***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

The same as Laura really just the fact that it's said to be so much more painful and intense & it can be a long process but wonder if that's different when it comes to twins ? I'd love to go into labour myself but I'll go with the flow. I'm not too worried about a c-sect. I think the only thing I don't want is pethadine/diamorphine & would like to avoid forceps/vontuse but again not sure if they'd use those for twinnies ?
Glad it's not just me who thinks my fam are being unreasonable!

Fingers crossed for the results of your sample BlondeP. Hope it's nothing and you don't have pre-e. Glad all looks ok on growth scan :)

I have my 28 week midwife appt tomorrow yay! I'm excited for her to measure bump lol xx

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That's so bloody rude! Did you say anything? I bet you were gobsmacked. She'd better watch her back, speaking to pregnant ladies like that is dangerous!

Did they say how long it would take to check the urine out? Hope they get back to you soon and rule out pre-e. Don't google anything! I'm keeping blissfully ignorant about it unless I get it.

Stork would be amazing! xxx
I'm doing the same! Haven't looked up symptoms or anything like I normally do with things. My bp was a bit higher than usual at my 24 week appt but not enough to be classed as high so hoping tomorrow is normal too. Xx

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That's so bloody rude! Did you say anything? I bet you were gobsmacked. She'd better watch her back, speaking to pregnant ladies like that is dangerous!

Did they say how long it would take to check the urine out? Hope they get back to you soon and rule out pre-e. Don't google anything! I'm keeping blissfully ignorant about it unless I get it.

Stork would be amazing! xxx

I know!!! Me & OH just sat in shock tbh, couldn't believe someone would say that, even if it was a joke.

Nope, they gave no time frame just that 'theyd be in touch' ... helpfulllllll.

I'm avoiding google at all costs for now :( xxxx
Hmm, usually it only takes a few days to get results back, particularly if there is a problem. I think I got a call back about blood results the next day when I had raised white blood count xx
I know you didn't ask me, Blueflower, but I also feel like induction is the most unappealing of all the options. I have read and been told by my mum (she had induction with my sister and spontaneous labour with my brother and I) that contractions come on a lot quicker and are more painful compared with a spontaneous labour? And I hate the idea of waiting around to see whether it actually works and having to keep trying again etc. xx

I wonder if it's more painful than a C section? I doubt I will be allowed to wait for spontaneous labour. Maybe they will want to arrive the day before my induction is booked?!

They took a urine sample and have had to send it off as there is protein in my wee... Pre Eclampsia was mentioned but I'm trying not to think about that. No one said about it but my blood pressure was higher today also which again worried me a bit. Hoping it's nothing :)

Was SLIGHTLY offended today though. Our sonographer turned round to us and said 'well looking at you two, you aren't exactly going to have small babies' ......!!!! What a thing to say to a sad , worrying about her fat, pregnant lady!!


Hope it's something minor they can treat quickly. x
How rude, are you both tall and broad maybe?
Totally agree with the gifts Blueflower, find it so uncomfortable, if anything it's nice to have one last hoorah with people you care about before you fall off the face of the planet for a couple on months :lol:

Abi that is shocking - i'd be tempted to report that. You don't know a person's history, that's a really irresponsible thing to say. I've got a pretty good sense of humour but not with that..Really hope the protein's just an anomaly and all is fine..

I was induced with Poppy and was lucky in that the first pessary worked so I never needed the drip (which is what brings the contractions on thick and fast..) and managed without pain relief (bar gas and air!) I have heard some induction horror stories but mostly in the sense that it's a lot of waiting.. I would take that over a c-sec any day though when you weigh in the recovery xx
I am fairly tall but I don't look over average I don't think ( 5'8" ) and OH is 6'1" i think and a bit of a fatty which i think is what offended me most as he is trying really hard to drop his weight and been doing well so for someone to make a blatant comment about him being a big lad i could see it knocked him a bit. He won't let me complain as shes a work colleague of his mums :(

I'm hoping the protein is maybe because a steak fell into my pot or something ..... lol.

