***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

4oz in 20 minutes seems incredible to me with blocked boobies lol! I got about 2oz in half an hour.
Midwife today told me I can now only express for 15mins every 3 hours to allow my nips time to heal as they are in bad shape so having to top up with formula. Just about had the crying under control today until she told me that lol! Makes perfect sense and she still thinks I can get back to breastfeeding I just miss that lovely time with him.
I am terrified about being discharged from the midwives and moving to the health visitor...don't know when it'll happen but must be soon...I'll miss her!
Hey all!!!

Sorry I keep meaning to update the mummies and babies on the front page but hubby went back to work on Monday and this week has been so hectic!!

Mollie is a milk monster. We realised she has reflux so I sadly gave up any hope of bf and we're now 100% bottle feeding and on reflux milk. I'm suffering with terrible guilt.over this so am going to speak to the local bf support.

Today has been mental. She's been taking up to 4oz every 2 to 2.5hrs!! I'm so scared it's too much but she literally Won't stop fussing and rooting and just seems so hungry. I wonder if she's having her first growth spurt?

Anyone else found this?

I also think my c section scar is infected. I have no choice but to life my son into his cot for his nap and into his highchair and never get time to air it. I was doing so well with recovery but this week has definitely set me back a little.

Hope everyone's doing ok and not too sleep deprived!

Freddies at nursery tomorrow so I'll get on the laptop and add everyone x
Hi all.
Nathaniel was born 20/01/15.
I've been reading through the posts already here and, this will sound terrible, but I'm so glad I am not the only one with feeding issues. Nate has a terrible latch and would only ever latch (badly, by biting to hold himself on!) to one breast, never the other. He lost 11% of his birth weight in 2 days and was almost readmitted to hospital. We topped up with formula and I started expressing. Fortunately I seem to have a really good supply, getting 100-150ml in 20mins, and I've managed to get ahead of his needs so we have a small supply in the fridge and he hasn't needed any formula at all for a couple of days. I've got the guilts about the breast feeding, comments from others are not helping, but this is so much better than us both crying all the time. Feeding this way is raising an awful lot of questions for me though so I'd be grateful for the advice of anyone else expressing/bottle feeding. Our main concern at the moment is that he's now eating too much. He seems to be piling weight on and can easily consume 100ml plus in a feed. We've tried pacing the feed, taking the bottle away regularly, taking him for a nappy change in the middle of a feed, etc. but sometimes he'llmeat 120ml and then tell us he's hungry again an hour later, rooting furiously and crying. He's being weighed again on Saturday and I'm not sure either of us could cope with being told we're doing the wrong thing again. We're already feeling quite raw about the fact we effectively starved him at the beginning.
Jolly, you have no reason to feel guilty about how you feed baby.

You do what you have to do and I have no reservations about formula.

James is a happy and healthy FF baby. In-fact he is much healthier than most kids I know (I say this and he has a cough and cold at the moment lol, but he generally very healthy!!)

I will express while I can and then move over.

Buzz, Beatrice has about 4oz per feed (but it can take her up to an hour to take the full 4oz) 4oz about 120ml. **I am old and still use imperial measurements :shock:**

I really wouldn't worry about how much they take, I stressed so much that James was over feeding but there is no such thing??? They would be demand feeding if they were on breast and you wouldn't know how much they are taking! Also considering Nate lost so much birth weight he is just making up for lost time.

Had HV home visit today, all good and that will be our last home visit.

We are registering Beatrice tomorrow [at 9am - how the Hell we will all be out the door for 8.30am I don't know!!!! It was the only appointment they had]

I have a MW appointment at the baby clinic on Monday, BCG on 11th Feb, hearing test on 12th Feb. Beatrice failed the test on day she was born in her left ear... it's quite common but our next hearing test is at the ear, nose and throat hospital. Scary!!!

As I say James is actually poorly at the moment so I am juggling a grumpy toddler and a nocturnal baby. Beatrice was up from 2am-5am last night? Grizzling but for the most part just awake and being nosy.

