***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Hey all,

I'm currently sat alone at home wondering what on earth to do with my day -both freddie and mollie are at nursery so I have free time for the first time in forever! I'm used to freddie being there but I feel strangely empty without my little mollie :-(

We've just been on holiday to some cabins in cornwall and while it was really lovely it was such hard work as it was all open plan!

Also had a christmas photo shoot and have made some cards with the pictures.

How's everyone else? What have you bought your babbas for christmas? I'm personally struggling because their birthdays are at the beginning of the year so I feel like these presents have to last until she's almost 2?!

Hope you're all ok, I can't believe our babies are almost 1! uploadfromtaptalk1449654513934.jpguploadfromtaptalk1449654525303.jpguploadfromtaptalk1449654543732.jpguploadfromtaptalk1449654560665.jpg
Beautiful pics Jolly! Enjoy the quiet time :)

We've finally got the Christmas tree up and Alfie has spent more time under it kicking the branches and pulling the baubles off in the past 2 days than doing anything else!

We got him a vtech baby walker, a couple of books, a percussion set from elc and a little wooden table thing that he can poke shapes through. Was definitely stuck for what to get him! He's been more fascinated with the wrapping paper and boxes and I'm guessing he will be completely spoilt by family. I know my mums got him a rocking caterpillar from mamas and papas and my OHs mum has brought him a wooden walker with some building blocks in it. It's so difficult when there birthdays are so close to Christmas.
Awww TC, hope everything is ok? Hope you are able to come back soon.... Wishing you a wonderful first Crimbo as a mummy!!!

Jolly, what amazing pics. They are professional right? Perfect for your Xmas cards.

I had Bee weighed today and she is still a dinky 16lb 6oz. She is thriving though so I'm not worried and won't bother with baby clinic again for a while [they said they'll try and do 1 year review before I go back to work!]

Speaking of work I have just submitted my request to go part time. I have asked for 21 hours over 3 days. Fingers crossed they meet my request as I just won't be able to cope with full time.

Hope you are okay TC and that a break does you good.

I hope part time works out for you carnat.

We have had a bit of a hard month. I was pregnant again but we lost the baby. It stopped growing at about 9 weeks. Then during the MC I hemorrhaged badly and almost died. So all a bit scary and sad. I was very weak for a couple of weeks after but am finally starting to feel like myself again.

Tomas is doing great. He has a mouthful of teeth and still looks like he will start walking any day. He stands fine by himself o but hasnt taken off yet.
Oh my gosh bunny that's horrific! I'm so so sorry to hear of your loss and that you were so poorly. How do you feel in yourself now? Massive hugs hun x
Thanks Jolly. Its been hard emotionaly and physically. I'm still not 100% but getting there. The last few days I've been feeling much more myself.
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Sorry to hear your loss Bunny and that you were so poorly :( x
Bunny, I'm so sorry to hear about your awful news. Having a miscarriage is hard enough without the added stress and worry of being very poorly yourself.

I am glad you are beginning to feel a bit brighter but take it easy.

Thanks Carnat, yeh I admit every time I feel a bit better I tend to do too much. Its hard not to with too LOs and I get fed up of doing nothing but I'm trying to take it easy.
Goodness bunny that sounds absolutely horrific, hope you're taking care of yourself, you want to be fighting fit to enjoy the Xmas festivities as far as you can be.

Jolly those pictures are amazing! Mollie is such a little cutie!

Carnat were you allowed to go part time? I'm compressing my hours from January so will work from home Wednesday morning and have the afternoon off with Caleb. Not a lot of time but I will make sure we do something fun and it only means working 8-4:30 on the other days so I don't miss out on any of the time I normally get with him before/after work. Just as well I decided to do it as we got the nursery fees for 2016 and they've gone up 10%...assumed they'd go up but not by quite that much, the reduction of one afternoon session has cancelled the increase out! Work has been okay but i've been off quite a lot with a cold, norovirus and then a cough! Manager has been really great about it though and said the first year back at work after maternity leave he always notices an increase in absence and there's nothing i can do about it. Thank goodness as I always feel really guilty being off!

Not sure if we're being particularly mean but we've hardly got Caleb anything for Christmas/birthday! We are flying down to London but I don't think we would have got much more even if we were staying in Edinburgh. He's got a Beat Bo, a little happyland Santa toy and a bath book!! For his birthday all I've got him is a xylophone and a wooden pull along caterpillar toy he was obsessed with at the ceramics place we took him to. He will be completely spoilt by his grandparents (and he has 3 sets as OHs parents are divorced and remarried) and we were thinking if we didn't get him a big present we could get him something in the summer like a slide / trampoline....as like you say Jolly it's a long old time to wait otherwise!

