***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Glad everyone's jabs went ok, albeit sore.

My foul mood hasn't really subsided. I just didn't sleep much last night and feel incredibly sick and achy today. That cheese mush is fermenting in my stomach and making it all worse. I just caught a kid from the school across the way chucking rubbish into the front garden.. that kid picked the wrong day. He did come back and pick it up when I shouted after him though, bless him and even told me his name when I asked. I was livid.

Hope you all get your cheese toasties just how you like them :) . I'm going to try and sleep off this foul mood. xx
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Yes a cheese toasty has to be crispy! Its like some people microwave pizza, yuck!
Scan went well, Twin 2 has moved to head down so we just need Twin 1 to follow and both to stay there and I won't need a C section!
Estimated weights 3 lb 15 & 4 lb 3 so I am carrying 8 lb 2 worth of baby around, no wonder I am uncomfortable and get out of breath! Sonographer said they were good weights for a singleton so very good for twins! :yay:
Hope work goes ok Papermoon

Lol Kate with the skips! Cheese gate, I'm on the chilli heatwave Doritos for a fancy at the mo lol

Hope you feel better after a rest Laura it's tough having uncomfortable sleep

Blue agree on the microwave pizza !! Fantastic weights for the boys that's great news :-) as much as a full term singleton now & with the extra placenta & fluids too will make that difference x
They are really good twin weights at this stage aren't they :)

For twins guessing they can only go off scans and can't do the whole measuring bump thing?

I'm hoping bump measuring is as inaccurate as people say it is as goodness knows how much she will weigh at 40 weeks if she keeps following being above 90th centile lol! I'm only 5 foot 2 I can't have a 9 or 10lber haha! Xx

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I get my bump measured too but last time it was the same as for an almost full term singleton but they do it anyway!

Yes hope you get some rest and a better sleep tonight Laura.

Got our 2 ½ hour antenatal class tonight, I have to run in, eat a microwave meal and leave 40 minutes later to drive 10 miles in the rush hour which will take about 45 minutes! Woke up last Thursday feeling exhausted but can't really take another Thursday off! Hope its not too knackering! One of the girls there last week is still working as a teacher and gets up at 5am!
Sitting in the hospital again. Babies actually behaved for monitoring for the first time. They're both doing fine.
My blood pressure was ok too.
Been sat around waiting for a doctor to look at my bloods for more than two hours though. Apparently they're all busy delivering babies.

Tomorrow I'm having a scan to measure fluid levels and the flow from the placenta. And then flying home. Will be a long day.
Most of the flat is now packed up though, only a few items left that we're trying to give away.

As for snow, there's about two cm of it at home now my mum sent a picture this morning. I hate snow. Probably going to have to go buy some shoes first thing. Ballet flats won't work now.

Cheese toasties should be crispy, otherwise they're just cheese soggies.
So apparently I'm having babies tomorrow. Pre-eclampsia have escalated incredibly and they want them out asap. No going to Sweden for me.
Oh my goodness! Wishing you the best for tomorrow xx
Oh wow rhiandell! Good luck for. Today! You get to meet your babies hope everything goes smoothly xxx
Oh Lisa! What a terrible shock for you but I hope you're as calm as you can be. Wishing all the best for you and your husband today - focus on nothing but your beautiful babies.. Can't wait to hear how you are, sending lots of love and luck xxxx
Thanks girls. This group is really such amazing support. I got a steroid injection last night to strengthen the babies lungs, having another one twelve hours after that, then another twelve hours and I will have a section. Apparently they don't want to waste time trying to induce me, as it might not even work this early on.
Normally the steroid injections are given 24 hours apart, but that's too long to wait too. My kidneys are failing. Babies appear to be healthy and active though.
Oh my goodness Lisa. Sending you huge hugs of support and will be thinking of you all today. Really hope everything goes well and look forward to hearing news of your little family very soon Xxxx
Oh wow Lisa, what a shock! Sorry you can't go to Sweden but so happy they are acting fast for the sake of you and babies.

Relax and good luck. Can't wait to hear the news of their arrival! xxxxxxx
Sending you lots of hugs and luck hon your in the best hands as are the babies,poking forward to hearing about your little ones and a team yellow reveal :-) xxx
Ahhhhh this is too exciting Lisa! Yay for our first babies of the group! Those babies really don't want you going to Sweden apparently!

Are they here yet? I'm so excited for you and I think you were team yellow so can't wait to find out what they are xx
P.S I know it isn't nice circumstances though and I really hope your pre-e goes away swiftly when little ones are here. Keep us updated xx
P.S I know it isn't nice circumstances though and I really hope your pre-e goes away swiftly when little ones are here. Keep us updated xx

Eee, never realised it could stay past baby being born! xxxx
P.S I know it isn't nice circumstances though and I really hope your pre-e goes away swiftly when little ones are here. Keep us updated xx

Eee, never realised it could stay past baby being born! xxxx

I think it's very rare for it to hang around for long, but I meant more that I hope it goes away sooner rather than later so poor Lisa isn't suffering with it xx

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