***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Hey ladies I'm absolutely horrendous at keeping up with everyone on here.. My two boys are keeping me very occupied!

Finley is now 10.5 months and amazing me everyday- he's such a happy chappy who babbles away everyday (such a relief as Harry my eldest has a severe speech delay and he never did much early talking)
True to form though like his brother and he's an early walker.. First steps taken a couple of months ago at 10 months old.. Here he was earlier on todayhttps://vimeo.com/150450351

Kinda don't want this year to end as next year my littlest will be 1, and I want him to stay a baby for forever!!

Here's a couple of pictures we had done a few weeks ago x

Lovely pics, Carnat & Becky

Today my boy is 1! So much has happened in the year I don't feel I can say "it's gone so quickly" but I'm sure once he hits 4 or 5 years old I'll wonder what's going on.

Best wishes to upcoming birthday boys and girls xx
Happy birthday to your little boy tinsel, hope you have had a lovely day together :) xxx
Many (belated) happy returns to your beautiful little boy TC. You've had a Hell of a year but everything is for the greater good. You should be very proud of yourself and your boy will always know how brave and strong his mummy is.

Happy belated birthday to your little boy Tinsel xxx
Happy birthday for your boy yesterday TC xx hope you had a lovely day
Eke I can't believe all the bubba's are already/nearly 1! I'm pretty upset Caleb is almost one as he's just growing up far too quickly lol! He is bundles of fun though and I'm sure that'll only increase as he starts talking more and walking etc.

Christmas was fab, we were in London and I loved spending a good chunk of time with mum and dad....Caleb was up every night for 2 hours at a time randomly but think it was maybe just because he was unsettled. He now pretty much sleeps through the night all the time, he is unfortunately an early riser so is usually up between 6 and 6:30 (today was 5:45 so mummy's had an extra shot in her coffee at work!) but I've got used to it and it works quite well in the week for getting to work/nursery.

I'm doing compressed hours now so I get a Wednesday afternoon off with Caleb (not a lot but I'll take it!) and OH has Friday off with him so he's only in nursery 3.5 days a week which I feel better about. We're looking to buy a new house this year so I had to stay at full time hours for the mortgage application but hoping after that i may be able to go part time - probably only to 4 days a week though realistically!

Are people having parties for their wee ones turning 1? We aren't but not sure if we're being mean! We're planning on taking him to Edinburgh zoo and maybe soft play if he's still got some energy and give him some jelly as a treat lol!

Also have you moved up to the next stage car seat? What one have people gone for? It's my new dilemma lol!

Happy new year everyone! xx
I get emotional at the thought of Bee turning one. She is my last baby and I think I'm struggling to come to terms with that? We have been wonderfully blessed but I do feel a bit sad I won't ever get to have another baby.

We're not doing a party Taboo. In fact I am not doing parties until they are old enough to request one. Parties are stress!!!

On the day James is at nursery and daddy at work so we'll go swimming after dropping James and then meet a friend and her little one for lunch. On the Saturday we'll take a cake to granny's as Bee's cousins will be down (and maybe someone will cook us dinner - fil is an amazing cook!!)

I'm being cheeky and wrapping up most of her Xmas pressies again as she just wasn't interested.

I think I have been way to organised as I have been buying stuff in advance in the sales (so I have all of her 12-18m stuff for winter and loads of 18-24m stuff for summer) but Bee is weeny and still in 9-12m stuff so lesson learned.

I am due back to work in 3 weeks and OH will be having the kids. I am doing 3 days per week and timing it around dropping James. There have been lots of internal changes so it's going to be like starting a new job!!

I have given up sugar again and I am doing Dry January (don't drink much anyway but def got into the habit of few glasses of wine and take away on Fri / Sat). 2st to shift <sigh>

Bee is still not sleeping through nor is she anywhere close. It's really hard as James slept through from about 10w. I am feeling the strain of it now and I need to address it but I don't want to do any sleep training as such.

We have Bee's 1 year check next week and she'll be weighed then. She was 16lb 6oz about a month ago? So she is a dinky one. She is still a bit unsteady on her feet so no proper walking yet.

I'm expressing like a maniac for when I go back to work and I have found some soya milk she can - suitable for ages 1 and over. GP has finally referred us to allergy clinic.

Gosh sorry this is a long lost lol.

Glad to hear everyone is well. Can't believe this time last year our babies were days / weeks old or not even here yet.

I finished work a year ago yesterday - 38w. And now I have a beautiful Beatrice who is nearly one. What a difference a year makes indeed.

Ahhh I can't believe our babies are turning one :( I miss my little wee baby. I could cry!

We are probably going to go out as a family for the day on his birthday, then on the Saturday we will have family close friends and god parents here for cake and a cuppa. I'm expecting some of our friends will stay later for a takeaway and a beer as it's usually a good time to catch up with everyone.

Alfie is finally crawling, but I've got to have my eyes everywhere! He's not quite strong enough to pull himself up yet, but I'm happy as him just crawling is keeping me on my toes.

We have 3 teeth down the bottom and three up top which crept through over Christmas and my God did we know about it. He was so poorly with a temp on Christmas Eve and didn't want to be off mummy all day.

We are thinking about getting him a smart trike for his birthday as it'll be so useful to use on the farm, nipping to the park etc instead of taking pushchair.

