***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Blueflower is it your 32 week scan this week? Annoying that it was postponed ! Will they offer you an induction date do you think?
Can't wait for ours next week!

You know as much as Thatcher was like marmite people either loved her or hated her I wish we had someone in government that had those same balls of steel and would actually lead with a bit of passion and conviction & stick to it lol!
Ah I see that makes sense. Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. I'm not very clued up with IVF.

I'm so excited to see him again :) sorry to see yours is postponed!! And annoyingly on a majorly busy day !

That's awful Millielaura, some people !!! xxx
Blueflower is it your 32 week scan this week? Annoying that it was postponed ! Will they offer you an induction date do you think?
Can't wait for ours next week!

You know as much as Thatcher was like marmite people either loved her or hated her I wish we had someone in government that had those same balls of steel and would actually lead with a bit of passion and conviction & stick to it lol!

Never thought I'd say this about Thatcher, but I agree! She had guts which I really hope May has.... !
I was looking into donating eggs a few years ago, but I naively thought it would be a straight-forward thing where they just take some out and then store them in a lab for someone to use that needs then. I found out that it would be a lot of injections and trips to London clinics and stuff like that, so I was honestly put off. It seems a shame that there isn't an easier way of harvesting eggs. I guess there is also the worry that the child might end up somewhere unhappy and that I'd facilitated that. Seems like you and your donor had the perfect situation though, in the sense that you both needed each other equally. Do you know whether she went on to conceive though the IVF cycle that you helped them with? xx
Papermoon shame they can't keep Obama in for another term until someone else comes along lol! Just can't see trumps wife as a First Lady for you guys either ! If Hilary gets in what will bill Clinton be called ? Random I know but it's always been First Lady hasn't it & will she be your first female president?

I agree! I wish Obama could stay in a little longer. LOL! Yes Hillary will be our first female president if she wins and I don't know what we'll call Bill! Hahaha I didn't think about that! LOL :lol:

I had my First are they natural or are they IVF today asked by a complete stranger in mammas & papas ! I'm happy to share my journey and I'm proud of how we have got here with our IVF but I still think it's such a personal question to ask a complete stranger in a shop lol!!

Wow that was such a personal question! Surprisingly, no one has asked me that question. But my coworkers were in shock when I told them my age, they thought I was joking because I don't look my age. LOL So that could be part of the reason no on has asked. Also in my area, IVF and all of the other assisted fertility procedures are not that common. I don't know a single person who has had IVF at least that I know of. I don't know if it's less common, or just less spoken of and kept secret. But no one discusses it and no one thinks to ask it. Someone did ask me if my pregnancy was planned though. :)

Papermoon, brexit (Britain + exit) is what the media have dubbed the referendum vote that the UK had earlier this year about whether to remain in the European Union or not. Britain voted to leave, although it was a pretty close vote. It's quite a big deal and pretty much all the news has talked about ever since over here, other than the US election of course.

Oh okay I see. Interesting thanks! :)

Gosh blueflower, what a long journey you've had in getting your twins. It must be so special to finally be preparing for your long awaited babies! Do you think you want any more children, or is this you done? I am also intrigued about the egg donation thing.. do you get to pick whose eggs you have, or is it an anonymous bank kind of thing?

I always wanted loads of children but this was so difficult that I doubt we’ll be able to have any more. We wouldn’t do the donor thing again as it was so expensive and ivf is stressful, we would be content with 2 children! And I doubt it would happen naturally if my eggs are rubbish. :(

I registered on the egg sharing programme in April 2015 before we had the chromosome testing and got a match on 23rd December last year! The donor and her partner couldn't afford ivf and needed donor sperm so agreed to share her eggs and we paid for both ivf cycles! She has similar characteristics to me which is why we were matched.

I'm 23 and my husband is 26 but we do look quite young. Anyway we were sat at a table and a woman in around her 50s kept giving bump horrid looks. Then she said to her husband something along the lines of "Teenage pregnancies are so common these days. You'd think with all the stuff available this wouldn't happen and theyd know the risks of doing such things." I didn't say anything lol I didn't know what to say! And so what if I had been a teenager and she'd been a suprise.. was just so mean of her. I wish I had said something loudly to OH like" did you know pregnancy was a risk when you gave me those injections and handed your sperm sample over to be inseminated because I didn't" lol. Think some people don't think

That's terrible! I would so have wanted to put her straight.

Blue I never heard of egg sharing. I'm learning a lot on this message board. So you used her eggs and she used some donated sperm from your hubby? That is interesting. I never knew you actually would meet the person or was matched with the person who's eggs you used, I always thought it was random and anonymous. Yes your way is much better.

How interesting blue... Can I ask , do you have to like, but the eggs you want? Or are they donated for free?

I can't believe people actually ask twin parents if they are natural or IVF! I get annoyed enough with the 'was he planned?' questions -.-

We are getting giddy about having Squig here now. Growth scan tomorrow so hoping for good news! Also hoping I don't pass wind while in the room as I have done previously from having the probe pressing me haha as my wind is pretty awful right now... Tmi I know...!!!!

