I think they will if she stays above the line as they said I'd have to do gtt after all if she is over. Makes more sense for them to do a growth scan first in that case to see if she is actually over or if it's just my bump that's over lol. Will see what happens at my appt in 3 weeks. Haha I would be terrified about pushing out a 10 pounder! I think if she was I'd rather she stayed breech and section in that case! I got stuck in my mum as she was short and small frame and I was only 8lb 7! Lol think her hips are smaller than mine though!
We looked at nct and then decided against it because of cost and also the midwife said our hospital would be starting antenatal classes again in November but i haven't heard a thing so maybe they aren't! The midwife keeps asking me about classes. If I do any it would be the nct ones. She recommended someone else and we met her at a baby fayre and she was a bit strange! Lol she also said I was leaving it late to book them as her next classes were mid Jan! Haha. I would be all for hypnobirthing etc if I found someone good who explained it all properly etc so I'm not against stuff like that but she was very into all that stuff sorta a bit airy fairy. Not saying everyone who is into that stuff is but I really think if we had gone to her classes OH would of spent the time scoffing as he is super skeptical at that kinda stuff lol. I thought I'd be more into hypnobirthing and stuff than I am but now it's getting nearer I think if science helped her come and stay in then I don't mind science helping her out and going for pain relief if I need it lol!!
Has anyone joined breastfeeding groups near them? Midwife recommended one yesterday and I had a look on their facebook but not sure if I'd go to any..it seems really formula bashing. I want a breastfeeding group that would help me to stick with breastfeeding and overcome any problems but also that would support formula feeding if I felt the need. So I'll prob stay away from going unless I really feel the need as I think it would just make me feel rubbish if I did switch to formula. A shame really as they just put people off who maybe would of stayed breastfeeding with their support but theyre too scared to go because of all the formula bashing lol! Xx
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Oh that's a better idea. How did you find out their info?I think they will if she stays above the line as they said I'd have to do gtt after all if she is over. Makes more sense for them to do a growth scan first in that case to see if she is actually over or if it's just my bump that's over lol. Will see what happens at my appt in 3 weeks. Haha I would be terrified about pushing out a 10 pounder! I think if she was I'd rather she stayed breech and section in that case! I got stuck in my mum as she was short and small frame and I was only 8lb 7! Lol think her hips are smaller than mine though!
We looked at nct and then decided against it because of cost and also the midwife said our hospital would be starting antenatal classes again in November but i haven't heard a thing so maybe they aren't! The midwife keeps asking me about classes. If I do any it would be the nct ones. She recommended someone else and we met her at a baby fayre and she was a bit strange! Lol she also said I was leaving it late to book them as her next classes were mid Jan! Haha. I would be all for hypnobirthing etc if I found someone good who explained it all properly etc so I'm not against stuff like that but she was very into all that stuff sorta a bit airy fairy. Not saying everyone who is into that stuff is but I really think if we had gone to her classes OH would of spent the time scoffing as he is super skeptical at that kinda stuff lol. I thought I'd be more into hypnobirthing and stuff than I am but now it's getting nearer I think if science helped her come and stay in then I don't mind science helping her out and going for pain relief if I need it lol!!
Has anyone joined breastfeeding groups near them? Midwife recommended one yesterday and I had a look on their facebook but not sure if I'd go to any..it seems really formula bashing. I want a breastfeeding group that would help me to stick with breastfeeding and overcome any problems but also that would support formula feeding if I felt the need. So I'll prob stay away from going unless I really feel the need as I think it would just make me feel rubbish if I did switch to formula. A shame really as they just put people off who maybe would of stayed breastfeeding with their support but theyre too scared to go because of all the formula bashing lol! Xx
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I joined a few breastfeeding support facebook groups and was horrified with all the formula bashing! They also made me feel extremely pressured not to mess it up and actually ended up scaring me more than reassuring me, so I unfollowed them all and don't look. I've contacted a couple of local lactation consultants though and got a few numbers saved on my phone, because if we do have any problems establishing, I'd like to be able to easily call someone to come and help. I think the support groups are great too, but if there are real problems then 1-1 help would be what we need. One lady is lovely and said she'd come to the hospital if necessary to help us out. xx
This is what I want to do as wellI'm on a twin BF group on FB and it's proper intense and full on ! I have prepared to be ready for BF and ff and not going to stress just go with the flow whatever works best for us all. X
I'm on a twin BF group on FB and it's proper intense and full on ! I have prepared to be ready for BF and ff and not going to stress just go with the flow whatever works best for us all. X
Come on Lisa update us!! I mean, it's not like you've got bigger things to do other than keeping us in the know![]()
Hope it's going well, thinking of you xx
That's a relief! Glad you are ok. Are you stuck in England now?