Finding it hard to get any sort of routine at the moment, we are all still in our PJ's (albeit clean PJ's!!).

Thanks Carnat, that makes me feel so much better. Beatrice and Nate are a day apart I think. You're right in that I wouldn't know how much he was taking on the boob. I think I'm just struggling without any professionals to consult. Haven't seen health visitor yet. Was told they'd come 'at some point this week'. Nate is also much fussier at night - naughty babies!
Hi ladies,

I'm ff Freddie, I felt terribly guilty at the beginning cried all the time about it, he wouldn't latch etc just screamed every time I tried which made me cry ! He's happy and I'm happy now,plus hes a right greedy gregory! my mum was very supportive with helping me see sense about feeling guilty as was hubby, however I know how others feel with regard to other people commenting about you not bf... How they feel its ok to be so blunt and ask ???

Freddie is going well, he's 4 weeks on Saturday! He usually drinks 4-5oz every 2-3 hrs
He's clearly getting his days and nights mixed up haha
Sleeps 3 hrs no problem in day time, when it comes to night he can be a right monkey !
Wouldn't settle between 2.30 and 5 this morning then up again at half 6 !
I just keep reminding myself he is only 4 weeks !!
Had him registered yesterday.

Carnat I had to cancel my first register app it was at 10... Haha ! Still getting used to getting organised!!
Ah Kitty it's nice to know others feel the same way. I've given up on the breast as it just makes him scream and me cry. I'll carry on expressing for as long as that goes well and then move over to formula. I have to say I'm dreading seeing my mummy friends as they are all rather 'earth mother' types. I was always going to be the odd one out as I am returning to full time work when Nate is 5 months.My Mum has tried hard to be supportivebut also seems to think I'm not trying or being silly in some way. Trying to remain rational.
Well it's great that your expressing I didn't, I know exactly what you mean, I have two cousins who are very much breast is best... And have fed their kids well passed a year, nothing wrong with that of course! When they visited me I just said it didn't workout for us and that's it, he's happy I'm happy and cut them short they didn't ask me any more !!

It is hard to not worry about what others will say BUT at the end of the day our babies are thriving and happy and for me that's all that matters !

Do not let anyone make you feel bad ladies!

Makes my blood boil when other women (especially those who are friends or family) make judgements. Thankfully it's only been strangers that have made me feel bad.

I remember when James was a few weeks old I was at a baby group and a woman passed comment about me bottle feeding. Through gritted teeth I told her it was expressed breast milk and to keep her opinions to herself. Although it did really affect my confidence and I barely attended baby groups when he was small after that :roll:

MW who did Bee's heel prick test told me to put baby on boob as she was screaming, I explained I was expressing etc.. grabbed an oz of milk in a bottle but baby wouldn't take it {as she'd just had a feed before they arrived} when they finished MW said 'its been a long time since I've had a baby get this upset whilst doing this, she'd have been happier of she could have fed' and nodded towards my boobs... wish I'd had the presence of mind to tell her that she was infact the one making my baby cry!!!

Gosh I am sounding so aggressive :eh: but seriously I'd never, ever make a comment on someone else's choices with their own baby??

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Well after yesterday's insane feeding frenzy Mollie has settled down today and slept ALL day apart from 3hrly feeds. Totally different to yesterday. Let's hope tonight follows suit!

Has anyone been out much at all with their babba? I'm thinking about taking my two out on the bus tomorrow (still can't drive after section) just to town to get out of the house but I'm a bit nervous having them both in tow!

Speaking of driving, any other c section ladies been given advice? My mw said as long as I can do emergency stop and insurance is ok with it she's happy for me to drive from 3-4 weeks which is potentially on Monday?! I don't quite feel ready so I'm going to go with 4 weeks and see how I feel then, but it's pretty different to the usual 6 weeks x
Hey there ladies

Baby was born on 3 Jan weighing 6 lbs. I was in hospital for a week after as he lost over 12 percent body weight so was down to a skinny 5 lb 4 and was having all sorts of feeding issues, including tongue tie, latching (inverted nipples not helping), bleeding nipples etc. After 3 weeks of expressing, finger feeding and some formula, nipple shields etc, yesterday was the first time he breast fed for over 24 hours in a row. Now if only it hurt less and baby didn't want to feed every hour during the night then things might be good!

