***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Oh wow well done to all the walky babies.

We thought Bee would be an early walker but she doesn't have the confidence just yet. James didn't walk until 13m though so I'm pretty sure she will be on the move before then.

I can't even comprehend having a 1 year old. James is 3 tomorrow!!

I think I'll be a wreck when my wee baby is a year old... time is literally flying.

Our girl was that way. She wanted to make sure she could walk without falling over before she tried, lol. I started walking at 9.5 months but my mum said I just took falling over as part of it.
Caleb got his first tooth on Sunday!! He's 10 months this weekend so about time lol!

He's started to try and stand without holding onto anything, seems to have mastered sofa cruising and is now trying to jump by himself (we should never have got him a jumperoo he's been jumping obsessed ever since, on anything and anywhere!!!)

What are people doing about bottle feeds? Caleb still has a morning, afternoon and bedtime bottle (as well as one in the night if he wakes up and won't settle). Should I be dropping the afternoon one at this point? He loves his milk so I feel bad every time i stop a bottle but at the same time I don't want to baby him!

I am back up to 4 days at work this week, actually got back into the swing of it all now and it's not as bad as i first felt it would be. I felt like utter crap last week as Caleb was sleeping awfully but now suspect that was because of his toothipegs! He's now got conjunctivitis, luckily not too badly so we haven't had an eye crusted shut moment and we managed to get him a doctors appointment and antibiotics super quick so it's cleared up a lot even overnight. Horrible to see though!

Taboo- Alfie is having morning, noon and night feed still. I was worried that he should've been having another bottle but he seems happy. He's starting to want more solids so I guess he'll just drop it in his own time. Alfie could probably go without his afternoon feed, so I've thought about gradually reducing the oz..
Mollie has morning, afternoon and bedtime bottle, but she has her afternoon milk out of a tommee tippee cup instead of bottle and she only really has about 12oz in total a day (8 before bedtime).

We also thought she'd be walking by 10 months (freddie was 13 months ) but she's not able to stand without holding on yet so it may not even be before Christmas. Saying that, once she's got an idea in her head to do something it usually happens quickly!
Ah thanks ladies, I'm pleased to hear that other people are still on 3 milks a day! Caleb has about 20oz a day yikes! He was quite difficult to wean though and nursery is helping him come on leaps and bounds with food so I think over Christmas we will try and drop the afternoon feed so we're down to morning and bedtime then when he goes back to nursery it's all done for them.

In the meantime I think I'll copy you jolly and ask for the afternoon one to be given in his beaker instead of a bottle, suspect he'll be far less interested in it when that happens anyway!

Just booked Caleb in to get his handprints done at a pottery place in a couple of weeks time - I'm planning on getting everyone a christmas present from there and I've also made a Caleb calendar and that'll be all most people get for Christmas....I thought noone can accuse me of being cheap if they've got delightful presents of their grandson/nephew etc! x
Can any mummies recommend some lunchtime ideas? I think we're a bit stuck. He has toast, or I cook him some veg followed by fruit or a yogurt and possibly a Heinz biscotti. I got an email from bounty last night saying he can have nutty spreads and cheese spread on toast, and that he can now have cheese but I'm just a bit wary! It also says they can now have a snack such as a piece of cucumber or fruit now they're moving about a lot more. Help!

Taboo- I was thinking of dropping the afternoon bottle at Christmas too. That's a good idea putting the milk into a beaker. Although he loves his beaker anyway!
Oh and I'm feeling absolutely awful this morning, Alfie managed to roll off my bed :( I was sitting right with him in the middle of the bed and had even made a barrier of pillows and a duvet and he just rolled off before I could grab him! He cried but we had a cuddle and he's okay now.
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We do beans on toast (sometimes with some grated cheese - we get the low salt low sugar beans), jacket potato, scrambled eggs, omelette, soup, yoghurt with fruit puree, veg with cheese sauce, pasta with tomato sauce, ratatouille, sausage and mash, apple and carrot muffins (if he's having a bit of a finger food lunch).

Snacks we do the muffins, yoghurt, crispbread, fruit pots, crudite selection, skinless cocktail sausages, melon, mango, banana, biscotti....we only just started morning snack before he started nursery so I didn't have much time to develop new ideas! x
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Oh Toni bless you - I completely understand, Caleb crawled off our bed when he was 8 months old - he'd only just started crawling and my husband ducked his head round the corner of the bedroom door to pick up his wallet off the hall table and he was off the edge of the bed in less than a second.

