Robbda, your crazy ex story is even worse than mine. What is it with these people? Why can't they move on with their lives?
So, I definitely have pre-eclampsia. Will be monitored closely but if blood pressure stays where it is and nothing shows up in my blood tests I get to go home tomorrow. Yay! Bored out of my mind.
Unfortunately it turns out the babies are on the small side, so there will be extra checks for them as well. The combination with possibly having to deliver them early due to the pre-eclampsia means several appointments a week now.
Still don't know if I can go to Sweden. Doctor wasn't too worried about the flight itself, but it was clear he wasn't happy about the prospect of me spending a few days in limbo between different healthcare systems. Will try to call my Swedish hospital tomorrow, if I can pre-arrange appointments there, I hope it will go smoothly.
My whole family is panicking and there's no talking sense to them. They're convinced babies are coming tomorrow and social services will immediately take them away.
Really wanna go home and relax a bit so I can think this over properly, talk with my husband.
Oh no I'm sorry about the pre eclampsia

that sucks. How much longer will they have you carry them for? I hope you can keep them in for as long as possible!
Why will social services take babies? I've missed everything with only just joining the threads recently. Hope you can fly and all goes smoothly xxx
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As it looks now, my pre-eclampsia isn't so bad. Unless it escalates, they won't have to deliver them early, it's just that it's the only known cure. So until I get really sick, they will monitor me closely and try to keep my blood pressure down.
And as for social services, this is where the crazy ex comes in. Her younger sister has accused my husband of touching her sexually when she was fourteen. This accusation was first brought up two years ago, at which point even crazy ex didn't believe it. My husband broke up with his crazy ex and got together with me. She tried splitting us up and failed. So she stopped him seeing their children. He went to mediation to get contact. She then brought up the accusations from the sister (about nine months after hearing them) and reported it to the police. So there's a court case. There are no evidence, younger sister hasn't been to any healthcare professional when it's supposed to have happened, our brought it up with school or anything. She is supposed to have told her mother, who decided to do nothing, not even tell her older daughter who had children with the guy in question. Instead, everything is brought up a year later, but still not brought to the police until my husband tries to see his children. The trial is in December and our solicitor is very confident and positive and says that unfortunately, these cases are very common.
But the social services have decided my husband is a risk to our babies and have put a child protection plan in action. And it seems unlikely I will be able to get through that entire plan and be properly assessed as to my ability to protect my children from their father. So that's why they might take them away.
To me the whole thing is completely bisarre, as at this point, he should still be considered innocent. But we asked about that, and they said not in their opinion. They also said that they might not care if the court decides he's innocent.