***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Pleased to hear you're in Sweden! Hope you're settling in nicely.
Glad you made it Lisa! Are you staying with your parents? Hope the rest of your pregnancy is nice and calm.

I have had a healthy fairly easy pregnancy so far, anything is easier than 5 years of infertility including horrid tests & 3 1/2 years of different treatment. This last bit is very tiring and uncomfortable though and the last trimester will be short!

Really need to sort my hospital bag out this week but last week at work and busy 3 evenings in a row! We went shopping today and got some toiletries for the babies and me so we're getting there! Need a bag to put them in though! DH lost the 2nd list!! It had ticks on for what we've already got. Unbelievable! I hope he doesn't lose one of the babies!

Nice bumps ladies!
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Nice bump Millie! That's how my bump looks but with lots of stretch marks! :D

Yes it is amazing how different pregnancies can be! :)

LOL no way I can do Black Friday this year! I can't handle the pushing and shoving in my condition. I'll have to stick to online too.

Millie are you naming your daughter Imogen? That's a nice name. :)

Nice bump Holdingthumbs! Don't worry, my coworker who is 8 months pregnant has a bump about the size of yours! And her bump JUST started showing like that. Before the she didn't look pregnant at all! So you are fine. :)

My bump looks sloppy and not neat at all LOL.

Yay Lisa you're in Sweden! Is that where the babies will be safe now from child services?
Yeah we are calling her Imogen Grace :)

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Thank you :)
Insomnia again lol. Last night I used lavender oil on my pillow and I got quite a bit of sleep.
Tonight I tried it in my bath and made a sugar scrub but it hasn't helped..wanting to put more on my pillow but I know they can be strong and don't want to overdo the essential oil haha not sure if you can?


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(Tri hopping: glad I'm not the only insomniac lol.) It's lovely to read all your stories :) and see all your bumps strange how different everyone is! I had such a neat but huge bump with my son. Proper little boy bump. This time I'm flippin huge lol ppl think I'm 5 months when I say ice got 6 months to go they instantly think twins I'm going to be massive at this rate I'm already struggling bending and already have developed that pregnancy waddle lol. With my son I chased after a shop lifter at 7 months I couldn't even shout after one this time round at 14 weeks lol.
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Glad you made it Lisa, will you be able to get seen straight away at the hospital?

Will take a pic of my bump later it's bloomin massive lol suffering with lack of sleep and achy back and hips but as Blueflower said after all the treatment you take it & it's only for a few more weeks, can't really believe for us twinnie girls it's only a few more weeks ek!

One our our NCT girls had her baby yesterday two weeks early! It's all getting a bit real ! X
Thanks Millie and ladies! Yep, we're team yellow so are waiting for the surprise! DH is convinced it's a girl but I reckon boy.

I hope you feel better, Abi, and so thrilled to hear you made it back to Sweden, Lisa! Take care of yourself. And Blue, last week at work and packing hospital bag... Eeek it's so close now!! Still feels like a lifetime away for me.

So last night I had a total of about 45 minutes sleep - just couldn't get comfy and constantly stressing about baby, my to-do list, work. Total zombie this morning :-( Finally 28 week midwife appointment this afternoon though, so at least I'll get to hear little one.
You all look beautiful :)

Lisa that's fantastic news - I had a little premonition you'd go for it over the weekend! Hope it isn't too difficult settling back in and getting seen at the hospital..
Lisa what amazing news!!! Home in a safe haven now. Hopefully that will definitely calm your blood pressure down.

As much as we complain yes you are totally right blue, I can't imagine the pain & heartache of all those years of trying. <3

Today's 32 week bump. Definitely feeling the weight now especially turning in bed lol!


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Haven't got a birthing ball yet Laura but might just have to be true out to get one soon! Heard they really help. Awwww cute bump Sarah!!!! xxxx
Thank you :)
Insomnia again lol. Last night I used lavender oil on my pillow and I got quite a bit of sleep.
Tonight I tried it in my bath and made a sugar scrub but it hasn't helped..wanting to put more on my pillow but I know they can be strong and don't want to overdo the essential oil haha not sure if you can?


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I think a tiny bit is meant to be relaxing but too much is stimulating, so it's possible to overdo it in that sense. I went a bit nuts on the orange oil on my pillow the other day because I love the smell and it's been a bit overpowering!
Millie, my best friend is Imogen Grace and I'm Grace...good choice :)

My insomnia has been so much better the last few weeks but I barely slept last night because my pubic bone was so painful, I genuinely thought I must have fractured it or something. Googled it this morning and I'm fairly sure I have SPD...does anyone else? Apparently you can get physio and a support belt for it... I think I'm just going to spend the next 8 weeks sitting as much as possible!
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Thanks everyone! Yes, staying with my parents. Our bedroom was just finished and they've set us up with a luxury changing table with running water a kettle and a microwave in the next room. And a computer desk do really my husband in the storage room so he can go and hide when he needs to. It's such an amazing relief. Social services in the UK can't reach us now, and I'm hoping the less stress the longer the babies stay inside.

Beautiful bumps everyone. I have yet to master the art of taking a good bump pic they always end up slightly out of frame or I'm shaking too much. Might just have to ask for help.

Sprout, I feel for you! Talk to your midwife about seeing a physiotherapist asap. It doesn't have to get worse. And rest should help.
Millie, my best friend is Imogen Grace and I'm Grace...good choice :)

My insomnia has been so much better the last few weeks but I barely slept last night because my pubic bone was so painful, I genuinely thought I must have fractured it or something. Googled it this morning and I'm fairly sure I have SPD...does anyone else? Apparently you can get physio and a support belt for it... I think I'm just going to spend the next 8 weeks sitting as much as possible!

Yeah, my hospital call it pelvic girdle pain (PGP) but it's the same thing as SPD. I've got a support belt and have been going to the physio at the hospital for this for about 6 weeks but it's pretty awful. I'm barely able to stand long enough to cook an egg so I'm going crazy! What you say about pubic bone sounds like part of it. Sorry to hear, it's truly miserable. People will tell you to get out the house and keep active, but PGP is worsened by activity so you need to rest as much as possible, that's the only thing that I find provides mild relief. xx
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Apparently you can sprout, but my doctors reluctantly refused me one :( I was told to get a coccyx pillow to sit on and told to try not sit/stand for prolonged periods of time which is hard when you're a receptionist. Bobbing about in a swimming pool is meant to be nice and relaxing for it though xxxxx
Sarah you look scrummy :) Proper belly-full of baby!! Can't believe you twin Mummies are going to be giving us our first group babies soon - so exciting!

That sounds wonderful Lisa it must be a humongous relief.. i'm sure you've missed your parents like mad too!

That sounds hideous Sprout/Laura hope you find some relief :(
Laura that sounds awful, mine is nowhere near as bad. I really thought I'd just pulled a muscle or something for a while and that it would go away. How long did they take to get you into physio? I can just imagine asking for a referral and there being a 6-8 week waiting list and not actually getting to go while pregnant!

Blonde, I keep meaning to go swimming and then remembering I don't have a maternity swimsuit and being too stingy to get one haha...totally told myself before getting pregnant that this time I'd treat myself and go swimming, get massages etc...haven't done any of it!
Thanks girls, indeed Kate that how it feels lol 32 week scan today, all looking good babies still both head down and weighing 4lb & 4lb 2oz

Laura bless you that sounds so uncomfortable:-(

Sprout I got my costume from Tesco online for £12 and mum used her club card points lol

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