***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Good luck today! Hope all goes well!
Must of been such a shock for you! Xx

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Good morning. Due a surprise on 28th of January. Hope you're all well
Have you only just found out Thistle? :)
Or do you mean suprise when you found out and only just joined lol xxx

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How was your antenatal class last night Blueflower? :)

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Has anyone (with a singleton I guess as would be diff for twinnies) measured above their growth chart? My cross isn't too much above the top centile but when I read it I'm measuring nearly 3 weeks ahead for my personalised chart lol!
I'm thinking I might have to have the gtt test after all as they said I would if she seems big. Thinking I may get a growth scan now either way as if she stays on rough line of what she was yesterday (had to sorta guess trace with my fingers as she isnt on a line) then it says 10lb 1 at 40 weeks. Is no way that would fit in my 5 foot 2 frame lol! And then guessing if she goes in the centiles now it'll be going down so will need a growth scan.
I'm really hope it's just a lot of water lol! My estimated weight for her based on my height and weight is 7lb 2 at 40 weeks lol xxx

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Ah I see Laura. I'm so clueless .

Hi Thistle, by surprise do you mean you have just found out ? :O

Oh yes, how was class Blue? xxxx
MillieLaura, I am measuring roughly on the top line for his belly! But that was from an actualy growth scan, no one has measured my bump yet xxxx
I think theyl prob have to give me one lol!
I remember on the 20 week scan her belly was measuring ahead of the rest of her hahah!xx

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Has anyone (with a singleton I guess as would be diff for twinnies) measured above their growth chart? My cross isn't too much above the top centile but when I read it I'm measuring nearly 3 weeks ahead for my personalised chart lol!
I'm thinking I might have to have the gtt test after all as they said I would if she seems big. Thinking I may get a growth scan now either way as if she stays on rough line of what she was yesterday (had to sorta guess trace with my fingers as she isnt on a line) then it says 10lb 1 at 40 weeks. Is no way that would fit in my 5 foot 2 frame lol! And then guessing if she goes in the centiles now it'll be going down so will need a growth scan.
I'm really hope it's just a lot of water lol! My estimated weight for her based on my height and weight is 7lb 2 at 40 weeks lol xxx

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Hmm was this for a growth scan or fundal? I think you mean growth scan as I'm not sure if fundal measurements are plotted on a graph (I haven't had any so I've no idea about my fundal height).

Try not to worry anyway as weight predictions can be way off even on scans and definitely on fundal height measurements. Twin 1 was off the scale for tummy size at 28 weeks, but GTT came back fine and she's since settled down a little bit and not off the scale any more. xxx
By the way ladies, I made my own cheese toastie this morning and it was deliciously crunchy :lol:

Sorry about my insane pregnancy diva moment yesterday :shock:. Actually, it lasted all day, it was definitely a bad day for hormones, I was raging all day and sobbing all evening but all good today!
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Antenatal class last night was good! We discussed the kind of environment we’d like our babies to be born into, what we need to buy & what we need to pack for the hospital. There was a whole session on the birth partner’s responsibilities which was good. She asked us about signs of labour, had some good tips on getting to the hospital e.g. keeping calm, making sure you know the route, the car has petrol in etc and then we looked at pictures of new born babies!
Its good because she does a range of activities, we sit in a circle for some of it, split into smaller groups in other rooms, write ideas on flip chart paper and look at her charts and resources.
Its quite tiring but is interesting so goes quite quickly! Next week its about birthing positions and we have to take a cushion!
By the way ladies, I made my own cheese toastie this morning and it was deliciously crunchy :lol:

Sorry about my insane pregnancy diva moment yesterday :shock:. Actually, it lasted all day, it was definitely a bad day for hormones, I was raging all day and sobbing all evening but all good today!

Yayyyy! So happy for you haha.

Nice to see you are in a better mood today, don't worry I think we have all had days like that recently xxxx
Yeah it was for fundal measurements lol ours has that plotted on the graph and then if we have a growth scan think its plotted on with a circle instead of a cross. I'm thinking maybe as well with the hg I lost a lot of weight at the start so my booking appt weight is lower than normal weight so that has affected my personalised estimate? If that makes sense lol!

I've put on 11lbs so far from my pre pregnancy weight. But I lost a stone and 3 pounds at the start so I'm 2 stone up from my booking weight haha. Not sure if just gaining the weight back from sickness counts though as I ate nothing for weeks lol.


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Awww that sounds really good Blueflower! Are they the nct classes youve been going too?

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I have a fundal measurement graph too, Millie, but can't really help on being above the line. When I looked at mine more closely after my last midwife appointment I saw that she'd put the cross in slightly the wrong place - and I'm actually a bit nervous about baby being under - but will see how things are doing at my next visit on Monday. She didn't seem at all concerned, so guessing it's not an exact science!
Awww that sounds really good Blueflower! Are they the nct classes youve been going too?

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Yes that's it. They are well worth it!

Glad you're feeling better Laura! I want a proper cheese toastie now!

I think we will all be checking on here regularly to see if Lisa has any news!
Have they said they'll send you for a growth scan? Hopefully it will give you peace of mind. I can understand being concerned about pushing out a 10 pounder! Youch. I don't necessarily think bump is a good representative of baby size though.. I've had a lot of people say bump looks small for twins at almost 30 weeks, but actually there is at least 7 pounds of baby in there and fluid levels are pretty good.

Blueflower, class sounds good! I haven't booked any classes or gone to anything like that. I am attending a twin night at the hospital on Monday though, which they run every month. I'll let you girls know if they give any good tips! xx
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I think they will if she stays above the line as they said I'd have to do gtt after all if she is over. Makes more sense for them to do a growth scan first in that case to see if she is actually over or if it's just my bump that's over lol. Will see what happens at my appt in 3 weeks :). Haha I would be terrified about pushing out a 10 pounder! I think if she was I'd rather she stayed breech and section in that case! I got stuck in my mum as she was short and small frame and I was only 8lb 7! Lol think her hips are smaller than mine though!

We looked at nct and then decided against it because of cost and also the midwife said our hospital would be starting antenatal classes again in November but i haven't heard a thing so maybe they aren't! The midwife keeps asking me about classes. If I do any it would be the nct ones. She recommended someone else and we met her at a baby fayre and she was a bit strange! Lol she also said I was leaving it late to book them as her next classes were mid Jan! Haha. I would be all for hypnobirthing etc if I found someone good who explained it all properly etc so I'm not against stuff like that but she was very into all that stuff sorta a bit airy fairy. Not saying everyone who is into that stuff is but I really think if we had gone to her classes OH would of spent the time scoffing as he is super skeptical at that kinda stuff lol. I thought I'd be more into hypnobirthing and stuff than I am but now it's getting nearer I think if science helped her come and stay in then I don't mind science helping her out and going for pain relief if I need it lol!!

Has anyone joined breastfeeding groups near them? Midwife recommended one yesterday and I had a look on their facebook but not sure if I'd go to any..it seems really formula bashing. I want a breastfeeding group that would help me to stick with breastfeeding and overcome any problems but also that would support formula feeding if I felt the need. So I'll prob stay away from going unless I really feel the need as I think it would just make me feel rubbish if I did switch to formula. A shame really as they just put people off who maybe would of stayed breastfeeding with their support but theyre too scared to go because of all the formula bashing lol! Xx

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