***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Hi mummies,

I'm needing some advice again! Alfie is 8 days old now and I am formula feeding (regret not trying to BF now!). He is currently feeding every 3ish hours during the day and at night it's usually around 4. He has 3oz a feed but is polishing it off. My mum and midwife advised that if he was finishing the bottle then add another ounce which is what I've tried today and again he's polished it off. Tuesday night was an awful night with trapped wind and wanting to be fed every hour and a half! So we invested in some Dr Browns bottles which has calmed his wind down a lot. When he has his feed at this time of night, he really struggles to settle after. I'm also worried that he's still hungry! I just don't think I'm feeding him right :( I feel like he's always hungry or uncomfortable. I am trying to wind him through out his feed and keeping him fairly upright after for a while as advised to help with the wind. He also only poos about twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Again, I think this May be contributing to the tummy ache. I wouldn't say they are big poos either. He can also be quite lazy waking up for a feed, often resulting in us undressing him to wake him up to feed.

On the plus side, we are seeing a Dr at our local surgery who is a tongue tie practitioner on Tuesday, little did we know we had one on our doorstep! I'm looking forward to getting the ball rolling and sorting this out.

Alfie is nearly outgrowing his newborn sleep suits :( but other than that, I am so smitten with my gorgeous boy. He has now been registered as a proper person too!
Carnat - what I was doing until the other day was 15-20 mins on one breast, unlimited time til the baby falls asleep/has enough (but about the same - a good feed would be 30-40 mins total) on the other (until baby has had enough) - and then that would be sufficient for a 3-hour feeding cycle. I would alternate the breasts in terms of which to start on.

Midwife advised that if baby falls asleep on breast 1 then wake up to finish the feed e.g. by changing nappy.
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Toni, after his feed give him some luke warm water. Boil the kettle and let it cool down. It takes the edge of the dryness that the formula can give them, this maybe why he always seems hungry.
And dont worry about the pooping business my little 1 goes days without pooping and has ALOT of wind but thats due to his tongue tie too.

And tinselcat on my formula tub it says 4-8 weeks 120ML which is 4oz, or for 8 weeks+ 150ML or 5oz.
So id start with 120 and if its polished off add a little bit more xx
My nights are getting progressively worse with Bee last night she didn't go to sleep until 2.20am, had a quick feed at about 4am and we've been up since 6.30am.

I'm actually starting to feel pretty down on the lack of sleep? With James I was expressing so OH would do an evening feed to let me have a few hours [he did this the week I was exprssing with Bee as well] but now he literally cannot do anything to help? They don't nap at same time during the day so I can't have a power snooze then.

I am just feeling worse every day (ratty, tired, snapping at poor James, lacking motivation to do anything). It's def due to tiredness.
I find bf'ing very isolating, and very time consuming and very relentless.

Gosh sorry for the early morning moan.

Hi Toni I moved from bf and expressing to formula this time as he was too hungry and always needed top ups of formula, he was on 4oz from we left the hospital and I had to up it to 5oz at 4.5 weeks now he's settling a lot better on his 6oz bottle and his poops are mustardy and sometimes only 1 in the day and other days 3-4.

Aw Nat I'm so sorry you're having a tough time with no sleep, I really hope they settle into a good nap routine very soon and you get the rest you need xx :hug: you are doing a great job xx

At 6 week check I was weighed and it turns out from last time I was weighed with Oisin I'm down 2stone 9lb! Lots more to go now when I get my act together. I decided on implant in the end.
Ah Nat, sorry you're having a rough time. I don't know what I'd do without my mum staying to look after eldest 2 in these first weeks. I also find breast feeding very time consuming.
Have you considered topping up with formula at night?

We're hoping to register Gabriella today...it's all a bit unknown here but we'll give it a go, lol.

Can't believe she's a week old already...it goes so quick!

DD2 has a cold and temp so trying to not get too close, she doesn't understand tho :-(

I know lack of sleep never killed anyone but I swear I've not had a proper 7 hours since summer 2012.

Sleep is for wimps ha.

On the upside Bee's last two poo's have been a much better colour (mustard! Nice!)

OH off today which is a nice surprise so he'll take James out and I can hopefully nap.

Well done on your weightloss TS. Ive got a shed load to lose but feel ready to crack on now so I'm starting on Monday.

Thanks for all your feeding advice ladies. Much appreciated.

So much mucus bless little Ruby was hard for her to feed at first but she is feeding loads more xx the midwife said because she is a c section baby they have a lot more xx
So much mucus bless little Ruby was hard for her to feed at first but she is feeding loads more xx the midwife said because she is a c section baby they have a lot more xx

Bee was very mucusy and its horrible. Yep its common in c-section babies or those who are born quickly [Bee flew out lol] as they haven't had that slow progress down the birth canal that tends to squeeze stuff out or lungs. ... or something like that.

Sleep is def not for wimps! I turn in to devil woman if too tired! Then feel do bad as I snap at everyone.

I fell asleep feeding last night so Gabriella was helping herself through the night! Not ideal, but never mind!

