February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Hello lovely ladies! It seems so long ago that I had a brief spell in the Tri 1 Feb mummies thread before losing that pregnancy. Lost two after that as well but I will be 8 weeks pregnant on Sunday, had a scan, seen a heartbeat and a strong little bean so all looking good.

Just wanted to pop in and see how you're all getting on with your growing bumps. Really not long for you all now xxx
Ladies, can you still put your shoes on?
Hahaha on what? There's nothing South of this...


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Try again.

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Lol!!!! Exactly that!
Hello lovely ladies! It seems so long ago that I had a brief spell in the Tri 1 Feb mummies thread before losing that pregnancy. Lost two after that as well but I will be 8 weeks pregnant on Sunday, had a scan, seen a heartbeat and a strong little bean so all looking good.

Just wanted to pop in and see how you're all getting on with your growing bumps. Really not long for you all now xxx

Oh bless you GG. I'm so glad you finally have your rainbow baby.

I had 3 early losses before I had my first successful pregnancy (all quite close together and all between 5-8w). Here I am with 3rd baby on the way.

I'm rooting for you.

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Hello lovely ladies! It seems so long ago that I had a brief spell in the Tri 1 Feb mummies thread before losing that pregnancy. Lost two after that as well but I will be 8 weeks pregnant on Sunday, had a scan, seen a heartbeat and a strong little bean so all looking good.

Just wanted to pop in and see how you're all getting on with your growing bumps. Really not long for you all now xxx

Nice to hear from you GG!

Glad everything is going well. If it's any consolation, most of us have some sadness in our backstory, myself included - it's not always plain sailing creating a new life. I wish you all the very best!
Thank you ladies. I oddly have no fears with this pregnancy. Just feels good even if I am signed off work, lol.

So glad you're all well xx
Sooo.... how is everyone?

I have been feeling great mostly. If a little tired. Really looking forward to winding down now. 20 days left at work! They are restructuring where I work and I don't want to be around when they do it so I'm glad to be going off at Xmas.

Ps.. 2 of the women I do hydro sessions with have had their babies at <35 weeks!! It all seems not far off now!

My giant baby is starting to hurt when moving about inside now.. which is reassuring but ouch!!
Am feeling ok too.

Surprisingly given that I have the added worry of GD.
I've been eating a lot more healthily and I am feeling the benefits.

I still have 7 weeks left at work :shock:
I only do 3 days a week though so it should be ok.

Suspect this baby is going to be early but I know (because of my diagnosis) I won't be left beyond 7th Feb.

Have had one 9 days late and the other day after EDD so who knows this time?

I'm not feeling too bad, daughter has been poorly all week though so not had much sleep! 4 weeks left at work so hopefully can have all of Jan to relax and get the house sorted. Baby will be here by 31st January at the latest though so getting close now!
Hey everyone... just catching up.
I think I&#8217;m in the same boat as many of you...
Can&#8217;t tie my shoelaces - check
Extra discharge - check
Poor sleep - check
I actually think my sleep is worse, I just can&#8217;t get comfortable and I&#8217;ve tried using blankets and pillows but it doesn&#8217;t help. I&#8217;m forever tossing and turning.

I&#8217;ve also got 4 weeks left of work before I go on annual leave, can&#8217;t wait!
GG so pleased for you! Wishing you all the best!

I'm generally ok minus the whole heartburn issue. Feeling better than I have during the first two trimesters.

Has anyone else received a letter from a health visitor offering an antenatal home visit? Letter explains that it's new in my area and the aim is to 'help prepare me for parenthood' a great idea but don't think it's something I personally will benefit from.
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We don't get a choice in our area the health visitor has to come out to see you before baby is born. I can't really remember what she said when she did my daughters, do know she brought her red book and asked where she would be sleeping etc. She's coming on the 8th December this time x
Ahh this is new for me.. was it the same health visitor as the one who saw your daughter after birth? If so that's good! Continuity can't complain at that. Mines 13th Dec x
Hope you're all well, I'm the same, I'm starting to struggle putting socks and shoes on, can't see my feet anymore so haven't seen the lady garden for ages! I'm getting bad leg cramps at night now, so sleep is crap. Extra discharge too.
Anyone else sometimes finding it hard to completely empty your bladder? I have to cough to be sure I'm empty, I coughed the other day and ended up wetting myself even though I'd not long been to the loo!
Yes, my midwife has arranged to see me at home next week
Selphie. It's that or I need to pee and only manage a dribble. Which usually means I need to go 10 mins later for the rest of the flood. I'm staying near toilets for the rest of the pregnancy now.

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No bladder issues here yet thankfully! Just a pelvis that doesnt work!

I cant believe its almost December... some of us will be having babies in Jan!

It's scary isn't it! Seems like a week ago we were slipping over from the 2ww

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How exciting!! How many Jan babies are we expecting?

My hormones are in overdrive at the moment crying over everything lol
How exciting!! How many Jan babies are we expecting?

My hormones are in overdrive at the moment crying over everything lol

YES! I keep crying about the tiniest/silliest things.

Im getting very annoyed with myself!

Im hoping I have a January baby.
Ladies, all of a sudden my SPD has shifted on its own.

This happened last night, I was lying in bed and then I tried to turn over and I did it with EASE! WOW. no pain. So I decided to position my legs in different ways, spread them out like an eagle etc. No pain!

I feel so sprightly today. Not saying I am 100% pain free but I feel normal!

Is this normal?

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