On positive, baby seems very strong, keeps trying to lift his little head up, gives us sweet smiles and is starting to coo occasionally.
So Beatrice Elizabeth is all official.

Somehow I managed to get us all out of the door for 8.30am. Quite a feat with a newborn and a poorly toddler. Couldn't have done it alone.

Bee has gone back onto one boob but won't take the other? So frustrating. I rang the breastfeeding support line but as its the weekend I don't think they'll be much help. Am waiting for a call back.

Have a cold now myself so the plan this weekend is to batton down the hatches and keep cosy...

Hey Carnat! Both my two had a boob preference in the early weeks, I called the other boob my 'crap boob'!! But keep offering it to her and she'll eventually take it. If it gets a bit full just express an oz or two if you can. After the first few weeks she'll take both but she may always just prefer one side. My eldest did and this one is the same - will take both but my right side always seems to settle her. Babies are odd!xxx
My hv told me it's not too late to start breastfeeding. I'm so confused. I really want to but wish I could just go back and try harder :-( I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for not being able to with either of my two :-(

I don't know whether to go down the route of trying or if it's selfish of me because she's finally settled on formula with her reflux. I think I'll be forever guilty about this :-( x
Carnat well done you for getting out so early !! Love Elizabeth with her name x

Jolly, it's not at all selfish of you, she's settled like you said I guess what I'm trying to say is we will always feel guilty about one thing or another wether it's bf or something else !

I ended up back in triage yesterday, as my bleeding had subsided then yday it was extremely heavy like dropping and bright red when I stood up had some small clots too, had to go back to wearing bigger pads... My sister said it could have been where my stitches may have come out, so I panicked a little as I didn't know what to expect first timer and a that! Anyway they said my stitches looked fine, that bleeding could just have restarted back up again or I could actually be having my AF ????? Can it come back this quick ??

Anyway booked me in for a scan which was ment to be today said I would get a call and gave me a prescription for antibiotics. Now I feel fine and the bleeding is not as heavy as yesterday, so I don't think I need to bother with going to the hosp and getting the antibiotics ?

Sorry for long post !! Anyone experienced this bleeding, I'm 4 weeks pp x
Could well be AF - although it is a little early?

My first period was exactly 28 days after I stopped expressing. It was quite heavy for a few days as well.

I'd personally go for the scan - just to put your mind at rest.

I'm not bf though so perhaps it is af, they actually haven't phoned me with an appointment...

Will see how it goes xx
Urgg terrible night here.

I slept between 2 am and 3am. Mollie did so many unauthorised voms, poomageddons and wees it's untrue! Hubby has stayed off today as my scar is so sore. I had it checked on sat at out of hours and I've started antibiotics :-(

How's everyone else doing? X
I'm ill. Ive caught James' lergie... just a cough and cold but on very little sleep I feel like poo.

We have MW later so hopefully Bee has gained some weight.

Baby is an angel all day. Sleeps a lot, feeds well, has a little bit of alert time. At night she is a demon lol. Wide awake, hard to settle... she was awake from 10pm -1am. Then we were up at 5am for an hour and James got up at 7am.

I had forgotten how relentless having a newborn is. One nappy change can span 3 nappies as my girl poo's like a trooper. Just as I do the last popper on her baby-gro up I hear another explosion and we have to start again.

On the upside Bee is back on boob and has been for a few days. It's hard work with a toddler though and I've asked my OH to take a bit more time off (self employed and its a quiet time of year) as I feel terrible for James and when I feed I am literally confined to sofa with boobs hanging out. Its so undignified. .... I hope I dont have to feed her when we're out later as I'm still so new to it all.


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