***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

We have a nocturnal baby too!

Although she slept 4 hours last night, which was a first. 3 is the previous record lol.

Today has been productive. Left Bee with Daddy and I have managed to register us all at new GP's, get photocopies of birth certificate sorted, sent off child benefit forms, been shopping and taken James to the park... and it's only lunch time!

I must say that even though I am shattered, I feel much better now I am no longer pregnant. I do flag come late afternoon though, which is why I get everything done nice and early!

Pip I use a normal blanket and I wrap Caleb up like I'm preparing a fajita-only way I can describe it and now half the time I end up calling him my little fajita!!

Feeding trials continue, went to breastfeeding clinic yesterday and they gave me a fright being really concerned about how much weight he'd lost (70g since day 5 check)....MW today said to ignore it as she thinks weight loss would have happened when he was probably hardly getting any milk for the day or two when my nipples and boobs were in ruins and since then he's been putting it back on. Needless to say I cried anyway!

Afterwards he latched on like a dream and had a good feed (only on lefty still too frightened for righty yet as it's not quite healed) but when we got home he just wouldn't latch I had a bobble headed monster and have had about an hours sleep because of it. Today he's latched a couple of times but am now concerned he's again not latching properly as my nips HURT!! Am quite close to giving up it's just my pride that's keeping me going at the moment!

Haven't seen health visitor yet, Caleb has been discharged from MW but she's kept me until she's confident I'm confident with feeding again so think she's been keeping HV updated.

Can't wait to find my groove with feeding etc after all the problems although god knows when that will be at this point..just waiting on DH waking up from his nap so I can go for mine! x
Have you tried nipple shields Taboo?

Also someone mentioned - on another forum - some kind of medicinal gauze the HV can prescribe for your nips. I can't remember the name of it though but Google should find it.

Feeding shouldn't hurt but the initial latch can be a little 'ouchy' (first few sucks) and this is fine / normal. If the whole feed is hurting then I'd get back to the breastfeeding peeps. Do they do home visits where you are?

Although formula feeding isn't a bad thing. With James, moving to formula was the moment I started to enjoy him and being a mummy [after devastated nips / weeks of expressing!]

I bought nipple shields Nat but stupidly didn't realise they came in different sizes and they told me yesterday ones I have are too small so need to get bigger ones.

It's mainly the initial latch that hurts it makes my toes curl and then when he's done they are a bit sore after but not really during? Although I can feel the sucks if that makes sense but it's not painful? Think after my nips were destroyed am just a bit frightened of the whole thing still I don't want a repeat situation.

Having a slight rage, deal was DH got an hour nap this afternoon then I did, I gave him 90 minutes (bearing in mind he got a solid 6hrs sleep last night versus my 1!) woke him up and since then I've had to feed Caleb...just settled under my blanket on sofa to chill for 10mins and he had the cheek to say "what are you doing it's time to bath him?" Where's my bloody nap gone?!
I must admit I am still a bit wary of putting Bee on boobs as the initial few sucks hurt and it just reminds me of those first few days and the horrific pain. The rest of it is pain free though and I can forget she is feeding, unless I "move" and her sucks get stronger to keep nipple where it is.

I assume you are still using your nipple cream?

I haven't been sleeping during the day. Bee and James do tend to be asleep at the same time but that is my only opportunity to get anything done!

I do manage to get a good few hours at night. Most nights it's 3 hours sleep, 2 hours up, 3 hours sleep which is enough for me.

Yes still using the cream, have noticed a small blister type thing is forming on the left nip again so definitely can't always be latching properly...think will get the right size nipple guards tomorrow and use those for a few days so we aren't running before we can walk!
I have a really good cream I can recommend from Mothercare in a light blue & white box xxx
Lanisoh cream (sp) is the best.

I'd Google those medicinal gauzes too.

Lansinoh is what I have been using...will have a google for the compresses.

Back to expressing with formula topups tonight's as he's just shallow latching and I can't get him to do it properly.

DH and I talking about making the switch to formula as all these feeding dramas are stressing me out and don't feel like I'm properly enjoying Caleb as I should be. Difficult decision though. x
Hey taboo

You sound like where I was about 2 weeks ago, on nipple rest from a painful latch and expressing to keep the supply up.

