***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Hope you have a nice massage :)

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Thanks! Arrived at 8 and walked in on a yoga class.. Then had to interrupt it because no one else around and the yoga lady said there are no appointments until 9. So I was kind of embarrassed but I had the message confirming my 8am appointment today! So then the owner burst in and said my appointment was at 9 and the text was from her to confirm 8am so she couldn't argue. She was really nice, but just made a genuine mistake. Waiting around for the masseuse to arrive at 9, but I'm not too miffed after all because they aren't going to charge me so I've saved myself £50. Worth the hassle!
Oh that's defo worth it to get it for free haha! Annoying you've had to wait around but saving £50 is good! Xx

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Oh, turned out ok then Laura!!!! Sorry about the grapes :/

I was given co codymol to take for it as its been so painful but I took one tablet and had a funny turn so haven't taken any since. Ice or hear helps when it's bad I find. So like a pack or a hottie sat on my arms. It's mainly in my left arm. Creeps away sometimes then hits me when I least expect it. zxxxxxx
Ah noo Laura, I avoided bum grapes last time and no sign this time either.. hope they go away asap..

Brucey bonus - free massage!! Enjoy - very jealous.. Tad annoying with the mess ups though - I do wonder how some people function being so disorganised?!

I am feeling very impatient today, and in one of my funny moods where I have so much to do but cannot focus on anything.. Baby is going nuts doing somersaults which is a lovely distraction, feel like i'm going to explode :lol:

Computer off now.. If I spent as much time on my work as I do here I might actually make some money! xx
Haha Kate, I spend too much time on my laptop wasting time (not that here is a waste of time). I feel like I'm sort of just waiting for the next 6-7 weeks to pass, like an incubator!

Painters are back at the house today to finish the hallways and upstairs bedroom finally. Whole place stinks of paint but I'm quite enjoying the smell. Hope it's not too toxic!

BlondeP that sounds really horrid. I didn't know CT was that bad. I wonder what lovely hormone triggers that?

Massage was lovely! Really enjoyed it and feel so perky just for having got out of the house for a bit. Highly recommend it, and I think it's worth going somewhere that has someone with experience of pregnancy massage or a physio background. I've been to a few spas before pregnancy where I'm pretty sure the person just did a groupon massage course and made any aches and pains worse! Going back next week :D xx
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Oohh so jealous Laura, bet you feel much more relaxed now!

I'd love to know what causes CT as its vile haha.

I'm counting the seconds until my due date. Convinced baby will be here early though as I've been getting some early labour signs! So trying to take it easy to keep him in a bit longer. But OH mum reassured me the other day that babies born over 28 weeks nowadays do amazingly well!! xxxxxx
Oh okay Laura I didn't know back pain was included in SPD, I get back pain, can't stand or walk for long. Wow I didn't know it could leave some in a wheelchair. :shock:
No bum grapes/haemorrhoids. No carpal tunnel either thank goodness. Sorry for those who are suffering with that.
Oohh so jealous Laura, bet you feel much more relaxed now!

I'd love to know what causes CT as its vile haha.

I'm counting the seconds until my due date. Convinced baby will be here early though as I've been getting some early labour signs! So trying to take it easy to keep him in a bit longer. But OH mum reassured me the other day that babies born over 28 weeks nowadays do amazingly well!! xxxxxx

Same! 6 weeks 3 days left MAX of suffering. It's finally getting close! I feel like mine are going to try to come early too. What are your early signs? I think mine could be a bit of blind optimism, although of course I don't want them here before they're healthy and developed enough to be.
Ah I forget that twin mums have a definite end by date!

I've been 'emptying' my self every day for the past few days. Quite unusual for me as I have only be going every couple of days or so beforehand. I've had quite bad back pain and period feeling cramps right down low too :/ baby is very head down right now so it feels like he's digging his way out haha. xxxxx
Aw wow can't believe you are getting some signs already lol! I think I will probably end up going over!

Imogen is definitely still head up I can feel it by my ribs lol. And no signs or anything like that. I get a lottt of braxton hicks but I have since 23 weeks! I'll be starting raspberry leaf tea in December and then start the capsules and evening primrose oil around 36 weeks. Not sure if they help labour come earlier or just help it be quicker when it happens lol but is fine either way. I don't want her to come before 37 weeks though but as long as she's fully cooked she is welcome to come a few weeks early haha! I have a feeling she is going to stay breech the monkey! Maybe she will turn but she seems to like it under that rib. Xx

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Somersaults sounds cute Kate!
Saw the consultant today, Induction will be between 16th & 23rd December as I thought but he booked me in for a C Section on 20th December just in case Twin 1 doesn't flip, as they get booked up much quicker than Inductions. Scary! Hope I don't need it! He actually examined me this time and said there was definitely a bottom low down!
Next appointment isn't till 36 weeks so I really hope they don't come early!
Ohhh Blueflower I'm jealous that you have dates, my actual consultant wasn't there yesterday so I'm just being seen at 36 weeks with view of natural labour but no idea of induction dates! A little nervous of if they want to make an appearance before that!
Ahhh Blueflower how excitimg thats so sooon!

Had to go in for monitoring this eve as not really felt her at all today. I only felt her twice on trace but midwife was happy and said she could hear lots of movements I couldnt feel and trace perfect so its just her position xx

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I just worked out when 37 & 38 weeks would be and that's how he decided on the provisional C section date! Said if it's 20th I will be home in time for Christmas! If you are just 3;days behind me yours will be 19th - 26th December so they might go nearer 37 weeks to avoid Christmas!

Glad Imogen is ok Millie. x
Sorry to hear about so many of you being in pain girls. My PGP has definitely let up a lot since I started spending all my time in a hospital bed, now it's mostly the occasional twinges when getting in and out of said bed.
So, I got a fixed date too now. This Thursday or Friday... Babies are a bit small, twin 1 is ca 1 kg, -33% and twin 2 -16% at ca 1.3 kg. My blood pressure is restricting the flow to the placenta.
My kidneys are not doing well and to help them out they need to lower my blood pressure, but if they do that with the babies inside it means starving them, which they can't risk with them already "being on a diet". So section later this week. Being transported to Malmoe tomorrow, which is technically the same hospital, just in another city, as they don't have space for us in neonatal here. It's good because it's closer to my parents and they and hubby can just take a bus to come visit.
Trying to process this. Still mostly in shock. I never really imagined that they would be this early.
Oh, and I have a pretty and completely unused pregnancy tankini :-D
That's what I'm hoping Blueflower as they don't like to have peeps on over Christmas & I know what staffing is like in a hospital over the Christmas period so hoping 37 weeks max to avoid it ! X

Glad all is ok Millie x
Glad all is okay Millie Laura, red used movements can be nervewracking.

Oh Lisa, I didn't realise they would decide to give a defo date. At least you can vaguely mentally and physically preparer now. Thank goodness you are home with mum & dad away from the stress too. Hope it all goes ok.

I can't imagine knowing what date I will defo have squiggle by! Xxxxx
Wow Lisa, I can imagine it's so much to take in! I'm so happy that you're back safe and sound though, and moving to a hospital closer to everyone sounds ideal. They're definitely little but you're in the best hands. My identical twin cousins arrived very early at just under 30 weeks and were absolutely fine - they're huge now! Those first cuddles only a day or two away - so exciting! And a gender reveal too :-) Thinking of you xx

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