Caleb is doing great, he's been sleeping through a lot recently - he is usually asleep around 6:30 though which means he gets up anywhere between 5am and 6:30am which can be brutal! He was up last night for an hour and a half until 5am, I think because of teething, makes a full day at work a tough one though. We thought he'd be walking by xmas but he's not as close as he won't let go of the sofa yet when standing but I suspect it's not far off, he's lightning quick with crawling so I'm more than fine with him not walking yet! He's now saying mama, dada and 'oof' for dog - he loves sitting at our window and watching the world go by (and dog spotting obviously!) Finish work next tuesday, can't wait for a bit of quality time with the little man!

Hope everyone is well and getting in the Christmas spirit (I bloody love Christmas!) SANTAAAAAAAAAAA! x
So sorry to hear about your mc Bunny and how poorly you were. Take care of yourself xx
Love the pics jolly, we've just had some done but they won't be ready for Christmas, will be good Mother's Day pressies for the grandmas though!!
Hope all is ok tc (other than the teething!), do what you have to to look after yourself. Hope you have no issues with the part time request carnat, have they got back to you yet? I'm taking a career break. I'll miss the social side of work but was so unhappy in a new role/team I was on towards the end I'm not going to miss that side! But primarily it's because it wouldn't have been cost effective to put Joel in nursery once the fees were paid. Bit concerned about how I'll cope as its sometimes quite isolating (I live a few hours drive from my family) but it's an adventure!

We've also not got Joel an awful lot for Christmas, he has a beat bo and a few other openers but like taboo we are planning on getting him something for the garden come summer time. Awaiting the arrival of his top teeth which look imminent! He's a total character, so excited to see what he'll be like as he gets older but at the same time you want them to stay babies! Can you believe they're nearly 1!? xx
I haven't heard back from work yet. Hope they give me a nice Crimbo pressie by agreeing to me going part time lol.

I only had a day and half off in the year I was back but my OH is self employed so he took any time off for James (and touch wood James hardly got ill). I think I tried extra hard to drag myself into work as I think people expected me to be unreliable / off loads and then of course after 6 months I announced I was pregnant again lol.

Bee took a few steps just yesterday, she did it a few times as well - walking to Daddy. She is such a daddy's girl.

She is still miles away from sleeping through, in fact she is bloody awful at night. She always has been so I guess I've just got used to it.. I had a semi decent sleep a few nights ago [4 hours then a feed then 5 hours] and I felt worse the next day then I do on less sleep.

We've not gone mad for xmas, got a few bits and pieces but we have so many books and toys and stuff from James it was hard to find her stuff. She has lots of pj's wrapped up.

Hi everyone. I haven't been on here in AGES! I can't believe that nearly a year has gone past and all the little ones are nearly one year old!

Alexander is doing fantastic and finally has his first two teeth! Still no walking but can stand for a few seconds unaided so hopefully it's not far off. Hope all are well :)
Hello ladies and little ones, hope you all had a very Happy Christmas?

Can't believe we're all so close to having one year olds? I need to go back and check 1st page but I believe Kiwi's little one will already have had his first birthday?

We had a love Christmas but Bee had been poorly all week (we'd been Dr twice!!), with a hacking cough and nasty cold.. of course I woke up with it Xmas morning.

Still it was an amazing day.

I got a nice pressie as well as my work mailed me on Xmas Eve and have agreed to me going part time. So I go back a month today, 3 days per week.

Aw beautiful Xmas pics xx sorry Bee has been ill. We had a lovely Christmas too. Scary to think about the first birthdays definitely Oisín is getting stronger in the legs and in 18-24 month clothes already xx
Ahhhh nat they're gorgeous!

Hope you all had an amazing christmas ? We had a good but very hectic day! Freddie tried to unwrap every single present under the tree!
Hey yeh that's my baby now a big one year old, how scarey how quick that year has gone.
Hope you have all had a lovely Christmas and Santa was good to all the babies :) we have had a lovely relaxing time, before I go back to work now in January. Brody is doing really well, got the first set of injections the other week with the next ones to follow shortly. We have loads of teeth and is walking around quite the thing. He has such a personality on him.

Hope all of you are doing well and must try and come on here more regularly as I never seem to keep up with the ongoings.

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