Carnat - sounds familiar: the midwife who saw me found that I had some blocked ducts and milk already gone wrong inside. She said you need to catch it before it gets to mastitis, so she massaged my boobs to express by hand all that blocked up milk. It hurt like crazy and the milk was yellow. I have to keep an eye on more painful lumps now and repeat myself. She also said always massage breast before/during feeding, and under the hot shower.
My nipple also hurts a lot to start with, but it should only be the first minute or so, like others have said. Apparently after that, it shouldn't hurt at all. Else the baby is not latched on properly. So remove, and reset for a better latch...
I thought I was doing great at breastfeeding for a whole 10 days, and that the pains were just normal tenderness and it would pass soon enough, but then I went to a breastfeeding mums groups and I left all depressed because they showed me how many things I was doing wrong, and also cos my baby looked so undernourished compared to all the other healthy infants there.... sob!
Tinsel - the midwife said Rio's tongue tie was not too pronounced but could explain some of the issues we've been having. And that it could become a bit more flexible over a few days. So we are going to wait till Monday and see if the overall situation improves, and have a more experienced midwife check him again on Monday, and then decide if the operation is needed. They told me that ideally we should avoid the op, as he could end up "side-tongued".... Meh, if it's not one thing it's another.
So I've started to express and we're giving Rio a milk top up at night by syringe. Last night worked well, as he then slept almost four hours straight!
Fingers crossed this little one gains some weight and strain to thrive soon. Otherwise I'm switching to bottle, even though my midwife is discouraging me to.
Ceecee - sounds like you're having similar issues with Freya... Let's hope it improves for you soon!
Pip - yep, I'm an emotional wreck. I have been at the end of my tether many nights, and I cry at the smallest thing... It doesn't help that hubby went back to work this week and I'm on my own all day with the little "monster" (I love him really, but he makes me suffer so much at the moment). My mum and sister are coming to stay with us next week, so I'll welcome the extra help, because right now, I'm living like a hermit, and can't barely leave the house...
Sorry for long post - Stay strong ladies, I'm sure things will gradually get better for us all!