***January 2017 mummies!*** 3rd Trimester

Morning All

Thanks for the kind words, yeah OH is a great guy with a good heart and she took advantage of him (and still does), I hate to say it but she spent the first 5 months she returned from Oz trying to convince him I was changing him for the worst and I was all sort (Even a thief!) but I really don't think it was him she wanted, it was the stability he gave her - he did everything for her even paid all the bills and I don't think she knows how to cope with real life... but Rhiandell, my ex drama just pailed into insignificance! OMG what is wrong with people?! I can only begin to imagine what you are going through what a terrible situation for you both I really feel for you I really do my EX from hell has been a real cloud over this whole pregnancy I can only begin to imagine... you are so strong! xxx

MIL is a lovely lovely lady, but boy does she do guilt trip well :roll:

All these twinnies coming next month is crazy.. we are almost there ladies! GULP

Laura how you feeling? I'm starting to feel shattered travelling into London everyday so I bet you must be feeling 200% more xx
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Ohhh Lisa, what a totally nightmare of a situation. I see now why social services are making a fuss :( poor you, no wonder your blood pressure is sky high. Some people act on jealousy in very strange ways.

Ooo you twin mummies I am a little jealous you know you will see your babies this year. I feel like I've got a lifetime to wait still.

Sorry to see your anemic Laura, but at least its an expalnation for the exhaustion.

Don't know how you do that journe every day Robbda!

Question for hospital bags, can i take two? One for baby and one for me? Also, I know its been spoken about before but what are the top musts to put in them?

(Sorry if I've missed anyone out or havent caught up!)

Pretty tired most of the time, Robbda, but hopefully I can get my hands on some iron tablets soon and sort myself out. When does your mat leave start? I can't imagine having to commute now so well done on managing it. Hope people give their seats up!

My mum is being a total petty cow still, I have no idea what's gotten into her but she's turned into a demon the last 2 days. She now stamps outside my room and slams doors so I can't get any rest, when she knows I'm shattered. I'm pretty livid about it really, as I still don't know what she's so cross about. I think it's still about me doing laundry too early? I did another load today and went to collect everything in when it started raining, and she'd already been out and taken her stuff off the line and left me and baby stuff to get wet in the rain.. real charming.

BlondeP I imagine it's fine to take multiple bags to the hospital. I don't really know the must haves, but I'm happy to share my list with you if it helps at all. I'm literally copying and pasting this from what I sent OH so excuse the blunt language haha.

For me:
Lots of snacks, including prunes as apparently first poo can be traumatic
Ear plugs
Some enormous loose clothes for me to wear in labour/hospital (nighties, cardigans etc)
Comfy pants for me
Comfy nursing bras plus leakage pads
Sanitary towels
Dressing gown
Flip flops for hospital
Something to wear for coming home (warm and comfy)
Nipple cream
Toothpaste and brush and floss
Small shampoo/ conditioner/ soap/ face wash/ moisturiser
Tinyyy bit of makeup for taking a half decent photo after they are born

For babies:
NAPPIES and wipes
Babygrows and vests
2 outdoor fleece sleepsuit things to go over the top for going home
Hats, mittens, socks
Blankets for swaddling
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Wow girls, so much going on here! Feel a bit out of the loop. Sorry to hear about so many stressful things happening and the anemia and pre-eclampsia. Fingers crossed they can get those under control and you'll feel more comfortable.

I'm pretty shattered after a week on my feet for work, and waking up at 4:30 am every morning with jet lag. Finally made it to Friday though and my DH flies out to join me in New York today! We decided to combine my final work trip with a last little holiday (seeing as my plane ticket was already paid by work and we're staying with friends) before everything changes forever after Christmas. And it's my birthday on Sunday too, so one last blow-out treat. I plan to eat as many stacks of pancakes as possible!!

Arghh you're all already on hospital bags! I'll be 28 weeks when I land so guess I'll need to start thinking too.
BlondeP it feels ages away for me too lol I'm a little jel about all the babies coming this year too haha! Love that you guys will get little christmas miracles though :)

For my hospital bag I have one for me and one for baby. They aren't totally packed yet though still got a lot to add lol.
In mine having:
Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, deoderant, hairbrush
Contact lenses and case and glasses
Breast pads
Maternity pads
Disposable knickers
I need to get a nightie for during /just after labour
Got a shirt nightie thing for after
A comfy going home outfit
Some loose clothes
Big knickers in case of c section
Nipple cream
Stretch mark oil (as it came in a bag I got from boots with nipple cream and breast pads etc in lol)
Phone charger
Some change for parking/food or last min bits

Water wipes
Cotton wool
A few diff outfits, scratch mits , socks
Need to put in muslin cloths and recieving blanket when I get them
Going home outfit
Some little bottles of pre made formula in case I cant bf for whatever reason

Then OH is going to take a rucksack with stuff like snacks, magazines, chargers etc in.

Is anyone else thinking of paying for one of those side rooms? I think OH can usually stay overnight in them which is why I want one. I hate hospitals even more so after having to stay in on my own when I had the hg then suspected lung clot. I just spent all the time on my own being so anxious. I know itl be diff hopefully after birth but I'd still rather he was there! Xx

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Thanks laura, very helpful!

Glad to here your long week is at an end HoldingThumbs and you can enjoy the rest of your time in the US with hubby!!! Hope you have a lovely birthday weekend. We have our last trip away end of this month (only to london but still!) xxxxx
Thanks MillieLaura.

