***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Lovely pics!

Tomas is saying a few words but tends to shorten everything, to single sounds. He is a such a contrast to DD who was using full phrases by his age. He is good at doing fiddly things with his hands though. He is obsessed with unscrewing things and has been taking our furniture apart, lol.

I am 19 weeks now and have a huge bump already. People keep asking how much longer I have to go, lol. Getting lots of baby wiggles which is nice. Trying to make the most out of it as this is likely our last. I am 36 already and had a really rought time of it with the HG this time. Thankfully I did get over it fairly early though. Anyone else from here pregnant again? I know there are a couple who have had babies again already.
Hey Bunny, no not pregnant yet, late ov this month unfortunately, so hopefully next cycle will be kinder to me xx so bloody broody it's insane!
God no, no pregnancies here (does the cross sign lol)

Respect to you ladies that are, or are trying though.

I can barely cope with 2 some days.


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No baby here either. I want to be married before we have another (I'm not even engaged yet!). I also struggle just with 1 let alone two! One of our friends who's little girl is 2 weeks older than Alfie, has just announced they're expecting another in Jan.
Not pregnant but about to start a cycle of egg freezing! it's like IVF without the fertilisation part. I did 3 rounds of IVF to get my baby so familiar with the process. I just hope I get a good result - age is not on my side!
Oh wow TC, best of luck indeed.


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Ah exciting for you ladies planning more babies!

Bunny I have a couple of friends whose second children are over 2 and still just making single sounds, their siblings clearly do all the talking for them!

We're not totally ruling out a third but as I'm starting my postgrad in paediatric nursing in Feb it would have to be years in the future if it happened again and we're just not sure we'd be able to through it all again! Our two are definitely a handful.

Mollies tantrums are insane! But Freddie is coming out of his really difficult phase and is starting to say gorgeous things like calling me a sweetie, or telling me not to be rude if I tell him off!
Awwww look at all the babies!! They are so trying, tantrums are terrible. Max is starting to say a couple more words other than car! His first word! He has learnt no which is very frustrating. Hoping his talking pics up a bit. Don't think we have any interest in toilet training yet. Going first holiday abroad in 6 weeks. Dreading it slightly but going with friends and their wee one so will see how that pans out. Nice to hear from you ladies.
No number 2 here either. Hubby is going to get checked to see if chemo affected things then we are going on holiday to Oz next year then put house on the market to get a bigger one to allow for number 2.
Our 1st started on tantrums early and they were very stong and heartfelt but she has mostly got over that now at age 3. Tomas has had tantrums for a while but they are fairly mild compared to DD and he is so mild tempered by nature that he has to work himself up to it which is quite funny and we have to work on not laughting at him. Neither of them are great sleepers so adding a newborn to the mix is going to be fun!
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We're all good here. Freya is 18 months and so funny now. She's got 12 teeth already and cutting another couple at the mo so she's been a tad miserable the past couple of days, poor gir.

She has lots of words and animal sounds which is cute, and a few short sentences like "what's this", "get down" and "where's daddy". It's a complete contrast to my little boy who was a really late talker and even now at almsot 3 his speech isn't as good as others his age.

I'm still breastfeeding at 18 months and co-sleeping because it's just easier. She's my last baby as my husband has had a vasectomy now so I am enjoying my last lot of 'firsts' and 'lasts'.

I've got to admit, I've loved watching them both grow into little people, it's absoltely fascinating how much they change from month to month.

Lovely to hear from everyone xxx
We're still breastfeeding and co-sleeping too.

Bee has 8 teeth but 4 molars are making their way through. I have a very grumpy child.

Bee is just getting over chicken pox and James has just come down with it so it's been a miserable and sleep deprived household the past week.


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