***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

Congrats Cosmo and Zoe :)

I'll try some heat/hot cloths on the sore spot and see if it helps, thanks.

Nat I think they suggest that if baby hasn't fed a total of 20 mins from 1 boob before they unlatch then pop them back on that boob for the nexr feed so they get the hind milk before offering other boob.

Also, I meant to say, my mum bought me 3 cute lemon coloured babygows from next and they have bee's on them...would be cute on your little Bee lol.......http://www.next.co.uk/x555792s4

they have these too in their daisy chain range
http://www.next.co.uk/x55790s1 and http://www.next.co.uk/x552790s4

Very cute :)
Nat, Florence's poo went green for a couple of days. I cut out asparagus and broccoli and it returned to mustard seed colour. Have you been eating lots of green veg?
Arggh, just arggh! Spent all night cluster feeding and dealing with her trapped wind so had very little sleep and it continued all morning too. Finally managed to get her off to sleep properly, only for my hubby to put her in Moses basket on her tummy, which woke her almost instantly. We never put her to sleep on her tummy and he knows that!?!?

Back to square one and feeding again now
Argh thats frustrating ceecee. Hope you manage to get some rest this afternoon.

I love all the baby clothes in next they are super cute.

Just had our visit from HV and jessicas has gone back up to her birth weight after a slight loss last week so im pleased about that xx
Thanks ladies.

Not been eating much green veg (naughty me!l). Spoke to bf'ing helpline and they were very reassuring. The foremilk / hindmilk info is quite outdated but based on info ive given they happy Bee is fine.

I just need to keep her on boobs longer before swapping and make sure I go back to feed on boob she was last on then swap.

That stuff is so cute Ceecee. Just had some bits delivered from Next actually but didn't see those. We got this http://www.next.co.uk/x553786s1#826542x55 as we have a few parties coming up!!

Also got some more baby-gro's http://www.next.co.uk/x552792s1#782120x55 & http://www.next.co.uk/x555792s1#800550x55

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Nat- my 1st LO had allergy issues which caused her to have green poo a lot, infact she had all shades of grean and brown but never had a normal mustard one. In her case she had lots of trouble with weight gain which had us really worried. Because of this I did a lot of reading about it and it is perfectly normal for it to happen from time to time. It can be caused by all sorts of reasons like a slight bug, or something you eat etc. It just means that the milk has gone through their digestion more quickly than normal. Long term it can cause weight problems but short term, nothing to worry about. In our girls case it carried on for months. She also had loads of mucus and sometimes blood in it too.
Sorpresa I was told 15-20 mins total. So if they feed for just a few mins and pop off, then they need relatching on that same boob again until 15-20 mins feeding has happened and then you can switch. It's hard though as some babies are a lot more efficient at emptying a boob than others. I can see sometimes when Freya unlatches that the milk is nice and thick after only 5-10 mins feeding whereas other times it's still very thin and watery.
Checked your labour thread Helen - congrats! cute baby pic x

Nat - agree with ceecee's advice, hope the poos turn a normal colour soon

Ceecee - argh, so frustrating! It's hard to understand how someone could do that after all your hard work overnight x Hope you get some rest soon

Am having a tough day physically as baby decided to writhe and squirm while feeding overnight, so my nipples are destroyed and really painful today :( Also my wrists are incredibly painful just picking up the baby, I went to see a physio yesterday & he gave me some wrist strengthening exercises... but it's really hard not being able to pick up/hold the baby without pain!

Have just managed to book onto a baby massage course starting tomorrow, sadly paid-for as all the free ones here aren't til a couple of months time, but hopefully it will mean my poor colicy baby suffers less! xx
The only thing you have to be careful about with 'block feeding' is that it does tend to lower your suppy, which is a good thing if you have an over-supply but not so good if its a different issue altogether.
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Oh right Bunny. So solving one issue can potentially cause another? This bloody feeding malarkey is a bit of a nightmare I must say.

Hate to say it but for me formula feeding would make life so much easier. Baby has decided otherwise though!!!!

Nat I wouldn't worry too much about lowering your supply. It's just a bit of a jiggle getting the right time on each boob sorted

I'm sure within no time her poo will be back to normal, and in another month you won't be thinking about timing- they just latch on and off easy enough, and take what they need xx
Tinsel my little girl did that to me the other night and my nipples really felt it the next morning. I think she was squirming with wind but at one point felt like she was going to rip one of them while feeding.

I have to admit Nat that I've had lots of moments where I think FF would be easier. But then I remember back to the faff it was of constantly washing and sterilising bottles, spending ages getting the temp right and making sure you have enough formula in at all times. I also like not having to get out of bed at night to sort bottles. Things do seem to improve for me day on day though so persevering for now but it's been quite tough going up to now that's for sure!
Oh right Bunny. So solving one issue can potentially cause another? This bloody feeding malarkey is a bit of a nightmare I must say.

Hate to say it but for me formula feeding would make life so much easier. Baby has decided otherwise though!!!!


From what I understand you will only get too much foremilk in a feed if you have an oversupply anyway. If you don't have an oversupply block feeding won't help, so give it a try and you will probably see quite quickly if it is helping or niot. It shouldn't harm your supply enough to worry about unless you already have issues with supply and you keep it up for ages.
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I know its a stupid question but how should I be feeding? One boob until she is done / swap boobs after a set amount of time? Alternate boobs for each feed? I'm confused lol.

Freya tends to feed on me for 10-15 mins max so if she wants a feed within 30 mins then I reoffer the same boob. If it's been more than an hour or 2 then I offer the other one as its fuller and more painful if I leave it too long. She's only had 1 green nappy and gaining nicely so seems to work for us. Not sure if that's correct or not though lol.

6 week growth spurt arrived with a vengeance last night and she's so unsettled at the mo. Cluster feeding, mega clingy, and very fussy on the boob. Hope it passes soon as its not much fun! On the plus side, she seems to have cluster fed through the mastitis and boob is no longer hurting
Carnat my BFMW told me that if the baby feeds on one boob until finished, offer the other one even if they have finished. That way if there on the other boob even for another 2-5 mins it helps the supply keep up. Also if your expressing do the last boob first as the other will be emptyish. Then on the next feed offer the 1 you expressed on then the other and keep repeating like that!

Its a nightmare atm for me as Charlie has a tongue tie so cant stay latched proper so hes doing alot of nipple feeding rather than boob feeding. So hes currently on abit of everything. Hes on boobs for about 5 mins if he can latch, then on formula. Then im having to express both boobs and my supply has decreased alot, but been told if i can keep it up til sunday (Charlies having his tongue cut) then it should be fine and it should start coming in again as soon as Charlie gets feeding properly.
So it just depends what you want to do and how you want to do it xx
Bleeding nipples!! *sobs*

Wish I hadn't listened to the advice the other day about comfort feeding on demand... left me very sore and baby no happier :(

I've just got 4 bottles of formula in to help me through the night - any idea how much to give to a near-8-week old per feed?

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