OMG I too fell asleep with Finley after feeding him.. I have a BF pillow that I lay him on, before I knew it 40 mins had passed, then he fed again, and the next time I looked at the clock another hour had gone

TS- well done on the weight loss. I too really need to make a start at getting back on the wagon- I was doing slimming world before I got pregnant, and had lost just over 2 stone, so I really don't want to ruin all my hard work, but I just find it hard to want to eat fruit etc when. I can have naughty snacks!!

Nat- I know you've got lots of family close- could you ask if James could have a night with them to give you. A break? (Hope that doesn't sound horrible). My mum had Harry last sat night, which just meant we didn't have to be up AT&T he crack of dawn (he always wakes at 6!) and it just gave us a few hours to recuperate xx

So Finley John officially exists now- we've just been to get him registered. Got the HV coming at 12 so for us it's a busy morning!

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello as I havent posted in here yet.

My little man, Dexter, was born weighing 6lb 14oz on the 18th Feb via planned c section as he has a cardiac tumour and would be hard to monitor heart rate during labour. Loving being a mummy but dear me I'm tired! !!

Looking forward to sharing the experience with everyone

Ugh, didn't get registered today as office closed at 1! :wall2: had to get a taxi there and back for nothing! I even checked on website to see opening hours and it said nothing if them shutting at 1! So, we'll have to go again on Monday. At least it have me and DH a couple hours to ourselves.,.we thought while we were out we'd go out for lunch and a glass of wine in the sun. Heaven! Helped bubs' jaundice too. Was only slight but she got her dose of vit D!

Finally got our first check up booked in for Wednesday. Be interesting to see how LOs weight is.

Hi MrsT - how's it all going? Recovering ok from sec? I feel sooo much better now stitches are out.

Has anyone been recommended to give baby any vitamins? I was told because I'm breast feeding that she should have this vitamin, which I think is D. Not really sure why, if it's a spanish thing or a new thing. Wasn't ever told it for other 2.

Yeh it's ok thank you. .... I always knew I'd be a bit of a worrier but with everything going on I'm 1 millions times worse. I'm recovering really well... going to call car insurance company tomorrow to see if they are happy for me to start driving....m supposedly the dvla only recommend 1 week so it's up to insurance company.... fingers crossed!! My wound is still really numb to touch but can feel it pulling loads so I wonder if dissolvable stitches are a bit tight?

I haven't been recommended to give any vitamins..... just to take some myself.

Is anyone who bf'ing struggling with them being sick? Dexter this past couple of days has started being sick after every feed :(
Omg we were given some oral vitamin K to give jessica everyday until the bottle runs out. The mw said this is just because she is breast fed and if we changed or topped up with formula then to stop it. The HV also recommended for me to continue taking my vitamin tablets while Bf'ing so thats what ive been doing.

MrsT jessica has been sick a few times after feeds but not alot. I think its quite normal for them to be a bit sickly and i suspect some babies are more so than others. Is he gaining weight ok?
Jessicas main problem is the hiccups. She gets them everyday sometimes a couple of times. She got them alot before she was born aswel for the mw had warned me this could happen!

Sorry to hear your having a tough time nat. Sleep deprevation certainly catches up on you very quickly! Hope you get some time to rest soon xx
Is he being sick right after feeds? It could just be that he is drinking too much for the size of his tummy. Babies have a kind of natural overflow valve, lol. If that is it the milk comes up soon after a feed and is still sweet smelling. If it is coming up later after he starts digesting it it could be reflux. Then it is kind of curdled and sour smelling.

I feel for you on the sleep front NAT. Lack of sleep might not kill me, but I'm half dead :).
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He just started gaining yesterday after loosing 8oz off birth weight at the beginning.

ill have to look at what the sick is like. ... sometimes watery but other times a bit curdled but never too long after a feed... 10/15 mins maybe. Well it's a glamorous life hey ladies..... I'm now going to start smelling sick haha. The things you do ;)

Just gone 3 hours straight sleep Ahhhhhhh.

Using snuza hero for the first night tonight and is working a treat.


Haha it is glamorous indeed!

We've just had a 3 hour stretch of sleep. Back on the boob now! Luckily dont have anything on this morning so hopefully can sleep in for a bit xx
Funny isn't it Mrsj. .... I'm sat here doing the exact same. Dex on the boob and my phone resting on the pillow and my tummy.

My mum is meant to be coming round at 6 to watch him for a bit so we can get some sleep..... I've heard nothing tho so not sure what's happening now.

Hi to all the new mummies!!! I'll add you to the front page later today :-)

So after having her tongue tie cut last Sunday mollies feeding hasn't really improved much at all and we've taken her off the gaviscon completely as it's a waste of time and isn't doing anything.

She had her first appointment at the chiro yesterday and she has a couple of issues they need to sort out: she has a lot of tension down the right side of her back symptomatic of being back to back in the womb and the reason she won't lie on her back. Secondly because of the tongue tie she has a terrible suck reflex and needs her jaw working on. They're also going to do an acid test on her lips to see if she's bringing up acid.

It breaks my heart so much that she's miserable and she rarely smiles despite being almost 7 weeks.

Is anyone else getting many smiles? X

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