***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Laura, there'a a lady on my job right now, she's 8 months pregnant and her bump is smaller than mine! She looks like she's about maybe 5 months pregnant. Last month you couldn't even tell she was pregnant, she just looked like she just ate a little too much. LOL And she wears heels and walks around fast and volunteered to stand for hours as a door greeter, and one day she was actually running to her desk when she was late. All this at 8 months and here I am with my bump much bigger and walking slowly, and don't even think about asking me to stand for a long time and running is definitely out of the question! :lol:
Then on the flip side, there's another young lady on my job who's pregnant, she can't be more than 25yrs old and she's 6 months pregnant and for her whole pregnancy she has been off work due to complications and having a hard pregnancy. She comes to work like once a week! Her bump is small too but it's because her baby is only half the size it should be. :shock: She's very high risk and having a hard time despite being so young and weighing like maybe 110 pounds when wet. She hasn't been gaining any weight during her pregnancy either.
My bump seems to be more all over than neat and out lol
a girl bump I think! I heard boy bumps are usually nice and round and all just bump lol. Xx

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My bump seems to be more all over than neat and out lol
a girl bump I think! I heard boy bumps are usually nice and round and all just bump lol. Xx

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I'd say it's pretty neat - no stretch marks either! I've turned into a purple tiger! xx
Laura, there'a a lady on my job right now, she's 8 months pregnant and her bump is smaller than mine! She looks like she's about maybe 5 months pregnant. Last month you couldn't even tell she was pregnant, she just looked like she just ate a little too much. LOL And she wears heels and walks around fast and volunteered to stand for hours as a door greeter, and one day she was actually running to her desk when she was late. All this at 8 months and here I am with my bump much bigger and walking slowly, and don't even think about asking me to stand for a long time and running is definitely out of the question! :lol:
Then on the flip side, there's another young lady on my job who's pregnant, she can't be more than 25yrs old and she's 6 months pregnant and for her whole pregnancy she has been off work due to complications and having a hard pregnancy. She comes to work like once a week! Her bump is small too but it's because her baby is only half the size it should be. :shock: She's very high risk and having a hard time despite being so young and weighing like maybe 110 pounds when wet. She hasn't been gaining any weight during her pregnancy either.

Gosh! It's amazing how different pregnancies can be. I thought I'd have a really easy one like the lady you're talking about because of my age and being pretty fit and healthy before pregnancy. It's been pants though! OH asked me last night whether there's anything I'll miss about being pregnant and I can't think of anything. I know it'll be worth it, but jeeeez it's been difficult! xxx
I have a few small ones by my belly button lol. Keep getting a load of white lines that look like they are gonna turn into stretch marks then they go..weird!

I've found it so hard! It has been a lot easier since the hg has gone though! Was so miserable then. I'll miss my bump and her kicks a lot but I do want to be able to just walk places at a normal speed like a normal person now lol!
I think age musn't make a difference..I'm 23 and know people in their 30s and 40s who have sailed through it with hardly any symptoms etc still looking amazing etc. I think its that every pregnancy is different so could have a really easy one in your 20s then a really tough one in your 40s or have a really hard one when young then have another baby in years time and find it easier. I heard risks where higher when older but then I know someone in their early 20s who had a singleton baby and bad pre eclampsia and someone in their late teens who had a baby and they had downs. Xx

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Oh and I don't think my bump is neat haha but then my friend is pregnant too and hers is just like a round beachball and still has defined hip bones etc! Xx

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Keep seeing stuff about black friday.. really want to go shopping bit think it'd be too much on that day lol! Will have to stick to shops I can get stuff online. Going to designer outlet for a wander today and on black Friday they are having lots of deals on so I know if I bought anything (would be home or baby stuff haha) it would be way cheaper on that day but I don't want to take the risk of being elbowed and getting all hot and sick again lol! Xx

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Yeah I don't think age necessarily makes a difference. My auntie had her twins 6 years ago at the age of 43 and she said other than a bit of nausea in first trimester and a bit of backache in third, it was pretty easy!
Haha I'm jealous!!
Got a couple more cute clothes for Imogen today. Was only out two hours with about 40 min at the place and exhausted now. So glad I got the ball yesterday as it's so much comfier to sit on than sofa or bed lol. OH is painting the rest of her nursery atm :). Can't wait to get it finished xx

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It is amazing how everyone carries totally differently - thought I'd share my almost 29 week bump :-) Happy I've finally moved past the looking bloated from a big lunch phase!


