***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Glad I'm the only one feeling like a mermaid down there!! Worst for me is in the middle of the night I wake up & my whole body can be fine bare down there I am literally dripping .... Sweat, discharge, waters - who knows! Tmi sorry haha but I try telling OH and he gets creeped out.

I keep getting cramps down below that are like a bad period. Contemplatin calling the midwife to ask if it's the norm .

Washed some more baby clothes yesterday, then realised we are struggling to find somewhere to put them all! Baby is now going to be taking over the other spare room it seems. Lucky get.

I think it's mostly sweat but it's gross! Feel like a 'larger lady' with problems like that! Hope it goes away when they are born! Pelvic floor exercises have helped with other leakage, phew! I expect the ladies due in other months have similar conversations in the last trimester!

I did have trouble washing my feet in the shower, thought I was going to have to buy those things old people have like a mat brush you pour shower gel on and then rub your feet on like a doormat! Luckily I have worked out how to bend my top half now! Not sure how I will cut my toenails though!
Lol I have that damp feeling too. It's gross!!

BlondeP I'd give her a quick call even just for reassurance. Especially as they are painful. Are they braxton hicks or more just cramps? I've noticed the last few days my braxton hicks are getting painful now. They aren't like a bad period pain though. Could just be your baby engaging early or something and theyre gonna be ready for weeks but worth a call :).

Haha Imogens clothes have taken over everything too! I'm going to need to buy a new unit for me once all my old clothes fit xxx

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Oh Blonde I'm so with you on the waking up in the middle of the night in a puddle. In my case it's my whole body though. I just wake up looking like a wet puppy and needing to call my husband for help to dry up (usually happens early enough that he hasn't gone to bed).

Laura, I have that problem too. For me spreading me legs wider helps but I'm honestly worried I'll get to a point when I can't reach to wipe myself. How do you deal with that?
Ha ha me too on the wipe thing ha ha I'm having to change angles lol
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Does anyone else have constant lower back ache even when lying down? Also had cramp type pain which is constant at the bottom of the bump? I'm sure it's muscle/ligament as it's constant rather than intermittent and no tightening but still not comfortable x

I had that about a week or so ago, it was really bad my back hurt no matter whether sitting or standing or lying down, then one day at work I felt T.J.do a kind of flip and slide, then the pain stopped. Now I only feel it when I stand or walk for a long period of time. So I think maybe your baby is sitting on or near a nerve like T.J. was. I hope yours moves soon so you can get some relief.

Omg a thong Kate!! The horror! Hahah that was a bold move. I don't even like those when I'm not pregnant.

I am getting to the point where I'm struggling to reach to wipe after the loo. I wonder if that ever actually happens, like if you had really short arms and a massive bump...

Just about to waddle down slowly to boots and see if I can get some over the counter cream for my bum grapes. Wish me luck and a non-busy pharmacy counter!

LOL! I'm so glad I have you ladies to talk to! I was wanting to ask if anyone else was having trouble wiping too but was too embarrassed. :lol: Yes it is getting sooo hard to reach and what will I do if I get to where I can't reach anymore? :shock: I've still got 2 months to go!

I think it's mostly sweat but it's gross! Feel like a 'larger lady' with problems like that! Hope it goes away when they are born! Pelvic floor exercises have helped with other leakage, phew! I expect the ladies due in other months have similar conversations in the last trimester!

I did have trouble washing my feet in the shower, thought I was going to have to buy those things old people have like a mat brush you pour shower gel on and then rub your feet on like a doormat! Luckily I have worked out how to bend my top half now! Not sure how I will cut my toenails though!

LOL I can't wash my feet either, and I could barely reach my toenails to clip them even while sitting on the bad with my leg bent, I still could barely reach it. I can barely tie my shoes now, and I had a hard time reaching to shave my pubic area, because I like to shave there. Everyday things are definitely getting more difficult to do.

Lol I have that damp feeling too. It's gross!!

BlondeP I'd give her a quick call even just for reassurance. Especially as they are painful. Are they braxton hicks or more just cramps? I've noticed the last few days my braxton hicks are getting painful now. They aren't like a bad period pain though. Could just be your baby engaging early or something and theyre gonna be ready for weeks but worth a call :).

