February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Hows everyones sleeping routine coming along?

I wake up several times a night and it's becoming more and more uncomfortable.
Hows everyones sleeping routine coming along?

I wake up several times a night and it's becoming more and more uncomfortable.

Hi JustTrying, my sleep routine is terrible, according to my sleep app I was up 4 times last night, (3 for the toilet and one for cramp in my leg). When I woke up with cramp I was rolling round the bed like a loon, my OH turned over and asked me if I was ok, he rubbed my leg until the cramp went and then tickled my back until I fell back to sleep....I literally could not have loved him more at that second than I did!

On a more positive note, I'm joining you over here as it's too quiet in tri2, I'm 26+4, so almost there!
Another one with sleep problems.. my heartburn is a nightmare even with the meds from the dr! I find I wake up every time I need to change sides and I'm currently debating camping in the bathroom! That said I have always disliked pregnancy sleep especially the 3rd tri.. sounds strange but I prefer the sleep I get with a newborn.. still up and down but I find that the sleep I do manage to get is a much better quality if you get what I mean.

Welcome boobaby!!
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I’m not sleeping too badly.

I’m mean.. not great, but not too bad touch wood.

Sounds like you’re keeping the sugars controlled largely carnat! Are they going to scan you againsid you say?
Growth scan on 11th. I'll be coming up to 33w then I think.

So between that scan and diabetes consultant I should have a better idea about when this baby is coming. Hoping if it does have to be an induction it's not before EDD.

My sleep is frankly awful. I am not a fab sleeper anyway (pre having any kids it was unheard of for me not to wake for at least one wee!) It's a complete joke now though. Takes ages to fall asleep then I'm up at least 3 times.

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I think if you’re controlling your sugars then the impact on the baby will be minimised.

Fingers crossed.

I have a scan that week too. I want it out early :rofl: they have a growth baseline now so will be able to see if it’s dropped and placenta function based on the measurements etc
Justtrying discharge is normal and I believe increases in the final tri.. it does depend on the type of discharge tho? Sorry for the tmi question what's the discharge like?
Justtrying discharge is normal and I believe increases in the final tri.. it does depend on the type of discharge tho? Sorry for the tmi question what's the discharge like?

For the past week or so Ive noticed its bright white and thick/clumpy.

Sorry if this grosses anyone else out but Im sure it's normal. :lol:
I wish baby was arriving a few weeks before Christmas. I would have bought a nice festive outfit for him and he would have been star of the day. Instead, big fat me will be celebrating :p

oh and baby definitely responds to loud noises, Step kids decided to have christmas songs last weekend and turned it up a few times, to which the baby responded everytime with kicks. Awwww
Hi all, I had my gtt this morning, was yucky but not as bad as I thought. Signal was terrible but luckily my manshape and DD went and bought me a couple of magazines. I was starving when we finished, so bought a load of food and I had a cheeky gingerbread latte from Costa. :lol:
Hi all, I had my gtt this morning, was yucky but not as bad as I thought. Signal was terrible but luckily my manshape and DD went and bought me a couple of magazines. I was starving when we finished, so bought a load of food and I had a cheeky gingerbread latte from Costa. :lol:

LOL gingerbread latte is exactly what I had straight after my GTT.

glad it's over for you.
Hi all, I had my gtt this morning, was yucky but not as bad as I thought. Signal was terrible but luckily my manshape and DD went and bought me a couple of magazines. I was starving when we finished, so bought a load of food and I had a cheeky gingerbread latte from Costa. :lol:

LOL gingerbread latte is exactly what I had straight after my GTT.

glad it's over for you.

Thank you :) yeah I was gasping for a warm drink and it had to be that, this time of year always has the best hot drinks
Did you get the results of it Selphie?

Just trying - I think an increase in discharge is expected and normal as long as no other symptoms

Did you get the results of it Selphie?

Just trying - I think an increase in discharge is expected and normal as long as no other symptoms

The nurse said I'd get a call tomorrow if I have it, but if I don't hear anything then I'm all good
It's getting so hard to motivate myself in a morning. Honestly I've been up an hour and I'm toying with crawling back into bed for the day. Weirdly I'm not even tired. It's just comfy there haha.

How's everyone doing?

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It's getting so hard to motivate myself in a morning. Honestly I've been up an hour and I'm toying with crawling back into bed for the day. Weirdly I'm not even tired. It's just comfy there haha.

How's everyone doing?

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same, i used to be a morning person but not anymore.

Im just amazed at all the changes. Still cant quite grasp it all
Ladies, can you still put your shoes on?
Hahaha on what? There's nothing South of this...


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