***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Nooooooo leave it!! I have one too at the end of the scar. It'll go in time :-)

Mollie has been miserable today so I've swaddled her and she's on her side and it seems to be the only way she'll sleep. We've moved off the anti reflux formula as that was making her sick too and ever so windy. We're going to start from scratch with her feeding as she seems to have got more and more uncomfortable by us adding different things.

Thanks Jolly I'll leave it so ;-)

Oisin loves his side too xx
We have got into a really bad habit of now letting Caleb fall asleep on our (mainly my) belly every night...now every time we try and put him in the snuzpod once he seems asleep he wakes up almost instantly!
Anyone any suggestions how we can get him sleeping back in his pod?! We've put a towel rolled under mattress so his head is slightly raised, put a towel and blanket on top of mattress so it's more cushioned and rolled a blanket round base of pod so he feels more cocooned...it worked for a day or two but not anymore!
Not sure if there could be a link between him not BFing at the moment? He's getting expressed milk but isn't on the boob at the moment....x
Hi taboo

We're having settling problems with our snuzpod too.
One trick I have been trying since yesterday is to put a muslin cloth with some of my breast milk expressed onto it for a comforting smell. As you are giving him your milk this may be worth trying xx
Thanks Tinselcat, I had been putting one of my nursing bras in but just thought I took it out to be washed so maybe that's the missing ingredient! x
How long did you ladies suffer down below? Whilst I was pregnant, I had awful pelvic pain. Ruby is only a week old and my pelvic bone is still so sore. Just wondered when it may start to ease!?

I didnt have any tears or anything this time so that part was only very mildly tender. My pelvic bone was quite sore for 3 or 4 days this time. The MW thinks LO got a bit stuck on it during the pushing stage which made me a bit bruised. Nothing happened to start with when I was pushing then I moved positions and he came quickly. Last time I dont remember my pelvic bone being sore.

I'm such a wreck.

So I noticed mollie has been making a gasping, clicking sound when feeding and I realised that the mild case of tongue tie diagnosed in hosp is really affecting her feeding and is what's causing her bad wind. So I want it cut but the nhs are unlikely to do this as I'm formula feeding, although still want to breastfeed, and no private hospital will do it as she's under 3.

So I've been on to a lactation consultant and am attending a bf clinic on Wednesday to have her tongue tie looked at and also to discuss the possibility of relactation. I don't think I'm ever going to get over not breastfeeding her and if she can get the tongue tie cut I really want to give it all I can. I'm gutted I didn't try harder in hospital as they would have cut it there and then.

I've had such an awful day with so many tears. This means so much more to me than I realised. I just hope at 4 weeks old it's not too late to start bf x
Aw, Jollly, try not to beat yourself up about it. Having a baby is hard work and its hard to concentrate on extra stuff in the fist few days. Its definitely not too late to relactate. It might be can be work though and its a good idea to get some expert advice/support. You will probably have to carry on suplimenting for a while and it is probably a good idea to get advice on how to go about swiching. If you are really serious about it and are having trouble you could consider a Supplemental Nursing System which has a small tube which allows you to suppliment at the same time as nursing. I hope it goes well for you if you decide to give it a go. If you decide not to try not to feel bad about it. You are just trying to do your best for LO and are being a great mum.
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Do the NHS not cut tongue tie if you ff? Sorry I know that's not the issue here Jolly.

Are you still producing milk? I would pop to a health shop tomorrow and get some feenagreek (there is also something else they recommend but I cant recall the name so you may want to Google)

It will also be worth Googling relactation...... there is a device you can use (its by medela.... sorry I'm on phone otherwise I'd link it) but its a tube thing you wear round your neck and it tapes to boob so baby takes milk [formula] from tube but its taped in a way that baby stimulates nipple as she feede from tube. Sorry that is very vague isn't it?

Its worth trying but at the same time its not worth getting too upset about. Like myself you have a healthy ff boy so you know that there is no harm in formula feeding.

Bee point blank refused formula and then started refusing expressed breastmilk so I had little choice. I feel a bit 'bullied' into bfing for want of a better turn of phrase BUT I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy that she went back to boobs.

Best of luck.

Just seen that Bunny has already mentioned the device I'm on about

I'm still struggling with BF at 4 weeks. I have tons of milk and she is piling on the weight, as the up to 1 month clothes (up to 10lb) fit very well and probably won't fit for much longer. I will get her weighed on Wednesday just to see how much she is now.

Anyway, her latch can be hit and miss, and although she feeds well on some of the feeds, others she struggles and constantly latches and unlatches whilst crying or getting really frustrated and upset. It really hurts my nipples though and the sorer they get, the harder it is to get her to feed at times. Not enjoying it at all to be honest, but I desperately don't want to have to give up as we've got this far and I do have tons of milk. Someone please tell me it does get better as I can't go on like this indefinitely :/
Hi ladies
Sorry to hear jolly. Hope you manage to get things started again. Does your wee one do the clicking and gasping at every feed?
I am very low. Cannot stop crying. Max seems to be going through a crying phase. Whenever he's awake he cries, screams. Can't tell if he's hungry or just screaming or growth spurt. He's 6 weeks on Wednesday.
Sometimes after his feed he settles other times he screams. Mentioned it to HV. She suggested infacol. Been using it for a few days and it's not making much difference. This crying is a new thing. I'm getting so distressed with it.
Ceecee - have you tried nipple shields? The tommee tippy ones in Tesco have worked best for me (different brands come in different shapes and sizes) and I'd have thought once baby learns how to latch then it'll pick up, babies seem to be quick learners.

Jolly - hope you get the tongue tie sorted, if you want to bf then I'd recommend expressing asap to get your milk supplies up, I heard tales of it taking 6 weeks to establish nd successfully so you're within the turnaround time xxx

Oh things to get milk supply up include oats, fennel, as well as fenugreek and there's a herbal supplement that a Dr can prescribe too(sorry forgotten name offhand)

Mrs w that sounds very difficult -hug-
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Mrsw I am not sure if you've heard about 'The Wonder Weeks'?

Its a book / app that details the first 10 developmentental stages the baby goes through. They develop new skills after each leap but at the time of the leap they become fussy, cranky, cry more etc.... It may be worth a look? I think there is one around 5-6 weeks.

Jamed didn't actually follow the patter for most leaps but he did for some of them and this book helped explain.

Had an awful night. Feeding every 2 hours (for an hour!) although Bee has def grown as she is filling the length of some of her babygros. So I'm assuming she's had / having a little growth spurt.

James is going out with his uncle for the day so I'm going to sleep. Yay.

Hi ladies.. Cee care was just going to suggest the wonder weeks app- 6 weeks is a growth spurt time of memory serves me correctly. Have a read if you can, even if baby doesn't follow the weeks exactly, it gives you an idea of what to expect.

Keeping up with the the thread for when baby finally makes an appearance- was due yesterday and was hoping to post like carnat on due date night, with waters going overnight!! No such luck- I think I'm in it for the long run with this one like I was with Harry!!
There is still plenty of time Becky. I was convinced I'd be seriously overdue again.

Can't believe baby is now almost 3 weeks. She is already having periods when she is awake and alert? I thought they were a bit older when they start that? Feeling a bit emosh as she is only going to be a newborn for such a short amount of time and then thats it for me - I'm done. No more newborns for me.

Really hope things get started again for you Jolly xx

That app/book sounds interesting might have to have a look.

Oisin is 4 weeks today and getting so alert and smiling now too I'm so in love.


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Awww he is just too cute.

I've been so crap at taking pictures of Bee.... here is a recent-ish one!! Look at the size of her feet lol.



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