Never in my life have I ever even thought to ask a pregnant person if it was through IVF or anything like that. I can't believe people ask that out of the blue to a stranger. Now if someone starts talking to me about the subject and they bring it up I might ask questions since that shows they are willing to talk about it. But I would never just blurt it out from nowhere.
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Not at all rude BlondeP I didn't understand the question! Have I answered it?!

Yes 32 week scan Sarah, not sure when we decide the induction date! Maybe next consultant appointment? What about you?

Yes the donor has to go through ivf with daily injections etc to ensure that lots of eggs mature for harvest and then have scans, regular blood tests etc and the retrieval process isn't pleasant. Its not something easy to do.

I asked the nurse if our donor was successful and she said they didn’t have very successful fertilisation and only got one embryo which they froze for later. They didn’t use my DHs sperm but had a sperm donor. Maybe they have since been successful with another cycle? We never met her, don't know her name or anything, just have basic info. The boys will be able to get info when they are older too.
Thinking of you today Papermoon! Genuinely fascinating - like Laura said I never thought Brexit would actually happen and as soon as it did my first thought was "all we need is for Trump to get in now.." Scary times indeed..

I am so tired again - had bloods taken today and am curious to see whether I'm a little anaemic.. Are the iron tablets helping you Laura?

Baby is head down apparently which explains the tenderness/period type pains I've been having!

Hope everyone's scans go well - Abi that did make me laugh about the wind - I'd have been mortified! A little sad but exciting to think I won't be seeing baby now until we see her in the flesh..
Thinking of you today Papermoon! Genuinely fascinating - like Laura said I never thought Brexit would actually happen and as soon as it did my first thought was "all we need is for Trump to get in now.." Scary times indeed..

I am so tired again - had bloods taken today and am curious to see whether I'm a little anaemic.. Are the iron tablets helping you Laura?

Baby is head down apparently which explains the tenderness/period type pains I've been having!

Hope everyone's scans go well - Abi that did make me laugh about the wind - I'd have been mortified! A little sad but exciting to think I won't be seeing baby now until we see her in the flesh..

I only got hold of the prescription for them yesterday, so I took one last night and then was promptly sick, so I don't think I got the benefit. I don't think it was the tablet that made me sick though. Anyway I've started again this morning and I'm really hoping this week I'll have a new lease of energy once they kick in! Do you feel like you might be anaemic?

Are you getting heart burn/ reflux with baby head down? xxx
By the way twin mummies, I think we'd all might as well get used to the nosey twin questions! Everyone I know with twins says that the IVF question is very common, and "did you have a section?" and another favourite "are they identical?" even with boy/girl twins lol. Deep breaths - I think people mean well and are just interested, but I'm sure it'll wear thin quite quickly xx
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Excited to hear about your scans girls :-) Blue ours is next week, on my paperwork says at the 32 there should be a discussion as the next appt after that is 36 weeks? I think I'd like some idea of a plan at least

I'm with Kate it's all quite fascinating, it appears to be Clinton is the lesser of two evils?

When will they let you know your results Kate ? I'm on Pregaday for low iron and that has helped but not majorly

It's mad to think that you girls go all the way from 20 weeks to birth with no extra scans! I think they should throw one in for sure ! X
Midwife mentioned to me that a plan should be in place by 32 weeks, so apparently the consultant will bring up options at my appointment next week. I still have no idea whether I want section or vaginal. Neither really appeal? Can I opt for neither?

Agreed it's crazy you only get 2 scans through pregnancy normally. If (BIG IF) I ever had more, I imagine I'd end up spending a fortune on private scans.

Galfer Ferrous Fumarate is what I've been given for iron. It's 305mg capsults, and I only need to take one per day. I'll let you guys know if they are any good. Feeling pretty bored and low today, so I think I'm going to splash out on a pregnancy massage sometime this week and get a taxi to the clinic for it. I just can't get out anymore and it's so miserable and dull sitting around doing nothing!

Looking forward to hearing about your scans ladies! xx
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Lol neither that's what I was realising recently that they have to come out one way or another ;-) I'm happy to go with what's best for all of us so I'm happy to plan an induction & go from there, I'm happy with either c-sect or natural, the thought of induction doesn't really appeal!

I'd have to have private scans as well !
I have Ferrous Fumerate and it's 240mg I think it is twice a day. It has helped me with tiredness and dizzyness a lot but I never have more than 1 a day and I sometimes skip days as it does upset my tummy! Can't win either way haha.

I've had 11 scans so far this pregnancy and definitely not liking that I prob womt have another now. Thinking of getting a private one to look at placenta and cord later on though. Would hate to finally come all this way for something to happen then!

