How much is your food shop?

About £70 a week for the 4 of us. Hoping it'll go down once charley's on proper milk. That brings the cost up so much!
£60-80 a week including top ups (milk, bread) that's for us three, a dog and four cats. I buy where ever I have a voucher. I shopped at sainsburys last week as I had £12 of a £60 shop! I normally use home delivery as I save a fortune taking my time.

I honestly don't know! I tend to do a few smaller shops rather than one
Big one! And there's always nappies ad wipes thrown in! And cleaning products, I can't seem to shop without buying them! I'd say probs about £50 a week on actual food! I used to shop at morisons, but have been going to aldi and Lidl in the last couple of weeks! Their meat and veg are fantastic! Only problem is you see bargains in there you can't live without :wall:
omg i spend bout £120 sometimes more :shock: and i thot i was doing ok!! and thats for me john and madison and i still have to nip in during the week eeeekkk

i will add tho that i do opt for better cuts of meat and stuff which is costly , and i shop in asda and marks and spencers usually for groceries, and i go greengrocers for fruit and veg and butchers for most of my meat xx

We go M&S too during the week. Their fruit is so nice and their pasta sauces etc. We are naughty, we always spend loads on food. I try to go to the butchers during the week for meat too. We spend a bloody fortune actually lol xx
I find that going to the butchers is actually a lot cheaper than going to the supermarkets for meat.
We spend £50-£70 a week for the 2 of us, Oliver and a cat. We shop in Morrisons x
i find butchers good too and the meat keeps far longer hence its a lot fresher, i like marksys for bread and stuff too and their packed meat like ham for sandwiches etc, and their fruit is the best altho i quite like asda fruit too, hate tesco fruit!! xx
We tend to do a big shop every month & a half, every 2 months & normally around £150 & bread, milk, veg etc we buy as & when
:shock: we spend about £100 a week for two of us!! and that isn't including a saturday night take away. we are foodies and are going to find it a real shock when LO arrives and we have to cut back :(

how on earth anyone can shop for £15 or £20 is beyond me???? xx
I used to spend £100 a week or more on food but I started healthy eating a year or 2 back and part of it was planning my meals and it really did work to bring down the food bill, coz you know what your shopping for, rather than just throwing whatever into the trolley, plus I dont buy any snacks like crisps, biscuits, chocolate ect, my wee one doesn't get them, only a sweet from the shop occasionally, and same with me. And OH buys his own sweets and crisps as I need them kept away from me loool

:shock: we spend about £100 a week for two of us!! and that isn't including a saturday night take away. we are foodies and are going to find it a real shock when LO arrives and we have to cut back :(

how on earth anyone can shop for £15 or £20 is beyond me???? xx

We buy fresh meat from the butchers, we can get over a weeks meat for £10 and have days where we don't eat meat at all, which stretches it out. We get all our vegetables from the market for under £5 (as I wait until the end of the market day and buy then, saves a lot), we buy packets of pasta and rice that last quite a while and I drink water only. The rest of the money is on the odd cleaning product and sundries for my OH such as tea, coffee, sugar and milk.

We cook everything from fresh and have a varied diet.
We spend about £30 a week for just me and oh.........i feel like i work hard penny pinching to keep it at that though. Proud of you girlys who do it for less xxxxx
I spend about £150 per week :shock:
There are 6 of us and two dogs though. x
We spend £35-£45 a week in Aldi, no extras during the week, but we are on a veeeery strict budget lol. Got it down to that from about £70 a week, so must admit I get a little thrill every time I get it under £40! :)
God, I try to spend as little as possible , but actually I just don't know! I'm going to have to work it out!
I spend what I need to, and use my switch , but not managing my money well, so moving to cash soon.
I always buy things to keep cupboards topped up as I make everything from scratch you need basics in the cupboards, if you run them down, your stuck!

I always feel disapointed in how I budgeted, i am trying really hard to cut down on cost
I plan each meal and plan a weeks worth at a time, and we always freee or eat leftovers next day
I have to look in the fridge and eat based on what will go off first or what we have , eg if we have eggs, then its egg night! If we have veg and bacon, then it's pasta in tom sauce night! that helps.

We cook spag bol mix once a week, bumped up with veg in the sauce to make it go further and then we have spag bol, then I feeze a caleloni or lasange with the rest, and usually there is some left for on a jacket potato for me and oh and then the kids have something else that night, so thats three nights all sorted ! plus egg night, homemade pizza night , plus stirfry night and that just leaves one meal to find in 7 meals..
We don't buy bread at all so that saves cash, we just buy bread flour, yeast and oil as we have a bread maker - so much cheeper

I'm going to work out what I spend next week, and come back here and post!!
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:shock: we spend about £100 a week for two of us!! and that isn't including a saturday night take away. we are foodies and are going to find it a real shock when LO arrives and we have to cut back :(

how on earth anyone can shop for £15 or £20 is beyond me???? xx

We buy fresh meat from the butchers, we can get over a weeks meat for £10 and have days where we don't eat meat at all, which stretches it out. We get all our vegetables from the market for under £5 (as I wait until the end of the market day and buy then, saves a lot), we buy packets of pasta and rice that last quite a while and I drink water only. The rest of the money is on the odd cleaning product and sundries for my OH such as tea, coffee, sugar and milk.

We cook everything from fresh and have a varied diet.

that's amazing! im going shopping tomorrow and im gonna try to cut back!! xx
I have no idea if I'm honest! I shop at asda and sainsbury's mostly. I popped to sainsbugs the other day and spent 77 quid and basically bought fool all!! If I had to make a guess I'd say well over £150 a week xx
How i do £15. I dont buy brands things pretty much taste the same so why pay more. things that are on offer are good hehe. I dont know why we do it so cheep as we could afford more. But when i was poorer i leant to save, so just carryed on.

I didnt include the animal food bill though lol does that count? lol
Because tax credits dropped my money i keep our shopping to £40 a week, dh buys a big bag of dog food once a month so that covers that,

The £40 is for 2 adults n 2 kids, includes fresh veg/fruit and meat plus enough bread/milk for a week

I use Asda used to go to Morrisons but find it really expensive x
Somewhere between £50-£90!! It used to be £40 for just the two of us, now we ahve E it can double some weeks. I noticed that nearly everythiong costs a £1 or depending on how manyy items you buy, the more expensive the shop.

I go to morrisons.
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