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Thst made me laugh so much Ery haha! The George Michael bit hahaha. I hope gas and air has that effect on me!
Sarah yes I am getting very nervous about labour and babies being here. The idea of pushing babies out, or having to have a csection is very scary. I am an absolute wimp when it comes to pain, and I don't have much stamina so I'm worried I'll tire out really fast. Also terrified of needles and hate medication, so all the potential drips and pain meds scares me. I don't even like taking paracetamol lol. Then being exhausted from birth and overwhelmed and having to do everything in the hospital overnight while OH gets to go home and rest. Of course I'm SUPER excited to meet the babies and see what they look like and get to know them, but there's a lot of scary stuff that comes before that. It's certainly starting to keep me awake at night and play on my mind, but I think it's normal for us to feel this way! xx
Papermoon - Eewww Imagine being inside a womb... Must be really gooey!!
Hopefully I have now caught up with everyone?? I have a funny feeling Lisa has welcomed her twinnies into the world now!! Hope all is ok.![]()
Glad to hear it BlondeP, although not about the consultant. Why is it that medical staff either seem to be really lovely or awful?!
Laura, I've been the worst mummy this morning, I spent ages laying on the sofa, trying to have a sneaky nap while Anna watched TV. Was totally unsuccessful of course, every time I drifted off she came over to chat to I've been spending the rest of the day trying not to be so rubbish and playing with her.
This is such stupid advice but don't worry about labour! (So much more easier said than done, I know) I went into my last labour with no fear and even though it hurt, I didn't care...and I'm a huge wuss. I really think your attitude changes your perception of pain, and if you're scared, it becomes so much worse. Reading/watching positive births really helps, I think, as well as remembering that your body will just do it for you, if that makes sense. You just need to concentrate on being ok in your mind and sort of being a spectator to what your body is doing.
All that being said, labours obviously differ a lot! I'm pretty sure I'll be screaming for drugs if I have back labour/contractions one on top of the other etc etc.
Glad you're ok Abi..
Yes hoping Lisa has some happy news soon!
I agree with Sprout completely - I was in complete blissful ignorance heading into my first birth, I just decided not to think about it. Not going to lie, it bloody hurts, but you are so in the moment you just deal with it and your body tells you what to do. I was on a complete high afterwards having done it naturally, it was so empowering! Bringing a child into the world in any which way is an incredible achievement so instead of fearing it relish the challenge - we'll all be amazing!
I'm stalking your thread x I hope you don't mind me butting in lol. But if you want to hear a positive birth story to read... my son was textbook and pretty darn funny. Best advice I got was don't force anything let your body do the work and listen to the midwife. Even though my labour was technically 24 hrs it didn't feel long at all and only the last few min's really hurt i know most of you won't be allowed the water birth I had but I think the more relaxed you are (I was so bloody high I was in space orbiting Jupiter lol) the better. I needed no stitches and only had a tiny graze at the end of it.
(If your interested I wrote it here )
Can't remember who said it happened to them recently, but I just started coughing out of nowhere and then was sick. Horrible! I almost can't imagine the sickness ever fully coming to an end after pregnancy. I hope it just vanishes completely. Just bleaching the crap out of the kitchen sink now!
No problem girls glad you had a chuckle! It kinda makes sense if your tense you clench up and that makes everything more painful!
Sounds lovely laura. I as afternoon tea with some friends today which was lovely and had a spark of energy to do some tidying . Quite thankful as I have a midwife home visit tomorrow then a health visitor visit on Monday!! Not impressed about them coming seperately as its a bit of a pain in the arse but oh well...
Also, OH kindly let me have a two hour nap this afternoon!!! And throughout he was rubbing my back, talking to the baby and making sure I wasn't getting to hot and bothered. Little star man he is!
Oh thumbs, what a bummer! Maybe try an Au Piar like Laura??my Sister au pairs and I didn't realise how little they got paid! Xxxxxx
Getting a bit worried about Lisa/Rhiandell.. hope she's just very busy.
In other news, I'm pretty excited because I think I've finally come up with a viable childcare arrangement. Childminder or nursery in my area is like 2,200-2,500 per month for two, which would've been unaffordable for me as I'll be going into an entry level job in a new field when I return to work. Au pair was really the only affordable option (400ish per month), but not that reliable/experienced and they are not meant to do more than 30 hours per week PLUS it means putting up an extra person. The plan is to have an au pair live with my parents and drop the twins off with my parents (they live right in town, so I'd get a job nice and central) and between my mum and the au pair, they would be able to cover my working hours and then I pick them up after and bring home. Au pair would live with my parents in a nice, central location and get a break from the babies. So happy because I thought I was going to be trapped with not being able to afford to go back to work!
Also Abi, what are the midwife and health visitor home visits for? Does everyone have them? It's the first time I've heard them mentioned xx