***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Thanks for the birthday wishes ladies, I appreciate your comments! Carnat, thanks again for your supportive message, it all helps to know that there are people willing me on out there :)

Despite moving house and being surrounded by a mountain of brown cardboard boxes I put up some balloons and bunting and decorations and my mum brought some little cakes she'd made & my brother & his wife came over too, so it was a kind of party. When we were singing 'happy birthday', he went all shy and put his head down on the highchair until we finished- so funny!

I'm back at my pre-baby weight now, hooray. Only took a whole year, lol :D I haven't figured out how to do exercise while being a single mum other than taking baby out for walks.

Jolly - your wee girl looks like a little cherub in her birthday outfit, how positively beautiful! And you are looking fantastic too in your photos :) And I noticed that Molly rhymes with Jolly... coincidence??? ;-)

Am guessing that my baby weighs about 19 lbs now but we have moved area so haven't seen a health visitor for a month or two.

Still no teeth!!! I'm sure they'll turn up eventually.

Happy birthday to all the little cuties that were born in the next week, I hope you have lovely days xxxxxx
p.s. Carnat - I have been giving my boy oat milk (Oatly brand, you can get them enriched with calcium & vitamins & stuff) as that's what I drink. Hazelnut milk is also really nice! (it has a sweet taste). I am personally less keen on almond and soya, although sweetened soya milk has come on in taste over the years.
It's been so long since I posted on here, I'm so sorry. I am still about but as with most people life is so much more manic these days so I just don't get much time to post.

My little lady turned 1 yesterday and I still can't believe it's been a year already!! She has 6 teeth with some more imminent, and is crawling and pulling up. No walking yet, but I'm not in any hurry for her to do that as I also have a 2.3 year old who keeps me on my toes so 2 walkers will be madness!!

She's saying mum and dad, and makes a noise that sounds a lot like hello (we say it a lot to her and my son, so not sure if she's attempting it, or if it's just coincidence and sounds similar). Lots of babble too and she is such a happy, chilled little girl. My son had reflux until he was 9 months so was quite grumpy early on until they found the right combination of medication so it feels like the complete opposite.

I'm still breastfeeding and never thought I'd get to a year so am amazed. She loves it still and is a real boobie-monster so no plans to stop just yet. We co-sleep though so she feeds during the night while I snooze which works well for both of us. Think my husband is secretly hoping I'll wean her soon, but she loves it so much I just can't see how I can wean!

I went back to work part-time, so work 2 days a week in the office with my kiddies at nursery and then 1 day at home so have my kiddies with me at home that day. It saves a fortune on childcare costs and they both love nursery so it works really well. Means I can have a couple of days to just be me instead of mummy, and they get a couple of days socialisation with other children. I do a big breastfeed before I drop off, and a huge one when I collect, but otherwise she has water to drink, plus all her meals and snacks on the 2 nursery days. Poor boobs ache by the time I pick her up, but it's only twice a week so doesn't affect my supply.

Can't believe how much everyone's little ones have changed. Loving all the photos on here

C xx
Ahhhh ceecee!!!!

Happy bday to your little lady, I forgot ours shared a bday! Bf for 1 year is just incredible, same to all you ladies still bf. It will remain a big heartache for me but mollie would have struggled however she was fed unless her milk was thickened so was totally unavoidable. She has an appt at the end of Jan to see where we go next with regards to her reflux meds (2 types, 1 of which is 4 x day).

Her bday was nice but just me and the babies, we went to soft play and had lunch and then grampy came over with his gift for her which was a bounce and spin frog which she loves!!
T'S and Lotty happy birthday to your little ones for today! X
Thanks hun xx can't believe it's been a year xxx so broody at the minute it's shocking xx August can't come quick enough xx
Happy birthday to Tomas and Jessica! (Bunny and Mrsjohnson) xxx

Loving all these 1st birthdays! So special x
TS I go through stages where I feel broody, then I have a hideous day with my two and the broodiness goes straight away!
TS, I'm always broody at the minM just seen your sig, you must be so excited! We definitely want another, just not sure when the time is right as we have so many plans. OH wants to go Self employed, which will mean moving and that won't be until at least next year.

We had the health visitor in for his just before 1 review and he weighs 21lb and is between the 50th and 75th percentile weight wise, and 95th and 98th length wise so I think we're going to have a wee string bean on our hands!

Alfie has still got constipation issues and she wasn't very useful, suggested trying diet change otherwise it'll be mess from the docs which I want to avoid.
Happy Birthday Beatrice xxx she is absolutely gorgeous xx
Thanks ladies. Hope Caleb had a happy 1st Birthday Taboo!!

Lovely to hear from you Ceecee. I too and still bf'ing Bee and we co-sleep too. I have the added issue of possible cmpa (awaiting appointment at allergy clinic) but I am going to let her decide when we wean. She is a bottle refuser and won't take expressed milk at present. Am trying her on various different recepticles lol.

I am going back on Wednesday and I'm dreading it. I'm going 3 days per week and I plan to feed in the morning, as soon as I get home and at night [Bee still doesn't sleep through!!]. Am hoping it doesn't mess with my supply and I'm going to take breast pads with me.... and a manual pump but I'll be consigned to the loo to pump as my office is open plan!!!

Looking forward to the next chapter. James has been offered a full time place at pre school so in term time I'll have a few days to dedicate to Bee.

She is walking very well now. She doesn't stop!!

Jolly, you shouldn't feel guilty about how you fed Mollie. The poor wee lass had so many issues and you were a star for getting it all sorted.

I'm not keeping up with all the birthday wishes... happy birthday all you cute little ones!

Jolly - I know I used 'cherub' before but she so is!!
Carnat, loving the Bea photos... what a happy little missy.. and look at all those teeth! Good luck with going back to work.

I'm off til March, thanks to my work being nice, but I need it - I am exhausted with the house move & dealing with solicitors at the moment.
Well we have a poorly baby.

Bronchiolitis. Have had 3 trips to GP and one to A&E in 48h. All coinciding with my first day back to work. I did make it in, had to go to A&E that night and missed my second day.

I'm hoping we've turned a corner now (we have a spacer and she actually slept last night - first time in almost a week) but it's been awful.

And when I say she slept, I mean she had a bit of sleep. Bee isn't a great sleeper at best of times.

Oh Nat, sorry to hear about your poorly bea! Hope she's feeling better soon snd you both manage some rest. How have you found going back to work? X
Oh no nat poorly bea :-( it's always the first few days of work they get poorly! Freddie was the same (although just a tummy bug) but it was such "bad timing".

Don't worry about work though, main thing is she's getting better.

We've also had a bit of drama. I put mollie down to cruise in a cafe/bar where we were having brekkie yesterday and she fell and pierced her knee with a big piece of glass. We got an ambulance to hospital as bleeding was quite bad and she was screaming and she ended up having surgery this morning to remove the glass. She's fine and recovering well, just eating her lunch now, but I never ever want to have to kiss my daughter after they've knocked her out again. Was honestly a horrific experience. :--( big fat sad face, but she's such a strong girl,much stronger than silly soppy mummy! I'm just devastated she had to have a general x

Aw Carnat & Bea, Jolly & Molly, sorry to hear of your hospital experiences - hope your babies and mummies are feeling a bit better now & recover quickly xxx
Aw poor babies and mummies xxx hope you are all back to yourselves very quickly xxx

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