***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Hi ladies! :wave: How is everyone? Woo my back is killing me today. I was sitting at work and my back started hurting then I felt T.J. do a flop or something and it feels like he's sitting right on my lower back. Since then my back hurts to sit or stand. At work I had to get up and walk around some and I can't walk fast at all. The pain was going down my hips when I walk it felt like woo! Maybe he'll change positions soon. And both of my arms are sore from the flu shot and tetanus shot. Oh my goodness. I'm off tomorrow so I can rest some. :)
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Hey Sprout! Sorry to hear you've been feeling down :( I think it's pretty normal to feel like that when you're having a second child, but it doesn't make it any easier. I have even gelt a bit guilty at times because I'm having twins as my first two children, and I feel like I'm missing out on that 1-1 bond with a first child because I'll be between two from the get go. It's just how it is though and they all adjust. You are giving her a little sibling! You'll be able to pick her up again soon. I know what you mean about pubic bone feeling bruised, mine feels bruised and sensitive too, and I also find that I need to get on all fours to try and shift things around and get some relief.

Blueflower, ooh I see. I'm not usually one for superstitions, but I can only imagine the heartache of long term ttc, so I'm definitely willing to do anything to give someone a glimmer of hope. Actually, I don't think we've ever asked you much about your ttc journey and I wondered about it in tri1 because of your signature, but felt rude asking. Do you mind talking about it or prefer not to?

Has anyone had painful cramps in one side? On my billion night time trips to the bathroom, I find that when I get back into bed and roll onto my side, I get these sharp horrible cramps in my lower bump and side. It's been getting worse and worse to the point where last night I yelped out and woke OH and he thought I was going into labour haha. Surely it can't be BH when it's just on one side and triggered by lying down?

Papermoon sounds rough. Do you normally have to work Saturdays? I've had a major lie in today, best sleep I've had in months so I feel great in terms of tiredness, but back and lower bump are very achy and sore. Usually they aren't too bad in the morning and get worse as the day goes on. I think it's because I was out last night at fireworks and walking around town for a few hours.
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Laura I've had that, like getting a stitch when I move in bed very uncomfortable sometimes !
My sister & Mum threw me a surprise baby shower yesterday ! It was so lovely we were so lucky with lovely gifts, felt so surreal after so long having my own baby shower :-)
So living at the inlaws I've been feeling slightly unorganised so I've gone through the bits we already have & bits we got from the baby shower yesterday & wondering if we've got plenty or if I've missed anything crucial ? This is my list of what we have

Car seats - sorting out next week

2 Moses baskets & stands
2 baby bouncers
2 playmats
Perfect prep machine
Tommee tippee steriliser starter kit
Spare steriliser (given to us for free)
Twinz feeding cushion
Changing bag
Baby carriers
8 x 150ml feeding bottle
8 x 260ml feeding bottle
4 extra slow flow tests
Milk powder dispenser pots
Baby monitors
5 normal blankets
2 cellular blankets
2 flat sheets for Moses baskets
(Have ordered some fitted Moses / pram sheets )
Hooded bath towels x 4
Ewan the dream sheep
Sophie the giraffes
Plastic baby bath
Grow egg

Water wipes
Nappy sacks
Cotton pads

Does that sound about right? I have some clothes for the hospital & when we know the gender & their weights we will get some more x
I am DESPERATE to smell petrol. This is my first smell craving. I need petrol. Tempted to just go to a petrol station and sniff around.
Sounds good fbttn :)
I still need to get my baby carrier but I want the ergobaby and is quite expensive so waiting till after Christmas.
My friends giving us her unused car seat(as she ended up getting one with her travel system) which we need to collect at some point and her sensor mat. She lives a while away and is due 7 weeks before me so if we don't manage to get down before I'm too big to want to do the long journey then we will probably just buy a car seat from mothercare around Christmas time and same with the sensor mat.
I have my shower on the 26th and think family have got me stuff like blankets etc.
Main few things for me now is stuff like new mattrass's for cot bed, moses, pram, next to me crib, sheets for crib and cot bed and then I want to get some pram bows etc for her pram as it's a plain black one so I can girl it up a bit.

