***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Aww Nat she is so so cute!! Well done on the breastfeeding too you have done so well. I'm sad it hasn't worked out for us again but not getting hung up on it, a happy mummy is much better.
Toni welcome!! Is Alfie draining the full amount? We were always told if so to up the oz in the bottle by 1, but I know their tummies are so tiny so mws might want you to be cautious! And wow those sleeps sound amazing!
Immy seems to have her best stretch of sleep after the 9/10pm feed, doing 4 hours but then it's 2-3 hourly after that. Zzzz!
Aww nat shes gorgeous!

We are treating ourselves to a chinese tonight. Hoping a certain little miss will let me eat it!! Xx
she is lovely nat!

MrsJ, hope you got to eat a nice meal. I am getting rather used to cold food at the moment, lol.
So Ruby is on 4oz now & had definitely put on weight, she has a chubby little face, it's so adorable!

However, today she has been a Mard! Suffering with the windy tummys, infacol not doing to much. She'll have her feed & fall asleep towards the end.. I'll make sure she finishes it though, Ruby will sleep for about 2 hours 2 & half hours & be hungry.. Again!! Surely she can't want more in 2 hours even when she's only 6lb!? She's struggling to poo daily too so I'm contemplating feeding her when she wants it so often but then I dong want to starve her!?

Being 3 weeks old tomorrow, what are people's thoughts on her having water? To soon?

I'm no expert in formula feeding, but going every 2 hours is fairly common (certainly with bf babies). Their tummies are really tiny so don't take much to fill up, but consequently don't take long to empty!

Our bf is going ok- but his latch isn't great... Hoping the pain will ease as my nipples toughen up. Trouble is I can't remember how long this took with Harry.. Even though it's less than 3 years ago!
Aw nat she is so cute.
Hope you are all getting on fine, I am struggling to keep up with the forum just now, and am going to have to go back and catch up with everyone.
Brody is now 10weeks I am so shocked at how fast he is growling and how the time is flying. We are ff now after a lot of bf issues we had to switch at about 6weeks as Brody is just such a hungry boy, he happily drains 6-7oz every 3-4 hours and it's hungry milk at the health visitors advice, he often looks for more afterwards too. He also has his second injections now on the 10th of March, hoping that he doesn't get ill after these ones like the last time.
Currently dealing with babys dad being very difficult too, we aren't together and I have always tried to be fair, but he cannot see this and is telling me I am a bad person the whole time, it fairly takes its toll, especially looking ater a young baby and the fact that it's his fault we are separated in the first place. I am just trying to keep it all civil for Brody, but he can't see this.

Sorry about the long message, but sometimes feel like I need to let it all out. Again hope your all well. Love from me and Brody :) xxx
Hi Nat!
I just popped in to say hello and see how life with your beautiful baby girl is going!
She is just gorgeous-where has the month gone? I'm so glad to see that breastfeeding is going well for you this time round :) yay!!
Is James enjoying being big brother?
I found at around 6-8 weeks life with 2 kiddies got a lot easier.
Nat, Joe had rotovirus jab and it didn't cause any issues. We just had to be extra careful for a week with nappy changes and washing hands as it's a live virus so can cause diarrhoea. Probably not too much of an issue if the adults get it, but would imagine it would be a bit nastier for a toddler to catch it. By the way, Bee is gorgeous in that pic :)

We have 6 week check up with GP on Wednesday and then I should get the sign off to start exercising again. I've bought an exercise bike to use as although I have free gym membership here, I can't use it due to breastfeeding. I can only use it at night when hubby is back from work and Freya cluster feeds most at night so I'm still tethered in the evenings. Figured I can do 30 mins a few times a week when they are both napping and it's better than nothing. BF makes me so hungry though so not sure it'll do much if I'm eating everything in sight lol.

Welcome to the new feb mums and congrats :Dhttp://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk//uk.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/
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Ladies, you'll never guess what...I've finally updated the front page!!!!

Can everyone check their details and let me know if I've missed anything/anyone?

I've been awol for a little while as we've been trying to sort mollie's feeding/tongue tie. We were told in hospital that because I'd switched to bottle feeding and her tongue tie wasn't that bad they wouldn't cut it for us. The next few weeks were hard and she was diagnosed with reflux and prescribed gaviscon and colief for the trapped wind. I asked the doctor to look at the tongue tie and she said it looked fine. I then phoned the health visitor and said Mollie had all the signs of tongue tie: clicking noises when feeding, dribbling excessively when feeding, trapped wind. I begged her to refer us to the tongue tie clinic so she did. That was 2 weeks ago. Last monday my hv phoned me and said the clinic wouldn't see us because they would only be able to fit us in this week, by which point mollie would be over 6 weeks which was their cut off. My hv also told me openly that our region had the most tongue tie referrals in the country and theyd been told to cut the numbers.

