***Jan & Feb Mummy and Baby***

TC well done to you and baby- that's a fab gain over 11 days.

Small rant coming up- hubby has just really annoyed me. Came up to bed with Finley around half 9. Changed him, got into bed and fed him and popped him into crib just after 10

Hubby said he'd be up to bed just after 10. So we'd both dropped off (Finley to ewan the sheep) when hubby comes up at gone half 10, turns on landing light which shines right into our room

Cue me waking, then Finley. And then fin decides he wants more feeding. Which if course is fine... Hubby gets into bed and promptly falls asleep, leaving me wide awake!

Arghh why do men just not get how important sleep is !!
Wow Beckyboo, that is infuriating! I just don't understand how some men just don't get it. Although if they were faced with the consequences, such as a complete lack of sleep, perhaps they would..!

The dream sheep is great isn't he :-)
Tc that's amazing! Well done bubba!

Becky that sounds just like my husband!

Toni have you Googled independent midwives or lactation consultants in your area? It took me a while to fund someone as I was going down the route of private hospitals who generally don't treat babies under 3 x
My 3 week old seems to only have 3 modes: feed, sleep or cry. Not that it cries every minute he's awake, but when I put him to sleep after feeding I dread him not falling asleep or waking up because he just seems to whine. I guess this is normal? :-/
My 3 week old seems to only have 3 modes: feed, sleep or cry. Not that it cries every minute he's awake, but when I put him to sleep after feeding I dread him not falling asleep or waking up because he just seems to whine. I guess this is normal? :-/

That does seem pretty normal for 3 weeks old. They soon get more responsive and fun to play with though. Our girl was very alert from day 1 and wanted to 'play' lots but our boy has only just started being more intrested in the world from about 4/5 weeks. Before that like you say he just slept, ate or cried, and screamed loudly through nappy changes. I use a boba wrap to carry him in when he wont settle. It has been a lifesaver.

Since I got pregnant again and was really sick in tri 1, OHhas been in charge of our toddler in the night. She is isnt a good sleeper still. He has become much more appreciative about the importance of sleep and of not waking up the baby, lol.
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Yay to seeing everyone on the front page - thanks Jolly!!

I think a lot of January Mummies haven't had the time to come over to this thread yet as there were heaps more boys than girls [29 boys and 12 girls - 4 team yellow I wasn't sure about!!].

Hope everyone is OK!

TC, glad little one has had a nice gain.

Jolly, I am infuriated that you had to go to such lengths to get the tongue tie sorted. How annoying but I do hope it's onwards and upwards with feeding now and if not then you know you did everything you could.

Hope all the new Mummies are OK, Bee is getting so big already and doesn't have those "newborn" mannerisms anymore! Sob, sob! Taking her to be weighed this afternoon as I want to see how big my wee piglet has got.

Had an awful night last night as James has yet another cough and cold so he was up from Midnight -3am [Bee was asleep] and then when I finally got him back to sleep Bee was up for an hour. The she woke at 6am and was really restless and James was up again at 7am... :nap: :nap: :nap:

Hi Nat!
I just popped in to say hello and see how life with your beautiful baby girl is going!
She is just gorgeous-where has the month gone? I'm so glad to see that breastfeeding is going well for you this time round :) yay!!
Is James enjoying being big brother?
I found at around 6-8 weeks life with 2 kiddies got a lot easier.

Thanks for checking in on my mrsw, I am def still getting to grips with two of them. It seems like they never nap at the same time and both "need" me at the same time IE: the seem to poo in unison :lol:

I am barely getting anything done round the house and going out with them both is a rarity....

BUT it's amazing to have my completed family. I feel like since having Bee I've not had time to breath and really take on board the magnitude of her actually being here? With the first baby you have lots of time when the sleep to reflect and think "wow, look what we did" but with number 2 you don't have that luxury. She has just kind of arrived and had to fit in?

BF'ing is much better now, glad I am getting a chance to experience it and I'm hoping that she has had a lovely gain.

James is in front of the TV :shock: and Bee is nodding off so I had better go and do something useful... like brush my teeth!

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My 3 week old seems to only have 3 modes: feed, sleep or cry. Not that it cries every minute he's awake, but when I put him to sleep after feeding I dread him not falling asleep or waking up because he just seems to whine. I guess this is normal? :-/

Agree that it sounds quite normal.

Bee has only the past few days been more awake and alert - she does about 10-15 minutes on her baby gym before she reverts to crying / sleeping / wanting a feed.

NAT- we had a night like that a couple of days ago, they took shifts being awake and I barely slept. I'm stil trying to catch up! I agree about having more time to reflect after your first. I was kind in a state of shock the first two weeks and just did everything on automatic! It took me a bit longer to really appreciate and bond with the new baby where as the first time I spent hrs gazing at her, lol. Its not that I was miserable or anything just didnt have time or energy to spare. Its still a bit caotic at times but I'm feeling much more into the swing of it now. I was terrified of being left in the house with them both at first but it is actually fine.
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I cant imagine how you cope with other children, i have such appreciation for you im still trying to get to grips with 1 lol.

BF still going ok. Nipples seem to be healing a bit but my whole breasts and nipples are super sensitive and the slightest knock or even if i turn over onto them on bed and it hurts. Does this last the whole time?

Jessica should be getting weighed again today as we have our last mw visit. She had lost weight on thursday so hoping for a gain this time round.