What is everyone like for shoes for themselves? I have a pair of wide fit doll shoes that fit but no good for all this rainy weather. And then I have a pair of converse type trainers but they are starting to be hard to put on and also them being totally flat isn't helping my ankle pain I don't think. Was thinking of getting some boots from primark that are wide and not totally flat so I can not have wet feet until I can't get them on anymore lol. Someone said to get some uggs which I guess will be easy to get on for drier days. I don't drive so need to walk to all midwife appts etc usually I get really good long winter boots with grip for ice etc but my feet will be too swollen for that type this year. Not sure what to do nearer due date when I really cant put shoes on anymore lol will have to get wet feet then I think! Xx

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Thanks Millie :-)

I'm also struggling with shoes only wearing primary slip on memory foam ones as only ones that fit! Also need waterproof ones for this weather but can't find any ! X
My normal shoes fit fine still, but someone else has to put them on for me.

OH went out to try and get lighter fluid for me to settle the petrol craving but no luck, so we opened a pot of paint and I had a few whiffs of that. I know it's naughty, but I was desperate. Can feel the babies kicking around, so I'm not sure what they thought about it. They're kicking me in the uterus tonight!

I feel like they're going to try to come soon. They have just been so active, it's like they are trying to get out. Bet they hang on to the bitter end now that I've said that! xxx
I had labour like pains today in the top of my bump :( So i think the same laura, convinced hes going to try come soon :( xxxx
btw if anyone hasn't sorted their car seats yet Joie Stages is on sale on Amazon, Kiddicare and Mothercare for £99 at the moment (usually about £150) and it's supposed to be a fantastic seat - can be used from birth to 7 and rear face until 4 which is much safer.
I just wear ballerina flats when out and barefoot inside. Nothing else fits. Thankfully I don't need to go out much so weather hasn't been a problem yet. No idea what I'll do back in Sweden.

Got medication for my blood pressure today, as it was a little high on my check. Going in on Tuesday again to check it, plus regular midwife coming tomorrow. I literally have appointments every day now.
Flight for Sweden rebooked to this Thursday. Couldn't stand my family nagging anymore.

I feel about half ready when it comes to buying stuff, but it's been on hold for a while because of the need to minimise things going in suitcases.
Original plan was to get half the pram on the plane for free when flying with babies (Easyjet allows two free collies of car seats or pram per baby) but suddenly that's several extra collies adding to the cost. Still set on bringing it though, just have to take a few pieces now and some later.

Laura, could it be muscle pain? My stomach muscles hurt quite a lot at night. Trying to give them help with a folded blanket under the bump, but it's still clear it's a lot of strain on them when I lie on my side.

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Millie, have you looked at second hand Ergo baby? I bought one through Facebook in really good shape for approximately £40 (in Sweden).

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Ooh I hadn't thought about looking for it secondhand, quite a few of our other thinfs are so don't know why it didn't occur to me lol! Will have a look thanks :) which one do you have?

I have bloods tomorrow then opposite direction docs for whooping cough jab, midwife wed then anti d friday. Tues got to go into town and change my banks to new address and then thurs is bump group. Each of those things is a 25 ish min walk each way, hope I don't overdo it.
I walked into town today and I debated sitting down on the pavement a few times but the only thing stopping me was I wasn't sure I could get down that far without toppling over lol! My ankles hurt a lot and I was getting my usual braxton hicks but really painful. It was a lot better on the way back after I'd had a sit down for a bit. It always seems to be on the way to places I hurt most so must be something muscular! Need to get a support belt I've been meaning to for ages and maybe ask mw about physio. Or nearer the end think I'll have to start getting a taxi to midwife appointments lol xxx

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My sister & Mum threw me a surprise baby shower yesterday ! It was so lovely we were so lucky with lovely gifts, felt so surreal after so long having my own baby shower :-)

Oh that's so sweet! that sounds lovely! :lol:

Yes Laura I have to work every Saturday. My schedule is Tuesday -Sat with Sunday and Monday off, 5:30am-2:00pm. It was 4:30am-1:00pm but everyone comes in an hour later now because of daylight savings time. We don't observe daylight savings time in Arizona but some businesses change the work schedule to reflect the rest of America that do observe it. :) We have enough sunlight in Arizona, we don't have to save it. LOL!

