***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Pip-are you breast feeding? If so it's not uncommon for them to go 4-5 days without poops.

If you think she may be struggling with pooing, try giving her tummy a gently massage in a clockwise direction, and also lifting her legs and moving them in a bicycle type fashion- it encourages poo down the intestine xx

(I know I'm not a feb mummy yet, but I remember the early days of Harry
Nope, not breast feeding. That's brill, thanks Becky, I'll try doing that. Think I'm just worrying myself for no reason.

I would def check with MW tomorrow but I'm sure its nothing to worry about.

We have the opposite problem..... Bee won't stop pooing - I don't remember James being like this? I'd say we've been through 100 nappies already!

It's 10.30pm and neither of my children are asleep. OH is upstairs on James' floor trying to get him to nod off and I'm on sofa with baby who literally hasn't slept / been out of my arms / off boobs since about 3pm.

Hoping everyone decides to go to sleep soon.

Pip - We had the same problem with Grace, she pooped while we were in hospital, we were discharged on the Thursday and she didn't poop again till the Monday night! We got a cotton bud, wet it with some cooled boiled water and tickle her back passage for a few minutes, it might get it moving!
Nat, Freya is the same. A total poo monster and Joe didn't poo half as much. He was only breastfed for 11 days though and I am still breastfeeding Freya, so it may have had something to do with the switch to formula. A lot of her poos are more 'sharts' though, where she will do what sound like horrific poo explosions, only to discover it was mostly just wind and a tiny bit of follow through!!Lovely huh :D

Pip, glad Joel is back in with you. Any ideas when you will be discharged home?
Yep Ceecee, that is exactly what Bee does - sounds like the biggest poo explosion in the world but its mainly just wet farts.

She also pee's a lot when she has her nappy off (maybe every 3rd bum change she'll pee over herself). Although it is much easier to mop up after a girl weeing - boys wee goes everywhere.

Had the worst night so far last night. Bee seems to only sleep if she is being held? I managed an hour here and there but I feel shattered.

Carnat - sympathise on the night disturbance front, my little boy is similar, he wakes when I put him down and startles awake frequently which is pretty frustrating!

Baby got weighed today, 6 lb 10 at almost 5 weeks, in the bottom 0.4 percentile. plus health visitor total handover fail, no wonder children get lost in the system. My mum is planning on complaining.

Hope everyone is doing well, am browsing the thread but never have to reply properly :-(
Tomas is the same. He does nothing but sleep- as long as I am holding him but wakes up as soon as I put him down. A big part of the problem is that he gets cold really easy. To be honest I've pretty much given up on him sleeping in his bed and just have him in bed with me. He usually goes down for an hr or two when we first go to bed. I get him sound asleap. OH gets the room really hot and puts him to bed with a heat pack wrapped in a towel and he usually goes down okay like that but wakes up after a couple of hrs freezing cold and I have to get him warm again so he ends up in bed with me. I get more sleep that way but end up all sore from sleeping in funny positions. In the day time I use a wrap to carry him around and at least I have my hands free.
Bee is still too small for our sling. Can't wait to be able to use it soon though.

I have a Bobba wrap that works great for a newborn. I had it from last time but I'm actually thinking abobut getting another so that I can put this one in the wash, lol. With our chunky little guy size isnt much of an issue though :).
Today I have one rock hard boob!Its not painful but just very hard whereas the other one is normal??I am sure I have been alternating feeds between each side so not sure what it is? Rafferty can still feed from it although he got covered in milk as it was squirting on its own as its so full!!I'm wondering whether I should try and express just on that boob to see if I can empty it a bit?? Any help/opinions greatly appreciated-we are 2 1/2 weeks into feeding...
Katy, sounds like you're engorged on one side, expressing sounds like a good idea or get baby to feed off that side first for a while?

I gather that you can get mastitis if you were to leave it engorged. X
I've bought a boba 4g in Soho pattern and om super excited. I've realised I need two hands at times when I have zero to look after the fredster as well so hopefully it does the job!!!

Pip, definitely recommend just running a bit of cotton wool or a super sensitive baby wipe over the bum hole. My first was constipated for ages and just this littke bit of stimulation worked wonders (although my white top was very upset with me for allowing the following onslaught of poomageddon!!)
This is the carrier I'm waiting to be delivered! X


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I would express from that boob to relieve it hunni I had to do it with my right boob for a few days xx
That's a pretty little carrier jolly :-)

Hope it arrives soon, looking after a toddler as well must be so difficult!
I did express in the end & pressure/hardness relieved!I have fed him from that side a couple of times too so hopefully will be ok now-thanks ladies!
Glad it's better now nothing worse xx

Oisin had a bottle at 12 and slept until 6.45 :-)
Bee slept 11 to 4. In bed with me though.

OH was most alarmed as we've just got James in his own room / big bed and now I've moved another baby in our bed lol. You do whatever you have to in order to get some sleep though!

Am still tired though as I've pretty much been up since 4am. We have people up today so no nap for me. Sob, sob.

Glad you got some sleep hun xx

Weird one here I was told my stitches are dissolvable but in the shower this morning I found some sticking out about an inch and a bit do i pull it or leave it in??? Xx

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