***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Ladies I need a bit of advice...while breastfeeding this afternoon ive noticed a hard lumpy area in my right breast. Does this always mean a blocked milk duct or can it be normal?

Welcome omg, can totally understand the broodyness..

Great news that feeding is going well becky. Im anxious to get jessica reweighed just for reassurance shes getting enough food xx
Congratulations OMG xx I totally agree with broodiness ;-)

Well done Becky sounds brilliant xx

Mrsjohnson I think it sounds normal I was told mine could get lumpy when I was bfing Tyler xx
Mrs Johnson...lumps are pretty normal, as long as there's no redness/swelling. I was advised to massage the area, but also to keep feeding from the boob to encourage the milk through. You need to sort of press on from the lumpy area towards the nipple (does that make sense?!) . Also warm flannels/showers can help if it's a blocked duct

When are you due to get Jessica re weighed? Xx
Thanks ladies. Im not in any pain atm just noitced it and wondered what to do.

I thought the mw would have weighed jessica tomorrow but she didn't. Got the HV coming tomorrow so im assuming she will. It will be a week since her was last weighed tomorrow xx
Welcome OMG.

We had the 6 week check up today. Freya is perfect, although they didn't weigh her so I will have to wait until the HV clinic next week now to check her weight. She's definitely gaining though as we're out of the up to 1 month (up to 10lbs) and into the 0-3 now.

I've woken up with a tender area on my left boob though and GP said it's mild mastitis :/ She said she could prescribe antibiotics as that is the usual procedure, but she would prefer me to feed through it and massage it lots as it's soft and not lumpy and she thinks it will clear by itself. She said the AB's were not worth it as it would just end up giving Freya a week of diarrheoa but if it's still painful on Friday then to call her and she wil prescribe me some then. That way, I have something over the weekend when the surgery is shut just in case it suddenly got a lot worse, but if it improves I can just not take them and carry on feeding as normal.

Anyone else have a witching hour? We seem to get ours at some point between 6pm and 7.30pm where she gets trapped wind and nothing consoles her. Then it suddenly seems to clear on it's own with no burp or fart and she feeds and goes to sleep. Happens almost every night at a similar time. With my son, it seemed to last from 5pm through until 11, 12 or even 1am for the first 2-3 months, but he was formula fed and had silent reflux so a lot of it was from that.
Thanks girls :-) Gabriella is a pretty good girl...so far!

Glad it's not just me that gets broody...this is why my first 2 were so close! Even DH is broody!

Ceecee...hope you get through the pain x

I'm breast feeding too with the occasional top up with formula at night.

Stitches out tomo.

We had our first lunch out today, walked a long the beach...very slowly, lol!

Ceecee, I woke up with a similar tender spot a few days back. I made sure I massaged it during feeding and pumping, plus we nursed regularly and didn't let the Breast go for more than 2-3 hours without a feed or pump. It did clear itself out after a few days. Also, a cold pack against the painful lump helped with the pain.

Talking about painful Breast, anyone has shooting pains on the nipple area or towards the base of the Breast after nursing or pumping? I get them after every feed and doing some googling, it's a symptom of thrush (please no!!) but we don't have any other symptoms of that and baby's mouth seems very healthy. I'm kinda hoping other ladies have a similar feeling and it's just another one of those breastfeeding pains that will eventually to away.
God no I'm not broody.... I'm the opposite of broody lol.

Ceecee I had what I suspected was the beginnings of mastitis a few weeks ago. I had a quick Google and self diagnosed a blocked duct (at this point I was dr-less as I'd just registered with a new GP so was waiting for that to be processed and it was also the weekend). I looked online and they recommended heat treatment as did my mil [nurse]. So hot showers / hot water in a basin to bathe boob/ hot cloths. I had to feed as normal as well.... I found a hot tea towel was most effective. Also massaging helped too...Within 24h it had cleared up and boobs were back to normal.

'Tis a minefield all this feeding malarkey.

Congratulations omg xxx

I can't comment on the breast feeding lumps etc as i decided to bottle feed from birth.

We had the hv yesterday and she weighed Maisie and she had put on 10 ounces in 10 days!!!!! I couldn't believe it
She was lovely and gave us lots of advice and said we looked really calm and chilled!!!!! Lol

Today I have been in town and did a lot of walking, I think I have overdone it as I feel my bladder is really sore and when work it hurts!! Hope not caused any damage! But no tomorrow as we have to be at register office for 2 and have visitors at 5.30!!!!!
Are you still taking regular painkillers rachel? Im just curious because i have been up until today but decided to try and wean myself off the codiene and see how I go. So far so good just managing on paracetamol.

The lump in my breast is better already. Used hot flannel and changed feeding position to direct her chin towards the lump as suggested online. Will continue this a few more times and hopefully will fix itself x
I'm off the pain killers and off paracetamols! Only has 2 in 48 hours as had headache- u think I should go back on the paracetamols x

Ps glad the lump getting better xx
You've done so well recovering really quickly! I would just take a couple of paracetamol if your in pain. We went for quite a long walk into and around town today. Feels good to beable to do more now. We are going to register her on friday :-) xx
Hey ladies just popping over but still at hospital will be more active soon Ruby born on 24th Feb 6lbs 10oz sooo proud xx
Hello mummies!!! Delighted to be posting here now that our wee family is complete. Baby Lucas was born on Friday and I'm absolutely besotted with him.

Post baby tummies...when do they go away?!!! Mine is very flabby and saggy, what's the best way to get this sorted? I've been out walking with the pram and think I'm going to go to Pilates next week but anything more strenuous wait till about 6 weeks. So weird not having any pelvic floor muscles anymore!!! Xxx
Congratulations Cosmo! Our bubs have the same birthday :-)

Don't mention tummies. I was quite pleased with mine in the hospital, thought it had gone down quite a lot....must just have been the position I was in as still look 8 months preg!

Is anyone else's baby ridiculously hungry at night? Usually Gabriella feeds for approx 20 mins every 2-3 hours. Last night she drained both boobs and had a top up!

I'm hungry all the time lol.

Feeling a bit upset today as Bee's poo has been green for a few days now (not the mustard colour it should be) so I googled and it seems she might not be getting all the nutrients she needs.

She fits the bill of getting my foremilk but not my hindmilk.... poos are green / she fusses at boob some feeds / gets incredibly grumpy after some feeds - especially at night and sadly I often have to take her off the boob due to toddler needing me. All classis signs. .. also they can gain weight with foremilk.

I need to speak to bf'ing people? HV is only in on Tuesday at my baby clinic.. or do we need to go to Dr?

Hey Nat- I remember having problems like this with Harry.
I would def speak to bf people of you can- they'll prob have some good advice. Personally I wouldn't bother with the docs as there's nothing they can do

If Harry was fussing after a feed, I'd leave him a couple of mins, but then put him back onto the same boob so he could carry on and get the hind milk.
The fussing does pass, though I know with a toddler that juggling is hard!

Have you thought about a wrap/ sling so you can keep bee feeding if James needs you? Xx
Nat you could try and express a little milk off before a feed and she should get more of the hind milk.
We still have green poos some days x

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