Accidents will happen, you'd done plenty to make sure he was safe and sound so don't beat yourself up about it - they seem to get over these things really quickly and we're left still feeling bad about it days later! x
Oh Toni bless you - I completely understand, Caleb crawled off our bed when he was 8 months old - he'd only just started crawling and my husband ducked his head round the corner of the bedroom door to pick up his wallet off the hall table and he was off the edge of the bed in less than a second.

Accidents will happen, you'd done plenty to make sure he was safe and sound so don't beat yourself up about it - they seem to get over these things really quickly and we're left still feeling bad about it days later! x

Oh bless him! It literally just happens in a split second. I think the thud scared him and me more than anything. I said to my partner he will fall over and bump himself lots of times. I just need eyes in the back of my head now! X
Hi all, Rio, now 9.5 months, is still drinking 3 bottles a day (morning, before lunch nap and before bedtime), around 500 ml. Can I ask why some of you feel that they should be dropping milk quickly at this age? Rio has dropped one, mid afternoon, but still it's important that they drink 400-500 milk a day at this stage (at least that's what our pediatrician recommended), so we're good with 3 bottles for now, although, yes, he should be drinking more from a beaker now!

As for recipes ideas, lots of good stuff at Annabel Karmel's website. Very easy and quick receipes and yummy flavours that my LO loves :-)

And yes, Rio has launched himself off the edge of my bed at least twice now :-( They're SO fast!!!
Bee has fallen off the bed too... she was about 6 months and I just couldn't get to her (I was ironing and had used pillows to keep her safe). Come to think of it James fell off the bed at a similar age.

I have no idea how much milk Bee has, she is still - for all intents purposes - demand fed.

She has been having loads of poos past few days? They have gone back to being quite liquid [sorry tmi] but she doesn't seem ill. She does eat a lot of fruit? Her fave is melon and that is meant to be good for bowel movements? So maybe she is having too much.

James started nursery yesterday so we're doing our first morning school run today. I should get a wriggle on lol.

I've not wanted mollie to drop her milk, she's just not interested in her first two bottles and sometimes it's a areal struggle just to get her to have half an oz. She's far more interested in food so I make sure she has a good dose of calcium. Freddie was a different story and would still want 35oz at this age!!!!

I do wonder whether I should try switching from the anti reflux formula to normal to see if she'll drink more, but we've started to wean her off meds (max dose) so I'm reluctant to change her milk as well. It's a tough one!!!
My feeling is that they know as well as anyone how much milk they need. Gently encouraging them to cut back is okay but if they really want it its probably because its still good for them?
Alfie is having a bottle in the morning (he has half mixed into his porridge) one at about 2pm and one just before bed and they're all 7oz bottles. The last few weeks I was struggling to get him to have 4oz a bottle each time because of his teeth but he seems to be guzzling again. I think Christmas time I will get him to have his afternoon bottle in his beaker to get him used to drinking out of his beaker more. I always worry he's not drinking enough during the day!

I think there's a lot of pressure to have babies weaned off of milk by 12 months, I for one am not too concerned as I doubt some babies are ready to have dropped all milk feed by then and feel it's slightly unrealistic. I have read that at this age they should be having at minimum 18oz s day, although again it's all guidelines and each baby is different.

Will check out annabell karmel, thank you!
Chloe still has 5 7oz bottles a day and eats for england! I figure shell stop drinking when she doesn't want it anymore. Oh and shes not managed to fall off the bed yet but has face planted a tonne of times!
God it's been a while scince I wrote on here Ruby is 9 months and almost walking great to see all babies doing well xxx
How's everyone doing?

Still no teeth here.

We are starting to get first words though which is super-cute.

Had 3 consecutive nights of baby asleep from 8pm - 6am. Last night/this morning it was a wake-up at 11pm and 5.15am but I think teething may have bothered him this morning. Anyway, very pleased about the massive improvement in sleep from what it was a couple of months ago, waking 6 times in the night, every night.

I'm probably going to take a break from PF for a while so want to wish everyone all the best, especially as your little ones come up for their first birthdays xx
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On tinsel cat I hope you're ok, I hope you have a lovely Christmas and we're all here if/when you decide to come back to us xxx

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