As I am trying to go for a water birth au natural, inductions and c sections really scare me. I'm not very good at not being 'in control' especially when it comes to my body. The recovery time for a section also makes me nervous as we are in a 3 story house so thats a lot of lugging up and down i physically have to do once baby is here as our living room is too small to store much in and the kitchen :/

Sorry to sound daft, but whats the different between an induction and a sweep? xxxx
A sweep I think the midwife just uses her fingers to do something to cervix lol think they kinda sweep round it inside from what friends have said haha and it can help with mucus plug coming out etc. Someone else with prob know more. It doesnt always start off labour.
Induction is they are actually inducing your contractions by either pessary or if that doesnt work iv drip which makes your uterus contract and starts the process of labour xxx

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I know you didn't ask me, Blueflower, but I also feel like induction is the most unappealing of all the options. I have read and been told by my mum (she had induction with my sister and spontaneous labour with my brother and I) that contractions come on a lot quicker and are more painful compared with a spontaneous labour? And I hate the idea of waiting around to see whether it actually works and having to keep trying again etc. xx

I wonder if it's more painful than a C section? I doubt I will be allowed to wait for spontaneous labour. Maybe they will want to arrive the day before my induction is booked?!

They took a urine sample and have had to send it off as there is protein in my wee... Pre Eclampsia was mentioned but I'm trying not to think about that. No one said about it but my blood pressure was higher today also which again worried me a bit. Hoping it's nothing :)

Was SLIGHTLY offended today though. Our sonographer turned round to us and said 'well looking at you two, you aren't exactly going to have small babies' ......!!!! What a thing to say to a sad , worrying about her fat, pregnant lady!!


Hope it's something minor they can treat quickly. x
How rude, are you both tall and broad maybe?

I think it's like with everything really that it all affects different people differently. I've even heard some people say their c-section needed less recovery time than a previous vaginal birth. I don't fancy being cut open either, so I'm hoping to avoid it but I know some people will book the section for the last minute (ie 38 weeks in your case) and then hope to go into natural labour beforehand without being induced, which happens quite frequently with twins anyway apparently xx
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Thanks Kate! I agree! Trump is the last think we need right now! I'm gonna be glued to the TV tonight to see who wins.

I had a big Braxton Hicks cramp today oh my goodness! My stomach was squeezing so tight it felt like a Charley horse in my stomach. It took my breath away, I had to grab a hold of something and try to breath. Then it finally released. Woo! Then T.J. started moving around in response to it. That was the hardest BH I've felt.

I'm having a baby shower. :D I think they are fun. :D

Wow Abi that was a rude thing for her to say.
So far it's Clinton 47% Trump 50% Woo! I knew it was going to be neck and neck! But the voting is not done yet so it's not too late!
I'm up feeding the babies (indirectly haha) and I'm watching CNN. Can't believe Trump is winning. Yiiiiiikes!
Papermoon if he gets in & it's a disaster can the White House kick him out early or would he stay for the full term? Scary to think he could be in charge of huge choices! Not sure his wife is First Lady material either?!

I've had such an uncomfortable night! Dreaming of the walking dead lol but bump has been really uncomfortable & cramping when I turn & move!
Doesn't look good for the USA does it? :(
I have been very uncomfortable in the night too, tummy feeling very stiff.
Jabs and scan and antenatal class today, busy! 8 more days at work though!
Does my urine sample for midwife have to be first morning urine? Midwife at gtt test I got sent away from told me to take fmu to midwife to check for glucose but I' e never known it is meant to be fmu before and I forgot this morn
It's snowing here :( because of lack of sensible shoes that fit my swollen feet unless its stopped/gone by 9 I'm gonna have to get a taxi. Just hope I can as uber is saying its too busy! Excited to get bump measured for the first time xx

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Hope today goes well Blueflower!
My flu jab I got no arm soreness or side effects from but my whooping cough arm hurts a bit and have felt a bit headachy etc since xx

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By jove looks like he's going to do it.. What a sad day for America and the world. With all the voting that needs to take place to pass the major decisions I doubt he's going to be able to do anything too catastrophic, for me it's just so incredibly sad that a man who has said such awful things about so many groups of people can become one of the world's most powerful leaders.. Total craziness.. He's just an awful person.

Hope all goes well with your busy day Blueflower!

Snowing?! Where are you Millie?! Hope you get an uber sounds much more cosy! xx
Thanks! I had whooping cough a lot as a child so don't know if that will affect my reaction to the jabs?
Millie I usually just do a sample just before my midwife appointments when I arrive at the clinic.
Wow snow! I was going to ask the same thing! It has got suddenly cold in the last week or so, more like winter than autumn! I think it's colder than Christmas was last year. Maybe it will get a bit milder? Hope so!

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