Weekly Shop - how much do you spend??

We go to either Tesco and Asda and spend about £70 a week, that's not including baby milk and nappies and stuff cos I just go out and get them seperately when we need them.

Most we've ever spent shopping was about £130, I was like :shock: It only lasted a week as well :lol:
we spend roughly £80 and thats a carefull shop.
Doesnt include milk though and some additional fruit and bread.

I shop in Morrisons for the main shop and asda for things through the week,
TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! we hav a weekly shopping budget of £50 but we go to sainsburys or asda more than once a week and spend that much each time. worked out recently that JUST on basics- im spending over £30 and milliepops over £20 a week- so we go over budget just me and her! then theres my boyf, the cats, household stuff like detergent bogroll etc. we SO need to cut back and make a certain day of the week shopping day instead of just going whenever and losing track.
Hey all, i fo a big shop at the beginning of every month when we get paid the last one was £135 that was with baby stuff and bottle of vodka (one a month!!!)

And every week after that i am probably spending about £50 on bits and pieces or things i have forgotten happens so often lol xx
Its just me and I spend about £20-£30 a week
About £70 for the 3 of us inc Jakes formula and nappies. Ive started shopping at the butchers and green grocers and Lidl for everything else (except Jakes formula and nappies). I was spending £100 a week at tesco which is just plain ridiculous :wall:
about 80 a week but thats for all my toileteries and cleaning stuff as well as food and stuff. ive started shopping online and i save so much money as i can see the total and think crap ive spent too much and take some stuff off the list :rotfl:

and thats for 3 of us. i try to make most things from scratch even like pizza and breads with the machine so that saves some money.
Just got back and I spent £60 for everything including toiletries & cleaning stuff. And I buy organic meat. That will see us through till next sat at least - probably longer.
I spend about £130 roughly once a week/10 days (if I stretch it out) Plus milk bill, fish bill and roughly £15 a week on fruit and veg at the market. I try to stick to £480 a month for 3 people, 2 cats and a dog! but I usually go over at least £50 ish
Spend roughly £80-100 in Asda or Tesco online if I am organised enough..it depresses me how much we spend and there never seems to anything in :shock:

I pick up fresh bread, milk and fruit throughout the week too.
Ruby LOVES fruit and OH is a snacker so likes butties at all times of the day :roll:
i shop 4 myself n i spend around £60 a week but i can do budget shops aswell if i needed to witch would be around £30
MissGobby said:
How much do you usually spend on a weekly food shop (and how many people are you buying for?)

me and my OH moved into our first home last Saturday and went shopping Sat night, spent £180 :shock: we couldnt believe it lol - i put it down to our first proper big shop but then went yesteday and spent another £118 :shock: :shock:

i usually spend around £80 - £90 .

Thats for a family of 6. :)

It all depends really as to whether i need toilet rolls or washing powder etc. If i have to stock up with that then my bills usually a bit higher. and i sometimes top up during the week on milk or fruit bread - that sort of thing.

I cannot beleieve how much some of you spend :shock: how can you eat so much in one week.???? :shock:
We spend on average about £100 a week, sometimes less & sometimes more. We usually do a big shop once a month of about £150 then spend about £70-£80 the other weeks. We're both pretty fussy and have expensive taste :lol: our cats are also greedy!

MissG it will cost you more at first cos ur starting off but once u have all the basics and some food already in then it will even out, we always have loads of tins in the cupboard and freezer pretty full so just top up each week if that makes sense.
Im glad someone started this thread.

When I lived in Harrogate with my ex partner I went shopping on a Friday at Asda and had a budget of around £50 a week for us 2, the dogs and cats (2 dogs, 5 cats) and also to cover when his 4 kids came at weekends and it was easy to stick to.

Here we dont have a shopping day and we go 'whenever', we put £300.00 away a month for shopping into a 'slush' account but that should cover meals out, household stuff etc and we are using it all and going over that all the time, so really need some help on how to budget shop.

I shop at any supermarket but usually Morrisons, Tesco or aldi as they are closer.

Any help on this would be great as it causes alot of agro in our house.
I would say around £60 on a weekly Tesco online shop (including delivery) with another £20 on the top-ups.

That's gone up £10 since Christmas though. Everything seems to be getting more expensive :shock:
We have a budget of £220 a month for 3 of us (1 baby) and 2 cats, plus the milk bill (its delivered), which is around £15 a month. We normally spend about £60 a week (so go over budget at the start of the month, then eat pasta and beans in the last couple of weeks of the month!) and generally cook from scratch (sometimes buy fishcakes, battered frozen fish etc though).

I can't believe how much some of you spend! We just don't have that kind of money to spare for food shopping as we're so poor just now. We sometimes get treats or pop to the shops for chocolate, which isn't budgeted for - that comes out of OH and I's weekly expenses (about £100 a month each for cash in wallet/purse and anything like coffees/baby group or for OH - drum skins, guitar strings :doh: etc!).

I use a lot of tips from here and here.

Maybe we'll see our bill going up as we're weaning DD, but she eats so little that I'm not sure it will. Even now, she's eating what we're eating - I had some nice salmon and potatoes last night, so I've kept some for her and will mix it with a nice homemade cheese or tomato sauce for her tea tonight.

Valentine Xxx
we spend about £120 a week for 3 of us. And then we are always running out of milk and bread, but Lee takes a packed lunch to work and eats lots of crap instead of meals with me and Harrison.
budge said:
I cannot beleieve how much some of you spend :shock: how can you eat so much in one week.???? :shock:

And the irony is that a few of us are on diets :rotfl:
A lot of what I buy is cleaning products. Iwouldnt call myself a cleanaholic but im always buying stuff, I have cleaning stuff upstairs and downstairs.

I also have a cat.

I probably dont buy as wisely as I should but there are somethings I cant deviate from like Nescafe coffee and my extravagence is Starbucks coffee for my caffiterre (sp)

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