***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

I live in York lol! It's melted now though wooo! So will be okay to walk. Defo going to look for some more appropriate shoes tomorrow though! Hoping it doesn't start again till I'm all done and in.

Oh good sounds like it doesn't need to be fmu then. I hadn't heard of it needing to be before lol.
I had quite a lot of blurry vision stuff last night so wanted to make sure it would be an accurate sample for testing for protein. Sure it's ok and just related to either whooping jab headache or my dry eyes though as I havem't been having my eyedrops lol xx

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Hope today goes well MillieLaura & Blue.

Haven't been told to do a FMU since testing all those weeks ago! As I go at 2am, 5am and 7am usually now, I'm not sure which one would count haha!

I am deeply sadden to wake up to this awful USA news... :(

Oh I love snow ! I'd love to do a long weekend in York too
I'm hoping we have snow but not until we are water tight ha ha although we have rubbish snow if any these days!
I also usually just do a sample at the clinic when. I turn up?
I have zero appropriate shoes now for this wet weather lol!

Papermoon ek what now !! X
Well Donald Trump won and oh can't even make a bloody piece of cheese toast the way I like it. I am literally in tears because he microwaved it when I gave very specific instructions to toast it twice and then put the tiniest bit of cheese. I've just got this soggy cheesy mess and I love the crunch and it's the last toasted muffin waaaaaah :(

It's times like this where I feel like there's no point asking him to do anything because he never listens.
Laura I would be the same ! I hate it when I really fancy something and it's not made right ! By the way errr he microwaved a cheese toastie ???
Laura I would be the same ! I hate it when I really fancy something and it's not made right ! By the way errr he microwaved a cheese toastie ???

Yeah so it's all soggy :( I just ate it but it wasn't right and I'm annoyed and upset. I also asked for some warm water and he brought cold. Does he never listen? Arghghgh
Ewww soggy cheese toastie! I would be upset too! He might have pregnancy brain himself?

Sounds mad i know but I am convinced my OH is having his own pregnancy symptoms!

Darn i want a microwaved cheese toastie noe they are lush just a quick 30sec to melt the cheese
Ewww soggy cheese toastie! I would be upset too! He might have pregnancy brain himself?

Sounds mad i know but I am convinced my OH is having his own pregnancy symptoms!


No, he's just useless at following simple instructions. He's a clever guy but zero common sense! :wall2:
Darn i want a microwaved cheese toastie noe they are lush just a quick 30sec to melt the cheese

Well you can have my OH then. You'll have to pick up his socks too though and wipe up the swamp he leaves in the bathroom after showering.
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Lol no ty lol ill just nick the toastie lol
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:rotfl: Lauraaa! You need to get yourself to Pret, grab a cheese toastie, a milky coffee and relax xxxxx
lol I really fancy a toasted cheese, ham and sweet chilli sauce toastie now but done in the breville in crispy triangles with the crispy bits of cheese that's leaked out the sides mmmmm
I'm measuring slightly above the top centile line on my chart lol! Shes head up atm but she says thats okay until 36 werks. My iron levels have gone up yay :D oh and she made a note for OH defo being able to stay postnataly as I said it was making me super anxious xxx

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Papermoon if he gets in & it's a disaster can the White House kick him out early or would he stay for the full term? Scary to think he could be in charge of huge choices! Not sure his wife is First Lady material either?!

I've had such an uncomfortable night! Dreaming of the walking dead lol but bump has been really uncomfortable & cramping when I turn & move!

I agree! oh my goodness I can't believe they voted him in. :shock: It was close though, Hillary was 47% and Trump was 48%. It's only 4:30 am here, let's see how the rest of America reacts once everyone wakes up. Lord help us all.

Hope today goes well Blueflower!
My flu jab I got no arm soreness or side effects from but my whooping cough arm hurts a bit and have felt a bit headachy etc since xx

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Yeah I had a headache too, it's gone now thank goodness but my whooping cough jab arm is still a little sore and I got it 6 days ago! It made my underarm sore and stiff. It's wearing off but I can still feel a little soreness.

By jove looks like he's going to do it.. What a sad day for America and the world. With all the voting that needs to take place to pass the major decisions I doubt he's going to be able to do anything too catastrophic, for me it's just so incredibly sad that a man who has said such awful things about so many groups of people can become one of the world's most powerful leaders.. Total craziness.. He's just an awful person.

Hope all goes well with your busy day Blueflower!

Snowing?! Where are you Millie?! Hope you get an uber sounds much more cosy! xx

Yes kate I totally agree! :(

Hope today goes well MillieLaura & Blue.

Haven't been told to do a FMU since testing all those weeks ago! As I go at 2am, 5am and 7am usually now, I'm not sure which one would count haha!

I am deeply sadden to wake up to this awful USA news... :(


Me too Abi! :(

That's good Millie! I had a lovely hot bowl of porridge this morning which the twins enjoyed!
Jabs were fine, nurse said I looked small for 32 weeks with twins but I told her they seemed to be the right size! We will find out later at the growth scan!
Thanks! I had whooping cough a lot as a child so don't know if that will affect my reaction to the jabs?
Millie I usually just do a sample just before my midwife appointments when I arrive at the clinic.
Wow snow! I was going to ask the same thing! It has got suddenly cold in the last week or so, more like winter than autumn! I think it's colder than Christmas was last year. Maybe it will get a bit milder? Hope so!

Wow you have whooping cough? I've never had that. From the video I saw of babies with whooping cough, that's enough to make anyone get the shot! :shock: The only thing I had as a kid was chicken pox and the mumps. Never had measles or any of the other stuff.
Okay heading to work ladies, I'll be back on in 8 hours LOL! :)
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Its just a bad cough that sounds different, I sometimes still get it a bit when I have a bad cough as an adult. It might be frightening for a child though so I hope they don't get it.
I never had chicken pox! When I was a teacher the children used to call it 'chicken spots'!
lol I really fancy a toasted cheese, ham and sweet chilli sauce toastie now but done in the breville in crispy triangles with the crispy bits of cheese that's leaked out the sides mmmmm

Arghhh it's Skips-gate all over again!! Now I want cheese on toast too! With Worcester sauce.. Well done Laura :lol:

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