Haha Imogens clothes have taken over everything too! I'm going to need to buy a new unit for me once all my old clothes fit xxx

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LOL I was wondering why everything was more wet down there for me too! My Braxton hicks has gotten painful too. Woo! I had a big one a few days ago, one that felt sooo bad like a Charlie horse in my bump and like everything was squeezing so tightly. It took my breath away, I had to grab on to something and try to breathe. I kept thinking "Jesus help me, help me Jesus!" then it released. That was the strongest one yet! And scary. :shock: If real contractions feel worse than that, I don't know how I'm gonna take it. Woo! I'm not used to pain. LOL That didn't feel like period cramps, that felt like a vice grip! So far that was the only one that felt that intense like that. That was about 3 days ago. If more had came like that I would have definitely called the doctor!

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Hahah glad the wiping thing is apparently universal :lol: oh the struggles!

I attempted to "groom" down there a few weeks ago and realised there was no chance, couldn't see a thing, so I tried to get OH to do some topiary, but it tickled so much having someone else do it, so I ended up having to go in blind with a razor. Pleased to report that everything is still in tact! :shock: :whistle:
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Hahahaaaa Laura I had a similar situation the other week, pee'd myself laughing once I looked in the mirror at how wonky it was! Not sure i'll be bothering again.. feel sorry for the midwives looking after me come 40 weeks!
Ahh Laura haha. I tried this yesterday and got a nasty cut so will not be attempting it again. I can't even try to move bump to see :(
Ouch! I try it blind but when I look in the mirror it still looks wild haha! Was thinking it might help with the dampness! They recommend you shave before a C Section as the hospital staff aren't good at it, or ask your partner to! Don't know if I'd trust mine but he surprised me painting my toenails expertly in the summer!

Does anyone else have trouble eating off a tray on your lap? I've spilt so much food down myself and a serviette (2 joined kitchen towels!) falls in my food! Might have to start sitting at the table!
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Yes BLue haha! I constantly drop food down me when eating dinner at home - I have packed up our dining table into storage because i wanted another sofa in the room instead so we sofa eat every night now . I look like a proper mucky pup! xxxxx
Lol I shave blindly too haha! And always drop food down myself as well! Xx

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Ahh Laura haha. I tried this yesterday and got a nasty cut so will not be attempting it again. I can't even try to move bump to see :(

Ooh no! No, bump definitely unmovable but a good Venus razor with a brand new head worked for me. xx
lol I've also been going in blind lol and I'm always dropping things down me &. Now I have to sit at an angle at the table as I can't get in close enough and still drop food down me ha ha ha ! X
I've got a growth scan at the hospital tomorrow! Hoping the girls are doing well in there, I still get a bit anxious about scans. I've also got a consultant appointment where I think they might discuss when/how we'll be getting them out.

Today, some new hospital guidelines were released for managing placenta-sharing twin pregnancies (first update since they were written in 2008), which state scan every 2 weeks from 16 weeks until delivery, so I am hoping to ask for one extra scan to be booked because after tomorrow I've got a 4 week gap. Hoping they let me!
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ooo Good luck laura, judging by your bump I'm sure they are doing perfectly well in there :) Defo ask about that extra scan, I'm anxious enough having a 4 week gap between mine and I've only got one swimming about in there.

Just text me MiL about my cramps and she asked if I had been leaking. Never felt so embarrassed to have to turn around and tell her I was 'damper' haha hope she can face me again !

I'll defo invest in a venus razor!

I've got my growth scan tomorrow morning too, Laura. Really nervous but will know more once we get there about whether baby is small or whether it's just the bump that's petite... :-?
Good luck thumbs, hopefully it just means you're carrying small and baby is ok xxxx
LOL Laura exactly! I had to just try to do it blindly. Hahaha :D

I said the same thing Kate, I was like this may be my last time shaving there because once I get bigger it will be impossible. LOL. :)

Blueflower, I can't even try to eat off a tray, I have to eat at the table and when I eat soup, I can't even lean forward in enough to get close to the bowl because of my bump, so I end up bringing the spoon to my mouth dribbling soup down my top. LOL! I need a bib LOL! :lol:

Holdingthumbs, I'm sure it's just that you carry small, baby is okay.
So basically, we've all turned into massive babies that dribble food, wet undies, throw up and/or get reflux, get very sudden urges to pee and can barely contain them, cry at random things.. pregnancy is so magical!

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