How much is your food shop?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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How much does your weekly food shop cost and how many people is it for?

Ohhh and where are you shopping? :whistle:
I didn't feel like I brought that much today but it came to £34! Thats only for me and Paige and it will only last a week. It might not seem like alot but I'm buying morrisons own, even for meat, which I don't like doing for Paige but I just can't afford the good stuff!
We usually spend about £30-40 a week for the 2 of us... Sainsbury's basics all the way! x
it depends really, I am normally on my own so spend very little, and I usually shop at sainsburys but I'm not very good at penny pinching (I'm sure I'll learn fast once the baby is born). Especially now I'm pregnant I really buy what I fancy as opposed to probably what I should buy.
When o/h is home he normally takes a scoot round marks and brings home yummy things. I'd say we can vary from 30 to 60 per week?
We spend between £65-£85 a week on a big shop, plus end up getting stuff during the week. We do tescos online shopping so a fiver is for delivery. There's 2 of us, plus Oscars food & nappies, wipes etc
omg i spend bout £120 sometimes more :shock: and i thot i was doing ok!! and thats for me john and madison and i still have to nip in during the week eeeekkk

i will add tho that i do opt for better cuts of meat and stuff which is costly , and i shop in asda and marks and spencers usually for groceries, and i go greengrocers for fruit and veg and butchers for most of my meat xx
We spend about 200 a month at Asda, 30 a month in African shop for vegs, 40 a week at sainsburys and maybe 10 a week at Tesco.
Demba spend at work aswell maybe 40 - 50 a week..
We used to spend £80 a week for the 3 of us, but ive managed to get it down to £40-£50 a week

Though we were spending majotiy of it on alcohol :rofl:

I tend to either use Asda or Morrisons
WE budget to spend about 450 a month but always seem to overspend - am on a mission to bring it down. There's me, hubby and out two boys. We buy bits of clothes for the boys and nappies etc from that too though x x
We spend about £50 a week that's for me OH and Tegan x
When C was here it was probably about £90, not including nappies etc x

Varies a lot now xx
£15 a week for me OH and the little one. but we do often need to pop out for milk and bread again but thats about it lol
It varies but about £20 a week for two of us. That includes fresh fruit and veg from the market and meat from the butchers and includes all 3 daily meals. We shop at wherever we feel like walking/bussing to, we've no favourites.
Between £45 and £65 for me OH & 7 year old, and cat. Shop in Tesco and get meat and veg from Sainsburys.

I'm roughly about £80 to £90 pounds a week, that's for myself, OH, LO and my 2 dogs!! I don't stick to the one place tend to shop about a bit, whoever has the best deals that week, that's where i tend to go!
I spend about £100 a week for me OH and LO, I have tried to get the cost down but it just doesn't work! I shop in aldi and asda, but think asda has gone really expensive recently. I do get nappies wipes and milk in the shop so that puts the price up a bit x

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