too much yesterday and I'm feeling the strain now! Absolutely cannot get comfy today though, I'm so sore all over.
Hi girls. A little too tired to read up on everything I missed, so sorry about that. I just wanted to give you an update.

Erik and Olof were born with emergency section around noon on Friday. We're all doing well. They're breathing on their own and even doing short times without Cpap. I'll try to get pictures later when I can see them. Got to spend three hours skin to skin with Olof yesterday.

Amazing to hear off you! So happy for you and hubby! Glad they are doing well, I bet that skin to skin was heavenly. Just had a little cry reading (hormones!!) so so happy for you. Lovely names. xxxxxx
Midwife visit went well. Talked about vit k for baby when he is born, feeding choices, birth plan, pain relief etc. He is measuring at 31 weeks!! But I was told off as I left my pregnancy folder at the in laws haha. Can't wait to meet him, he is so far down in convince he could just fall out! xxxxx
Such brilliant news Lisa congratulations, looking forward to hearing from you once you've all had a chance to recover! Sending lots of love xx
Massive congratulations Lisa, so lovely to hear from you. Hope you're recovering well xx
Just looked at our front page and now that we've got 2 more boys, they're really outweighing the girls. Must be a few pink ones amongst the yellow bundles, I reckon!
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Aw congratulations Lisa. Glad is all is well! :D hope you are doing ok xxx

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Been worrying today. Still not happy with Imogens movements. Hoping my scan is tomorrow otherwise I'll ask to go in for monitoring tomorrow. Xx

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Millielaura if you aren't happy, go in asap. I wouldn't wait til the morning as 1. the anxiety won't let you sleep and 2. if baby needs help, she needs it sooner rather than later. xxxxxx
Gosh boys really are out weighing the girls right now!
Hi girls. A little too tired to read up on everything I missed, so sorry about that. I just wanted to give you an update.

Erik and Olof were born with emergency section around noon on Friday. We're all doing well. They're breathing on their own and even doing short times without Cpap. I'll try to get pictures later when I can see them. Got to spend three hours skin to skin with Olof yesterday.

Yay! Congratulations Lisa!! :dance::dance: 2 little boys! How precious is that!? Thanks for checking in to let us know you were all okay. Take your time and rest up and heal and get to know your babies. We'll be here when you are well enough to post more. :hugs: :hugs:

Congratulations rhiandell brilliant news so glad they are doing well, hope your doing better and things are starting to correct themselves ??

More boys, how many more yellows do we have ? X
Been worrying today. Still not happy with Imogens movements. Hoping my scan is tomorrow otherwise I'll ask to go in for monitoring tomorrow. Xx

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Aw Millielaura, sorry you're having a worrying few days. Has she ever been a big mover? She may have changed positions. One of my twins I feel constantly and the other hardly ever and I think it's because of her position more than anything as she moves on scans quite a lot. Definitely get in for monitoring though, they will scan you if you're persistent about it :) xx
She's done a few movements this eve so think she's ok. Will go in tomorrow though if my scan isn't tomorrow. They are caling me tomorrow with when the scan is.
She used to move like crazy from about 20 to 25 weeks it was non stop. Then she started getting a bit quieter. She was head down at 25 week scan and then by my 28 week midwife appt was breech but I went in last night for monitoring and she was head down again lol. Hoping she will start to move more now she has switched xx

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She's done a few movements this eve so think she's ok. Will go in tomorrow though if my scan isn't tomorrow. They are caling me tomorrow with when the scan is.
She used to move like crazy from about 20 to 25 weeks it was non stop. Then she started getting a bit quieter. She was head down at 25 week scan and then by my 28 week midwife appt was breech but I went in last night for monitoring and she was head down again lol. Hoping she will start to move more now she has switched xx

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Ahh maybe that's why less movement. Or maybe she's running out of room! She could also be cushioned by placenta, or just chilling out. I had a mad rush to get checked out around 26 weeks and turned out she was just sucking her thumb and kicking back. Anyway, do what you need to do to feel reassured as it's awful worrying xx
Yeah on Tuesday I could hear a lot of movements on the monitor that I couldn't feel st all so think she was kicking towards the back. Yesterday there wasn't anything I heard but couldn't feel but she did start moving where I could feel for the 2nd half of the trace. Hoping shes been quiet recently from when she was breech and that yesterday she had a lazy day. She only just turned I think as until Friday night I could feel her head haha in ribs. And since then I haven't felt it and midwife said head down now.
Hoping scan is tomorrow. I googled which I shouldn't of done and read awful stuff about placenta and blood flow etc. At least though theyl see on scan and if she had to be she could come now. Hoping its nothing though.

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Congratulations Lisa! Looking forward to seeing a pic of the little cuties! Hope you recover quickly.

Papermoon from US TV it seems as if everyone gets gynaecological appointments regularly even if they aren't pregnant or trying to conceive, is that correct or misleading?!

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