LOL @ craving gasoline smell! Hahaha That is a strange one! :D

Do you ladies who don't live in America observe daylight savings time?

Voting takes place on Nov 8th! I did my voting already, I did the early ballot voting. :) Oh I am praying that Trump doesn't get in but I'm afraid he might. :shock:

Millie I mostly love tennis shoes and flat shoes to wear. :)

Abi I think you will be okay don't worry. Your baby is not ready to come yet. :) When my back was hurting at work the thought crossed my mind about feeling like labor pains too. It hurt sooo bad I had to get up and walk around. It hurt to sit or stand. I think I scared my coworkers LOL. Then I felt a flop like T.J. slid into another position or something. Now today it's slowly starting to feel a little better. Yesterday a 70 year old woman could walk faster than me. Today I can walk much better and back pain is easing. I think T.J. must have been sitting on a nerve or something. Now he's back to moving around shaking my whole belly when he does. :)

Millie wow you can walk for 25 minutes somewhere? that's really good! I just got that shot and the flu shot last week. The nurse said the tetanus/whooping cough shot would be sore but not the flu shot. So I had her put the whooping cough shot in my right arm because I'm left handed and the flu shot in my left arm and oh my goodness! Both arms are still sore! The whooping cough shot was the worse though. It's still sore today but not as sore as before. The flu shot arm is still just a little sore too. That was my first flu shot, I don't usually get them but I got it for T.J. :)

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Oh wow PaperMoon, didn't realise daylight saving was kinda like a choice everywhere. Last Sunday us Brits got an extra hour in bed as the clocks went back ... I think if we didn't do daylight saving, it would go dark here about 2pm mid winter!! xxxxxx
Feel your pain Millie, if I walk my daughter to school it takes us 50 minutes (she is a snail!) and it is just so painful in so many respects! Going to have to cancel midwife tomorrow as Poppy's still off school with the pox..

Had a lovely weekend in the Cotswolds but a couple of late nights playing games with friends and I am an angry dragon today! Not going to be getting much done I don't think :(

Hope you're ok Sprout, guilt can eat you up, it's probably because you're nearing the end and it's suddenly very real.. I am sure your daughter will be amazing and love having a little brother. It's hard seeing them grow up but independence is such an important gift for them so don't feel bad about encouraging her to take those first little steps :) She will always be your baby! xxx
Millie, I got the Original, because I just stumbled upon it cheaply. The 360 seem to be expensive even when used. I'm also not convinced that it's good to carry baby forward facing. There are so many options out there though. I wanted Ergo baby because my friend loves it and it's better than traditional ones. But now I have realised how many brands there are and that there are many that are better/more ergonomic/more comfortable than for example Babybjörn.
For the next one om probably going to look at a Tula or Manduca. But will see if I can go to a sling meet and try some one, and hopefully drag hubby along as well to see what he prefers. After all, if there's going to be any carrying, we're going to need to do it both.

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Papermoon, since a couple of years back all of EU changes the clocks over at the same time. Which means it's now almost a month later in Sweden than it used to be.
Personally I really think we should stop doing it. It cost society a lot of money and it doesn't really fill a function anymore. The winter time is "normal time" so that's what we'd have if we stopped changing.
Keeping all my fingers crossed for the US tomorrow.

As for walking, I can not even get around to house without cringing in pain. And I get so tired when out and about.

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