Still feel like we are recovering from Christmas, it's so bloody expensive. I'm trying to pass my driving test so need money to insure and mot my car, OHs car is being temperamental and has cost anther £250 this month! We also have plans in the air about going self-employed and doing some contracting but we desperately need to get money behind us.

Ah Tonight I feel for you, money is terrifying me at the moment. I have been made redundant from my job, effective 11th feb so on gardening leave and haven't had to go back from mat leave (so working out well as on full pay! ) I get 9 months salary as a payout as it's a v large company.

This is a lot of money, but 2 babies and a wedding in the space of 2 years has seen us rely on credit cards more and more so a lot of the money will pay these off and I have no choice but to get another job. I've had a telephone interview today which was v promising but the prospect of having no job is so scary :-(

I hate the thought of going back to work. I left freddie at nursery from 8 months and was ok with that but mollie has been such a difficult baby with her reflux I just feel like my bond is so much stronger (I don't prefer her, just feel so much more protective) and it makes me cry when I think about going back to work. Such a tough one!

Nice subject- 1st birthday! Mollie is 1 on Tuesday so we're having a little party on sunday with family and baby friends she's comfortable around. I'm doing a "Mollie in Onederland" tea party! Nothing crazy and it's more for me to celebrate her reaching one after a pretty tough and uncomfortable year. We've bought her a rocking horse from asda which I've had my eye on for ages and finally managed to get yesterday for £20 in the sale :-)I weighed her at home and I think she's about 18.5lb? Can't rememebr exactly but it was just above 50th in the red book so bangs on where she was :-) x
It's weird you mention your bond Jolly as I feel exactly the same.

Bee has "needed" me so much more than James ever did and it's making it so much harder to leave her. She still feeds a lot (more in the night) and she is often bereft of I ever leave the room.

The thought of leaving her upsets me so much whereas James was a very independent child and I was confident he'd be fine (he was)

Sorry to hear about your redundancy, hopefully this gives way to bigger and better things.

We too have wracked up a fair amount of credit card debt. 2 babies in 3 years and a house move decimated our savings. I'm going to work out the best way to get it paid back pronto.

The party for Mollie sounds fab. Gosh your kids are gorgeous and mummy looks bloody amazing too (I assume it's you in the pics? You look different in both of them though?)

Haha yes it's me in them :-) it's probably the hat making me look odd! Weight loss has slowed right down but I'm at 6.5st now. I still have 2st to go and my original goal was mollies bday but I've pushed that back to April now as somehow I don't think it's achievable in a week
Gorgeous pics xx Can't believe my not so little man is 1 next week xx he weighs 22 lbs now the chunk. Walking by holding on not brave enough to let go yet. We had a lovely Christmas and new year xx Tyler started back at play group today all excited xx
Crumbs I'm starting to wonder if Caleb is an absolute fattie - I had him weighed about a month ago and he was 23lbs!!!! He has his one year check up on 20th so maybe I did it wrong - hopefully they'll weigh him then. Bee is absolutely dinky Nat, how cute!

I've also been buying a lot of his next size up clothes in each sale but despite him weighing quite a lot Caleb seems long and lean as all the trousers are always too big on his waist and tops are huge until he nears the end of the age range that they're supposed to be in. He has a lovely 12-18 month wardrobe all ready and waiting but I suspect it'll be at least March before he's in a lot of it!

We've bought him a hopper, xylophone and a couple of wooden toys from matalan....the xylophone we got with tesco clubcard points ages ago and all the rest was discounted so he's having a budget birthday but like Bee he really wasn't fussed at Christmas so I don't even feel slightly bad!He's got a wooden rocker from OHs mum and my mum and dad have bought him a little table and chair for the living room so he is getting more than enough!

My cutie xx


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I am starting to wonder too if my boy is a tad on the larger side, I haven't had his weight done in a while but at 10 months he was 24lb 9oz haha, but he is in 2-3 year clothes, So very long. My health visitor said he was the size of an average 1 year old at 7 months. So I'm not to concerned.

I can't believe all our babies are going to be/are one, seems yesterday they were born.
I am back to work now on Monday so really dreading it, but got a new contract closer to where I live and also reduced hours, so best out of the situation it can be really I guess, just feeling really strange about it just now, as am going to be doing evening work, and my mum is going to be putting Brody to bed those nights. Although it is only 7 days a month, so am sure we will get used with it.

Also loving the pictures ladies, all our babies are so cute.
Evening all, just wanted to share a few photos from mollie's birthday party today. The theme was Mollie in Onederland and it was everything I hoped it would be for her. She was an absolute angel and was so happy the whole day (she's still a very sensitive baby after her reflux) and I felt a bit emotional when we sang happy birthday.

Her actual birthday is Tuesday so we're going to go out to the oceanarium and lunch x

Jolly, she is just so beautiful. Happy birthday Molly. X
Happy Birthday Mollie.

Wowser her party looked amazing and I adore her dress!!! I feel guilty I'm not doing anything for Bee now ;-)

Hope you have a lovely day today.

Was it Bunny who had her boy on the 12th too? I can't remember. Will check first page.

Sorry it was Ceecee - not seen her about in ages.

I know we have a few birthday's over the next few days so sending lots of love to all the gorgeous January 1 year olds.


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