Stiches are coming out today so hoping its not too painful! Hopefully im still a bit numb around my scar and this will help.

Is it acceptable to still be in pjs when the mw comes round this afternoon lol? I really cant be bothered to get dressed at all!!! :) xx
The sensation in your boobs does go mrs J- Harry bumped into mine the ther day- I could of cried!!

And yes completely acceptable to,still be in pjs- that's a perk of being a mummy!!
Omg mollie is 6 weeks and still feeds sleeps and cries!!! We thought she was a miserable baby but we're starting to get glimpses of a smile :-)

With regards to the relactation it's a no go. I just simply cannot commit the time to expressing as I need to. If she was my first it might be different but I spent yesterday feeling miserable and coming to terms with it :-( the main thing is her tongue tie but I wanted to give the bfing a go again.


Here's my little munchkin :-)))

Oh jolly shes gorgeous. Sorry to hear about the relactation. As you say at least her tongue tie is sorted, dont beat yourself up about something that was out of your hands.

Glad to hear the sensitivity dies down becky! I can imagine i would want to cry if anyone bumped into me atm xx
She is lovely jolly!

Sorry relactation is not going well. Have you considered giving it a set number of days to see if it improves for you at all? The first days are bound to seem impossible. I can understand how hard it is with 2 LO's though. I thought a 20 month gap was hard enough, I can't imagine with an even smaller gap.
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Jolly she's a stunner. Glad you got the TT sorted, although fuming on your behalf that you had to go private. Toni I hope you get your little one's TT sorted out too.

Grrrr at your hubby Becky!

Freya is still pretty much feeding and sleeping, with the odd bit of crying thrown in for good measure. She has started to have a couple of periods of being more awake the last couple of days, but it on;y lasts for 10/15 mins before she wants to be held/fed/changed/asleeps etc. She is starting to settle into a pattern for night feeding though and tends to feed at about 8pm, 11pm, 2am and 5am so every 3 hours really. Still no joy getting her in the crib at night though. She will go in after the 8pm feed but comes in with me after the 11pm one until morning.

My boobs are finally not sore now but they were pretty tender for the first few weeks. And don't get me started about when the odd jet of water from the shower hit my nipples in those first few weeks. Used to make me want to cry, but they are a lot less sensitive now.

I have a 14.5 month gap and it has good and bad moments. I am pretty hectic from the moment I get up until after lunchtime, but then they usually both seem to go down for a nap (J for 2 hours and F for 1 hour) so I finally get some time to myself. Usually end up taking a shower and sorting out dinner for that night so it's less of a rush when they are both awake again, but it also means a quick hot cup of tea and some time on the laptop too. Hoping it gets easier in a few more months when Freya is able to sit up so she can sit and play with Joe.
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She is a beauty Jolly... and I love her baby-gro

Sorry to head its a no go with relactation but I completely understand. I expressed for a week with Bee and it was either she went back on boob or we moved to formula. Expressing is so time consuming (i managed 6 weeks with James and that was tough without having another child in the mix)

We're just back from baby clinic and I'm shocked that baby weighs 9lb 2oz. She was 7lb 5oz just over 3 weeks ago. She's still 25th centile but blimey she has grown.

Health visitor came yesterday and Caleb up to 9lb 11oz so looks like we're finally getting over the issues with feeding and weight loss.

I am doing a random plan of breastfeeding first thing in morning and feed before bed around 10 topping up with expressed milk so he's full, he has formula during the night and then for the other feeds expressed milk wherever I can and formula otherwise. Bit higgledy piggledy and sometimes I pop him on the boob other times in the day just for some bonding etc. but it's working for me and we're both a lot happier.

Caleb is usually quite alert in the morning from 9 to 11 so we do tummy time and play gym then and then that's about all the action I get in a day! He seems to be getting in a routine at night waking up around 3:30 and then 7:30 so getting a good 3hr block of sleep by time I've expressed and almost feeling human.

Caleb this morning rocking out to his morning top up:

Aw Jolly and Taboo they are so cute xx sorry to hear about the relactation hun but none of it wad your fault you really done your best and I really look up to you for that.

We had 6 week check this morning and all went really well perfect from head to toe and now weighing a whopping 10lb 1oz!!!


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Mw didn't weigh jessica in the end. I was a bit suprised but the HV is coming on thursday so im assuming she will do it.

Was a strange feeling being discharged from the MW. Ive seen the same one the whole way through my pregnancy and since we had jessica. Will be wierd not seeing her again. Although she did day she expects to see us again soon for number 2 lol!! Not thinking about that right now!!!

Loving all your baby pics. What a gorgeous bunch of babies we have xx

Just thought I'd say hi as I guess I belong here now :-)

Gabriella was born on Friday by planned c sec and so we're in newborn snuggles heaven now!

Is it wrong that having a newborn has made me broody??!!!

OMG welcome over here!! Loving the name, and I totally get the broodiness!! Hope you're recovering well xx

So my trend if breeding chunky monkeys continues. Been to midwife again today. Last Wednesday Finley was weighed and he was 10lb 1oz (first weigh in after birth). This meant he'd lost 6% birth weight as he was 10lb 12oz when born

So a week later he's now 11lb 1oz.. A whole pound in a week!! I'm amazed and so glad my boobies are working for my little man!!

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