Blueflower is it your 32 week scan this week? Annoying that it was postponed ! Will they offer you an induction date do you think?
Can't wait for ours next week!
You know as much as Thatcher was like marmite people either loved her or hated her I wish we had someone in government that had those same balls of steel and would actually lead with a bit of passion and conviction & stick to it lol!
Papermoon shame they can't keep Obama in for another term until someone else comes along lol! Just can't see trumps wife as a First Lady for you guys either ! If Hilary gets in what will bill Clinton be called ? Random I know but it's always been First Lady hasn't it & will she be your first female president?
I had my First are they natural or are they IVF today asked by a complete stranger in mammas & papas ! I'm happy to share my journey and I'm proud of how we have got here with our IVF but I still think it's such a personal question to ask a complete stranger in a shop lol!!
Papermoon, brexit (Britain + exit) is what the media have dubbed the referendum vote that the UK had earlier this year about whether to remain in the European Union or not. Britain voted to leave, although it was a pretty close vote. It's quite a big deal and pretty much all the news has talked about ever since over here, other than the US election of course.
Gosh blueflower, what a long journey you've had in getting your twins. It must be so special to finally be preparing for your long awaited babies! Do you think you want any more children, or is this you done? I am also intrigued about the egg donation thing.. do you get to pick whose eggs you have, or is it an anonymous bank kind of thing?
I always wanted loads of children but this was so difficult that I doubt we’ll be able to have any more. We wouldn’t do the donor thing again as it was so expensive and ivf is stressful, we would be content with 2 children! And I doubt it would happen naturally if my eggs are rubbish.
I registered on the egg sharing programme in April 2015 before we had the chromosome testing and got a match on 23rd December last year! The donor and her partner couldn't afford ivf and needed donor sperm so agreed to share her eggs and we paid for both ivf cycles! She has similar characteristics to me which is why we were matched.
I'm 23 and my husband is 26 but we do look quite young. Anyway we were sat at a table and a woman in around her 50s kept giving bump horrid looks. Then she said to her husband something along the lines of "Teenage pregnancies are so common these days. You'd think with all the stuff available this wouldn't happen and theyd know the risks of doing such things." I didn't say anything lol I didn't know what to say! And so what if I had been a teenager and she'd been a suprise.. was just so mean of her. I wish I had said something loudly to OH like" did you know pregnancy was a risk when you gave me those injections and handed your sperm sample over to be inseminated because I didn't" lol. Think some people don't think
That's terrible! I would so have wanted to put her straight.
How interesting blue... Can I ask , do you have to like, but the eggs you want? Or are they donated for free?
I can't believe people actually ask twin parents if they are natural or IVF! I get annoyed enough with the 'was he planned?' questions -.-
We are getting giddy about having Squig here now. Growth scan tomorrow so hoping for good news! Also hoping I don't pass wind while in the room as I have done previously from having the probe pressing me haha as my wind is pretty awful right now... Tmi I know...!!!!
Thinking of you today Papermoon! Genuinely fascinating - like Laura said I never thought Brexit would actually happen and as soon as it did my first thought was "all we need is for Trump to get in now.." Scary times indeed..
I am so tired again - had bloods taken today and am curious to see whether I'm a little anaemic.. Are the iron tablets helping you Laura?
Baby is head down apparently which explains the tenderness/period type pains I've been having!
Hope everyone's scans go well - Abi that did make me laugh about the wind - I'd have been mortified! A little sad but exciting to think I won't be seeing baby now until we see her in the flesh..
Lol neither that's what I was realising recently that they have to come out one way or anotherI'm happy to go with what's best for all of us so I'm happy to plan an induction & go from there, I'm happy with either c-sect or natural, the thought of induction doesn't really appeal!
Who has had baby showers/having them?