Hi girls, our weekly shop is between £50 & £70 per week, for 3 of us, about once a month I get away with only spending about £25 by eeking out the cupboards, I look for special offers on fairy washing up liquid as it lasts longer than.cheaper brands, and whatever branded washing powder is in offer in the larger box's, so that lasts longer too, I buy value bubble bath and soap, handwash etc, big multipacks of loo roll when they are on offer, ...
I get as large pack of mince and break that down into smaller portions and freeze it,
packs of pork steaks and break them.down too and freeze them,
packs of frozen chicken breasts,
big pack of onions
Bag of value peppers
frozen peas
Salad stuff
Value biscuits
4 x wholemeal bread, freeze 3
Value tinned tomatoes
Tomato puree
Peperoni sliced
Cereal (varies on offer)
This feeds the 3 of us healthily for a week, I use my slow cooker almost every day,
I get my milk from the milkman which I.need to cancel really as its much cheaper in the shops
I make pizza with the pepperoni
Cheese tom puree and bread, which J loves x
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