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Your bump is sooooo nice and neat!!

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Can really tell with top on that mines just all over like a whale haha!

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It is amazing how everyone carries totally differently - thought I'd share my almost 29 week bump :-) Happy I've finally moved past the looking bloated from a big lunch phase!
Oooh just looked at front page are you still team yellow? :)
I think boy going from how diff our bumps are lol! Do you have scan pics? :) (If you don't mind gender guessing ofc) I wasn't on here when stuff like scans etc were put up lol missed loads and loads xxx

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This is a before/after pic I did last week (hope no one minds the underwear pic lol)
7 weeks I think it was and then 28 weeks! Crazy!

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Look at all your beautiful bumps!!!! I just look like a whale ��������

Had a baby shower today! This will sound sooooo ungrateful but I feel my friends who organised it don't know me at all :( lovely at it was to see everyone, I felt on edge the whole time! Glad to be home cuddling my bump now :( silly hormones most likely & this poo cold won't be helping!

Il agree with you there, I thought at 23 is have it nice and easy - how naive of me haha! This spd rubbish is really starting to get me now, I can only waddle and can't sit/stand for long periods without being in serious horrid pain. Even sleeping is getting hard :(

Sorry for the moans haha xxxxxxx
My 29 week bump. Excuse the nudity! I feel huge, can't believe it will only get bigger!!!!


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Awww love your bump! Mines really flat at the front haha not sure if its way she's lying..she has head under right ribs atm and feet where on my bladder and cervix but now shes moved them up the my left rib lol.

Have you got a birthing ball? I was getting soooo frustrated as standing hurt, walkimg hurt, sofa hurt and bed was starting to get uncomfy. My birthing ball is soo much comfier to sit on xxx

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Glad to hear you young girls complaining just as much. At 32 I was expecting a bit of a challenge, but nothing like what it's been.
Today I almost wish they had taken them out on Friday. I feel so big and uncomfortable, doesn't matter what I do. Just being able to breathe properly would be such a luxury.

In other news. I'm in Sweden now. We decided to screw contradicting advice and just go. The flight was not fun, but I survived even if I'm very tired. Going to get to maternity first thing in the morning.
Glad to hear you young girls complaining just as much. At 32 I was expecting a bit of a challenge, but nothing like what it's been.
Today I almost wish they had taken them out on Friday. I feel so big and uncomfortable, doesn't matter what I do. Just being able to breathe properly would be such a luxury.

In other news. I'm in Sweden now. We decided to screw contradicting advice and just go. The flight was not fun, but I survived even if I'm very tired. Going to get to maternity first thing in the morning.

Oh wow you made it! You must be relieved to be there now? Did you husband join you or did you go alone? xx
Nice bump Millie! That's how my bump looks but with lots of stretch marks! :D

Yes it is amazing how different pregnancies can be! :)

LOL no way I can do Black Friday this year! I can't handle the pushing and shoving in my condition. I'll have to stick to online too.

Millie are you naming your daughter Imogen? That's a nice name. :)

Nice bump Holdingthumbs! Don't worry, my coworker who is 8 months pregnant has a bump about the size of yours! And her bump JUST started showing like that. Before the she didn't look pregnant at all! So you are fine. :)

My bump looks sloppy and not neat at all LOL.

Yay Lisa you're in Sweden! Is that where the babies will be safe now from child services?

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