That day I had a total meltdown. I still want to breastfeed and have done extensive research into relactation. I have no prolem bottlefeeding but I need to know if the breastfeeding issues are related to me or the tongue tie. I really felt like no one was listening to me.

Anyway, I found a group of independent midwives who offer tongue tie division as a service for £100 and Mollie had it done this morning. It wasn't pleasant and she was one of the few babies who bled a lot from it. She fed immediately afterwards and while there's a little way to go she wasn't as windy as normal or as sick. My suspicions may well be right in that she doesn't have reflux at all, but that the tongue tie was causing far more problems than anyone relised.

What makes me so angry is that she has now been diagnosed with almost 100% tongue tie. So to be told it's no big deal is disgusting. It's a huge deal. We were also told it would almost certainly have cause problems when it came to weaning onto solids and with her speech.

So now I have started a long a rocky road to relactation. I will try and get her to latch in a couple of days when her tongue is better and I have a couple of days of expressing behind me. At the moment I still have drops of milk if i hand express, but very little from the electric pump.

I know a few of you have had issues with tongue tie (i have finally caught up on the thread!!!) so if you want any more info on the division just let me know. Mollie is now very sleepy but she's fed well from her bottle twice since having it done this morning.

I just can't believe that the NHS discriminates so openly between breast and bottle, when it now seems the reason I moved onto bottle was the tongue tie that they wouldn't cut!!!

Love seeing all the babies growing :-) I'll update a piccie of Mollie from my phone later xxx
Thanks for doing the front page! Looks great. Are there really only 3 of us with babies over 9lbs? Tomas was close to 11lbs which I know is pretty huge, lol, but I would have thought there would be more around 9lbs. I hope the BFing works out for you now. You have had such a fight. I know the fight isnt over, but hopefully things have turned for the better.
I was thinking the same about the weights - I'm surprised how many are 6lbers! I always thought that was small for a baby but it seems to be the norm for us lot?! X
Ladies, you'll never guess what...I've finally updated the front page!!!!

Can everyone check their details and let me know if I've missed anything/anyone?

I'm missing from the page :)

Alexander, born 15/01/15 weighing 7lbs 6

Hope all are well :D x
Ladies, you'll never guess what...I've finally updated the front page!!!!

Can everyone check their details and let me know if I've missed anything/anyone?

I'm missing from the page :)

Alexander, born 15/01/15 weighing 7lbs 6

Hope all are well :D x
Sunflower how could I forget you!!! I'll add your details tomorrow when I'm on my laptop :-) xxx
Thank Jolly xx looks great

Nat she is adorable xx

I'm a wee bit worried about my af today is cd 8 and has been excessive from cd 5 thought it should be getting lighter instead of heavier! Roll on doctors tomorrow I never have longer than 4-5 days xx
Thank Jolly xx looks great

Nat she is adorable xx

I'm a wee bit worried about my af today is cd 8 and has been excessive from cd 5 thought it should be getting lighter instead of heavier! Roll on doctors tomorrow I never have longer than 4-5 days xx

Its a bit different for me because I was Breastfeeding when af came back last time at 8 months PP but my first was light and my second was really heavy and long. The next one was normal. I think sometimes it just takes a while for your body to get back to normal?
Hi all, hope everybody enjoying their precious bundles. Florence is six weeks old tomorrow. Where have those weeks gone?! We are getting lots of smiles now. Going to get her weighed tomorrow, goodness knows what she weighs as haven't had her weighed since she was 10 days old. She is sleeping from 11-7am though so must be growing nicely. My only problem is I have thrush in my nipples and breast. If it wasn't for the pain of that I would be feeling really well. Children back at school after half term today so Florence and I are enjoying some peace and quiet! x
Glad you finally got the TT sorted Jolly, but I think it's terrible that you had to pay privately for it, particularly if they said it was almost 100% TT too. No wonder so many women quit BF so early when they have issues like that go unresolved. Hopefully you'll be able to relactate quite quickly and as soon as she can latch and start suckling herself again then you'll soon get the supply back up and runnng.

Thanks for updating the front page too. Funny how we were so short on girl numbers since the 20 weeks scans but now there is an even split of 15 boys and 15 girls...must have been all the team yellows hiding girlies lol.
Oh, yeah, I hadnt noticed the boy girl numbers had evened up, there seem to have been a burst of girls the begining of Febuary.
Jolly we are having trouble with a tongue tie referral too and may end up doing a 2 hour travel to London or paying privately :( we just have to wait and see what happens. Glad you got yours sorted though x
Toni & jolly, sorry to hear about the tongue tie, we found the op made a massive difference so I hope it works out the same for you.

Flying update from me, health visitor found baby had put on 500g (1 lb 1 oz) since 11 days ago, so he's now off the bottom 0.4 percentile line and almost at the bottom 2 percentile line, hooray. 8 lb 6 oz at 7 and a half weeks.

Can't believe how much he's grown! Xx

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