It may be worth getting your midwife to check whether baby is tongue tied as this can affect it and is easily fixed with a quick op.

You may also want to experiment with different holds? I was doing it wrong and the latch improved when I had baby's "tummy to mummy" and I found that cushions/pillow also helped immensely.

I am also using nipple shields and they seem to have helped.

I still swear for the first minute of feeding on each side but I am told this sensation may fade in a few weeks.

The baby will have got lots of benefits from your breast milk to date so pat yourself on the back for having got this far.

It took me until 3&half weeks before I could breastfeed exclusively but have now been doing it for a week &am pleased I persisted through the different challenges. However there is no shame in doing what's best for the both of you and if that means bottle feeding then so be it xx

Good luck hun xx
Went to local registrar yesterday who took 45 mins to fill out the forms.

My mum is steaming as when the registrar heard I had left my husband after 3weeks since baby birth, she said sarcastically "nice timing, tinselcat" which I thought was pretty rude!
That's awful TC. She has no right to make a comment like that! I'd be very upset too!
What a cheeky cowbag TC.

I'm sure that is all you need - judgement from strangers!

Sounds like you are doing brilliantly and well done for persevering with the feeding. I'd have given up by now had Bee taken formula but on the occasions we tried her she acted like I was trying to feed her poison. She simply wouldn't have it.

James on the other hand preferred it to my expressed milk?

That is so horrible tinsel xx you are doing great with everything xx

I'm currently on the couch with Oisin wriggling on my knee after his 4oz bottle drained. Tyler is gone off to childminder xx he seems to get bored quickly already
Tinsel I can't believe that registrar. How bloody rude!

I'm still having issues on and off with BF too. It seems every second or third feed Freya suddenly doesn't (or can't) latch and pulls on an off like a manic, crazy, starving baby. She can't seem to get the nipple where she wants it and even using the positions the breastfeeding consultant showed me doesn't work. After about half an hour of extreme fussing and frustration she eventually either gets enough or gives up and goes to sleep. All is ok again on next feed though, its so annoying, especially when it happens at 1am! I think it might be slight engorgement as she's going through the 3 week growth spurt and trying to increase my milk supply again.

Hope everyone else is ok and enjoying all the baby snuggles xx
Tinselcat that registrar sounds bang out of order I'd complain!!

Thanks for telling me about your trials with feeding gives me hope I may sort it but not sure how long I can persevere...well done you for keeping going with it, I've found this week has been miserable and DH really hasn't got to enjoy time with Caleb and I as it's just been feeding stress. There's another clinic tomorrow I may go to and decide from there...such a difficult decision though as the milks there and he fed well at the start so I would just be giving up for no other reason than it's too hard for me. Xx
TC - best to ignore judgemental people like that! It's not worth your precious energy.

Jolly - please add baby Rio born on 31/01 at 21.06, 6.63 pounds. Thanks
Hope everyone is enjoying their precious bundles. Florence is doing well. My nipples have suffered, to the point that I'm having to use a nipple shield on my left breast. Bless her she doesn't seem to be confused between a big plastic blob on the left or au natrel on the right! I put her down at about 10 and she only wakes once between 2 and 3 usually so I can't complain, however I am still shattered. Doesn't help that I've been feeling virally for the last couple of days. Paracetamol every 4 hours helping. Hoping the weather warms up so we can get out a bit more when I feel better x
Hi ladies!

I need to read through all these threads to get myself updated! Still in hospital with Joel but he's on the mend and back in the room with me now so I can at least start being a mum. Breastfeeding is fairly traumatic but the one benefit of being stuck in hospital is the support with It so the MWs have been really helpful.

Hopefully home Saturday when the real fun can begin! Looking forward to catching up properly on here, hope everyone is doing ok xx
Just a quick one... Has anyone else's newborn suffered with constipation? Ruby is 4 days old, her poo yesterday morning was the final stage (seedy curryish colour) but that was the last one. She is feeding more so I would expect some more poo's!? Do I need to worry yet??

Got the midwife check tomorrow so I'm defo saying something but my mind is going overtime with worry at the minute. Makes me sad to think she hasn't gone since yesterday morning :( :( xx

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