Had my whooping cough jab yesterday and 28 week bloods today lol. Arm aches a bit from the jab

Who has had baby showers/having them? Fttbn I know you have :).
I think my fam are being so unreasonable about mine. I let my mum organise it and they live 3 hours away and wanted it there. So I said fine ok. It was meant to be the other week but my cat got put to sleep and it had been arranged as me staying fri and sat night. Anyway its now scheduled for when I'm 30 weeks so not this weekend but next. I told them I just want my husband to drive me down for the day as I find night time so uncomfortable now. Anyway they wont have any of it and because it"s my dads 50th on the thursday they are saying he will collect me on the wednesday and have given me this big list of things I'll be doing. So Thursday shopping with my mum then meal out. Friday seeing grandad and then a sleepover with all my friends. Saturday shower at 10am till evening, another sleepover. Travel back sunday and detour to make journey even longer to visit my nana.
I've tried telling them I really can't do all that but they wont take no for an answer! I appreciate her organising it but she already insisted it was at theirs which tbh at 30 weeks pregnant and it being 3 hours away I think I'm being reasonable going. Added with loo trips will be about 5 hours. I just really don't want to do the staying over thing as I'll just be miserable. I couldn't shop all day either. A 10 min walk is so sore at the moment! I'd rather just go down with my husband early on the Saturday, making loo stops as and when I need them, getting out to stretch etc, stay there from like 11am-4 and then drive back with husband to be home by the evening in time for bath and bed lol! Xx

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I have had mine yes :-) the only thing I asked for was for it to be local so hubby could pop to the pub and then join us later in the day so he could be part of the present opening. I think my sister may have done it at hers if I hadn't said that as her house is bigger but it's half hour away with no local & I felt it would be a bit trickier

I think your family are being really unreasonable! It should be all about you & I would be same as you cream crackered doing all of that! They are being quite selfish tbh I think you should do what you want & go there & back on the Saturday if that's what you want xx
Aw man that is way too much to expect of you! I had a similar problem with people expecting a bit too much when we went to Kent recently. 4 days of full on activity and 7 hour round trip. It's exhausting. You were good to agree to go all the way there, I think I would've told them they can come to me! Put your foot down, otherwise you'll have a miserable time and just end up exhausted.

I am not having a baby shower. I love the idea of planning one for someone else, but the idea of having my own makes me uncomfortable! I feel the same way about weddings. I think I will throw a little party for family and friends once the babies are here so that people can come and meet them, but I don't want anyone feeling expected to buy presents. Maybe a sack of nappies at the door if they must.. we might as well send OH's salary straight to Pampers at the amount we'll be going through :) xx
Yeah I do suspect so Laura, keep getting dizzy, so tired all the time and restless legs every evening.. would be nice to have an explanation for it other than pregnancy! Massage sounds lush you should definitely do that.. I bet you're mega bored :( I am so lucky in that I don't tend to get any heartburn or reflux (touch wood) and didn't last time either - i've been spared that!!

I'm not having a shower this time, I don't know about the other second timers but I feel a bit silly having such a fuss made over me this time? Bit sad about it though they are so lovely, hope you have a fantastic time. The travelling is a bit off.. you'll just have to do what you can do and tell them when you've had enough! Your Mum has obviously forgotten how hard it is ��xx
Lol neither that's what I was realising recently that they have to come out one way or another ;-) I'm happy to go with what's best for all of us so I'm happy to plan an induction & go from there, I'm happy with either c-sect or natural, the thought of induction doesn't really appeal!

What doesn't appeal about it? I've been expecting it from the beginning so am prepared now. I'd rather that than be incapacitated for 2 weeks after a C section I think.

Who has had baby showers/having them?

That sounds horrendous Millie. Does your mum not remember what its like? It sounds as if they all want to see you but you can't be expected to do all that! Just tell them you appreciate it but can only manage the day. Hopefully when they see how awkward it is for you to get about and how tired you are they will realize it was too much to ask.

I don't like the idea of baby showers as the idea of expecting presents is a bit greedy but it seems we have adopted them from America now! I wouldn't have gone for one but my colleague really wants to throw one for me which is really kind. Its just for work people so I've told them I don't expect presents, they can just bring themselves or maybe a cake!
I know you didn't ask me, Blueflower, but I also feel like induction is the most unappealing of all the options. I have read and been told by my mum (she had induction with my sister and spontaneous labour with my brother and I) that contractions come on a lot quicker and are more painful compared with a spontaneous labour? And I hate the idea of waiting around to see whether it actually works and having to keep trying again etc. xx
Aww Millie Laura, thats way too much to expect you to do.

My friends are throwing me one but i strictly said i want one purely to see everyone, no presents just a nice place for food and drinks... But OH knows I'm a perfectionist and apparently they have been pretty poor planning it all and other friends have got involved getting naggy that they weren't asked to organise it - I never asked anyone in the first place!! Shan't be having one again ahha.

Had our 28 week growth scan today. So far baby is measuring perfectly (he does have a big belly though haha) I have been told which we are really happy about. He is so far down head wise though that we didn't get to see his lovely face which made me sad.

They took a urine sample and have had to send it off as there is protein in my wee... Pre Eclampsia was mentioned but I'm trying not to think about that. No one said about it but my blood pressure was higher today also which again worried me a bit. Hoping it's nothing :)

Was SLIGHTLY offended today though. Our sonographer turned round to us and said 'well looking at you two, you aren't exactly going to have small babies' ......!!!! What a thing to say to a sad , worrying about her fat, pregnant lady!!

Laura, I think if the stork could start doing deliveries again that would be prefered.


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