Ladies, you'll never guess what...I've finally updated the front page!!!!
Can everyone check their details and let me know if I've missed anything/anyone?
I've been awol for a little while as we've been trying to sort mollie's feeding/tongue tie. We were told in hospital that because I'd switched to bottle feeding and her tongue tie wasn't that bad they wouldn't cut it for us. The next few weeks were hard and she was diagnosed with reflux and prescribed gaviscon and colief for the trapped wind. I asked the doctor to look at the tongue tie and she said it looked fine. I then phoned the health visitor and said Mollie had all the signs of tongue tie: clicking noises when feeding, dribbling excessively when feeding, trapped wind. I begged her to refer us to the tongue tie clinic so she did. That was 2 weeks ago. Last monday my hv phoned me and said the clinic wouldn't see us because they would only be able to fit us in this week, by which point mollie would be over 6 weeks which was their cut off. My hv also told me openly that our region had the most tongue tie referrals in the country and theyd been told to cut the numbers.
That day I had a total meltdown. I still want to breastfeed and have done extensive research into relactation. I have no prolem bottlefeeding but I need to know if the breastfeeding issues are related to me or the tongue tie. I really felt like no one was listening to me.
Anyway, I found a group of independent midwives who offer tongue tie division as a service for £100 and Mollie had it done this morning. It wasn't pleasant and she was one of the few babies who bled a lot from it. She fed immediately afterwards and while there's a little way to go she wasn't as windy as normal or as sick. My suspicions may well be right in that she doesn't have reflux at all, but that the tongue tie was causing far more problems than anyone relised.
What makes me so angry is that she has now been diagnosed with almost 100% tongue tie. So to be told it's no big deal is disgusting. It's a huge deal. We were also told it would almost certainly have cause problems when it came to weaning onto solids and with her speech.
So now I have started a long a rocky road to relactation. I will try and get her to latch in a couple of days when her tongue is better and I have a couple of days of expressing behind me. At the moment I still have drops of milk if i hand express, but very little from the electric pump.
I know a few of you have had issues with tongue tie (i have finally caught up on the thread!!!) so if you want any more info on the division just let me know. Mollie is now very sleepy but she's fed well from her bottle twice since having it done this morning.
I just can't believe that the NHS discriminates so openly between breast and bottle, when it now seems the reason I moved onto bottle was the tongue tie that they wouldn't cut!!!
Love seeing all the babies growing

I'll update a piccie of Mollie from my phone later xxx