***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Just had my 28 week check and midwife has referred me for an urgent growth scan within 72 hours as I'm significantly below where I should be on my fundal height growth chart. Apparently I have white blood cells in my urine too, so that's being sent off for testing.

Should I be worried? Feeling very fragile and anxious after such a dreadful night's sleep.
I think that could mean a urinary infection? Not 100% though.

I know someone who was measuring under and her baby was 9lb 2! Are you quite tall? Xx

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Laura that sounds awful, mine is nowhere near as bad. I really thought I'd just pulled a muscle or something for a while and that it would go away. How long did they take to get you into physio? I can just imagine asking for a referral and there being a 6-8 week waiting list and not actually getting to go while pregnant!

Blonde, I keep meaning to go swimming and then remembering I don't have a maternity swimsuit and being too stingy to get one haha...totally told myself before getting pregnant that this time I'd treat myself and go swimming, get massages etc...haven't done any of it!

I called midwife up about 8 weeks ago and told them I was in a lot of pain and she said sounds like PGP, so she booked me in for the PGP group session with physio at hospital (which anyone pregnant can book onto). At group session, they talked through exercises and the physio said you can self-refer if you'd like more help 1-1. So I filled out the self referral form there and then and they gave me an appointment about 2 weeks later. They queue jump pregnant ladies because there's obviously no point if you have to wait 6 weeks to be seen!

I'll be honest, the physiotherapist is lovely and clearly wanted to help, but it hasn't actually helped much other than them giving me crutches to take away. However, if yours is a bit more mild, you might find more success with it.

Regarding swimming costume, I got a plain navy tankini from sports direct for like a tenner and just bought it in rather a larger size so my bump fits into it! Worth a look if you have one nearby xx
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Just had my 28 week check and midwife has referred me for an urgent growth scan within 72 hours as I'm significantly below where I should be on my fundal height growth chart. Apparently I have white blood cells in my urine too, so that's being sent off for testing.

Should I be worried? Feeling very fragile and anxious after such a dreadful night's sleep.

Aw try not to panic, it may well be nothing at all! Have they given you the appointment for growth scan yet? Try to look at it as an opportunity to see your little munchkin again. You look like a slim, tall lady anyway, so perhaps your bump looking on the smaller side to mw is normal for you. Keep us updated xx
Thanks both. I'm not that tall (about 5'6 or 7) but naturally slim so maybe my bump is just going to be a bit smaller. Haven't got an appointment yet but hoping to hear in the morning - I'll keep you all updated. Just feels a bit scary - it's amazing how much you can love a little person who's not even here yet.
Oh bless you Thumbs I'm sure everything is fine - remember how long it took for you to show at all! You were obviously just destined to carry small but the midwife doesn't know all that and is just going off a number.. Fundal measurements are a pretty inaccurate indicator so don't panic. As for the urine it might just be a little water infection which they take quite seriously so I'm sure you'll get answers and treatment asap xx
Kate, the photo of your daughter always makes me smile! She looks so wonderfully happy!
Ah bless you guys - thank you! She is a truly wonderful little girl :)
Sorry to bring this up following talking about how cute your daughter is, Kate.

As if I just had a shower and I've got bum grapes. Anyone else had these? Ughhh.
And as you've all been bump sharing.. here is my whopper at 30+3!


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That's a compact but heavy looking twin bump on a small frame Laura, no wonder you are in pain. :hugs:
Sounds great Rhiandell, you must be relieved. :)
I agree with the others Holdingthumbs, I expect you are just carrying small. Good luck with the appointment. x
Good weights Sarah, we twin mums are carrying the equivalent of a full term baby!
I have a tankini too, it's great and I ordered another one on Amazon for our holiday back in October which I can hopefully wear for a few more holidays/at the swimming pool!
Got a cold today, think I'm run down from keep waking up in the night. :(
Aww holding thumbs try not to worry, like others have said, bump measurements aren't always accurate :)

I love Poppys photo, always brightens the day seeing it. Can't wait to have my own smile machine ! :) :) :)

I feel I should know what bum grapes are Laura.... Not sure I want to know though . Hope you aren't in pain from it? Or could it be causing the pelvic pain? xxxxxxx
Gosh Laura you seem to of 'popped' ! Lovely shape but feel for you having to carry so much on such a tiny body xxxxx
Hope you ladies feel better, I don't know what SPD is or bum grapes but sounds painful. I've got enough going on with my back.

Don't worry Holdingthumbs I'm sure baby is fine, like others said, some women just carry small.

Nice bump pics ladies. :)

I like that picture of Poppy too Kate. :)
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Has anyone else been getting carpel tunnel? Xx

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I've had it on and off since 12 weeks Millie Laura :( xxxxx
What do you find helps? Finding it harder to type lol!xx

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No carpel tunnel for me so far.. I'm not even 100% sure what it is, but I think it's to do with the hands? Totally ignorant on that one.

Bum grapes is.. pretty much what it sounds like (although I think technical name is haemorrhoids), from over straining to go to the toilet :/ it's a bit sore and itchy but I think it should go away on its own within a few days. Already feels less sore today.

I've got a pregnancy massage at 8am today. They are opening the place early especially, which is nice of them (although the lady did mess up my booking, it was meant to be last week Friday). Just a bit nervous because I'll have to get a taxi there and back, it's too far away, and I just hope they actually are there a few mins before 8 to let me in because I don't fancy standing outside in the cold at this time of morning!

By the way, I think SPD or PGP is basically any kind of pain in pregnancy which covers the lower back, under bump/ pelvic area, groin and pubic bone, hips, inner thighs. I think it's caused by hormones that relax with pelvic muscles over time, ready for delivery. It just can be pretty mild or render you in a wheelchair if you're realllly unlucky. xxx
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Yeah something to do with nerves etc in the wrist..my thumb and fingers hurt and go numb etc lol.
I don't know what I have lol I don't have pain in my thighs or my pelvis but I get horrid back pain and hip pain and pain all below bump and down my legs mainly shins and ankles. I don't think it's spd unless you can have it in different places lol! Xx

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