What do you mean by paying for a room? xxxxx
For postnatal apparently you can pay for a private side room rather than being on the ward if you need to stay in. Not sure if every hosp has them though and think the rules sometimes are diff. Ours has them but not 100% it means partners can stay here but I know quite a lot of hosps have them and it means partners can stay overnight rather than having to go home.
A lot of people have said to me they wanted OH to go home to rest but we only live 5 mins away so if I felt fine he could go nap in the day and it's not like we have a big drive home. I'd be on my own overnight if I had to but I'd really rather not as just thinking of it sends my heart racing lol xxx

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It's quite expensive at my local hospital to get a private room - about 300 per night I think! Apparently for twins they try to put you in one anyway, if one is free, because it's hard to fit two cots by the normal beds on the ward. Just really hoping that I don't have to spend ages in hospital..

Holdingthumbs i'm so impressed at your travelling at this stage of pregnancy! I moaned like crazy and was utterly uncomfortable just spending 4 hours on a train to Kent to see inlaws the other weekend. Hope you have a wonderful time! xx
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Wow that's expensive. I think our website said 50-100 but 100 would be the max we could afford really. Xx

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By the way, I've just added ear plus, prunes and dressing gown to my hospital list, as has been recommended to me just now by local baby group. Apparently first poo can be traumatic, hence prunes.
Wow that's expensive. I think our website said 50-100 but 100 would be the max we could afford really. Xx

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Yeah it's so expensive, isn't it? I just checked with local twin mums group and they said they got a room for free if it was available because of space issues with having two babies on ward. Hoping I get lucky and there's a room going for me!
Ahh I get you. At my local MLU, they rarely have two people give birth at the same time so automatically give you your own room thankfully. So just praying I don't get sent to the other hops with complications as that is always so busy!!

I've been told though i am likely to get a side room because of my anxiety which would be lovely.

Ooohh no i hadn't thought about the first poo :( xxx
Great lists thank you!
I heard that they don't like you to take a huge suitcase as if you are going on holiday, haha! But our neighbour had her hospital bag packed when we went round there and it was a normal holiday sized suitcase, so not sure!
Lol prune juice is my friend at the moment as seems to be the only thing that helps "Things move" so may take a carton with me.

Im taking two bags, a carry on with my stuff & extras & a bag for baby, hubby will have spare t-shirts etc & our NCT class leader told us if we want the ball if labouring normally to leave in the car in case the hospital ones are all in use. I will probably take my twinZ feeding cushion & leave in the car in case I need that too. Another tip they had was if people didn't live near the hospital was to put a bag of extras in the boot just in case you needed more & didn't have anyone to grab any from home etc.

We are lucky that there is a massive mothercare across the road from the hospital so as soon as we know their genders mum is going to go and shop for their going home outfit :-)

We should have a side room because of the twinnies which means hubby can stay too.

I think twin 2 has moved as been quiet today, but mum has a doppler so shes had a listen which always reassures me, but defo has tucked themselves much further back I am sure of it x
Wow that's good Laura :) I hope you get one for free!

I hope there is no twin mummies in when I have Imogen then haha! I'm so relaxed about labour itself but I really hate the thought of being on my own overnight there. When I had hg I was in the maternity bit as gynae was full just a different ward and it just wasn't nice. The staff were lovely but I was awake all night anxious and because I have crap veins in my hands my drip had to be in my elbow, everytime I tried to sleep because of where it was it would pull out and beep and wake the others up too. The next day I felt soo poorly and the food people came round and made me more sick and all the other patients were up and about on phones talking laughing etc. I know after birth should be diff but I was already scared of overnight in hosp on my own and the experience I had made the fear so much worse lol. When OH was there I was okay. I have health anxiety and panic attacks which have improved massively, not had a proper panic attack since first tri, but being on my own overnight in a hospital environment makes me automatically anxious. If my husband is there I'll be a lot more relaxed as I'll know if I where to start feeling panicky he could calm me down. I'm hoping the midwives will be understanding and not think I'm just a baby lol! Everyone does say to me though I'll be so busy looking at Imogen etc I wont be anxious, I hope so! Home birth would of been my ideal choice but I think I'd rather see how I labour and if I'm lucky enough to have more children then go for home birth next time! I would of loved a MLU but our nearest is about an hour away from both us and the hosp :(
BlondeP thats good theyl likely give you a side room! Maybe I should mention it to my mw next week? They know I have anxiety and panic attacks but theyve been so much better since tri2 so they agreed I don't need to see anyone about it and marked it down on notes as all fine. Maybe if I tell her I'm anxious about the staying overnight thing she can reassure me a bit!
I had originally planned on 2 small suitcases but then I watched my hospitals antenatal classes and they said dont bring a suitcase bring a bag as theres no where to put them lol xx

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I am quite a light packer, last Christmas, I flew over from Hong Kong for 2 weeks with just a backpack, but then my parents have a washing machine that I can use and the hospital does not, so I'll probably be taking more to the hospital than I did for a trip abroad haha xx
I always massively overpack haha!

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I think I am being a worrier ! Babies have been quiet today so mum listened on the doppler for me, think twin 2 may have shifted slightly as heartbeat wasn't in the usual place and wasn't as loud & it's usually twin 1 that is more muffled with their anterior placeta but I still can't seem to relax, I know that this isn't their main wriggle time & I heard both heartbeats this afternoon on the doppler but I'm paranoid they should be wriggling much more ? x
I would call triage as always better to be checked or reassured than to sit there worrying :) everythings prob fine but if you're worried defo ring! xx

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