Food shopping budget?

We spend about £40-50 most weeks for me, OH and a baby.

We usually have one 'big' shop a month though where we'll spend about £70.

We save money by buying certain things from Makro, for example washing powder, crisps, toilet paper, beer :D

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I shop online too (Sainsburys). It is brilliant because we buy exactly what we need and there is no impulse buying.
I carefully select my substitution list and select no substitute for the items I will not compromise on.
We have had two experiences over the past 18 months where, like Beany the sandwhich ham was best before day it was delivered and fruit was not so good. I emailed a complaint and got refund straight away with free delivery for the following week.
I am a complete is much easier to send OH to M&S on the way home from the office to get the odd thing we didn't plan for than trudging to ASDA for a rugby scrum.
Try it, you'll be gald you did :D
tescos at the moment have vouchers for free delivery (well for orders over £50 you get a £5 off, which is how much the delivery costs)

so if you wanted to try it, i would go with that - im going to tescos on sat, if i remember i will pick a leaflet up and get the code for you all.

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