February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

I'll be delivering in January.

Justtrying it can go like that and then reoccur later. Pray the relief lasts!

Jus been to midwife. My bump is measuring 33 weeks and I've only gained 1xkg since 28 weeks which is good lol. all good in the hood here :lol:
I'll be delivering in January.

Justtrying it can go like that and then reoccur later. Pray the relief lasts!

Jus been to midwife. My bump is measuring 33 weeks and I've only gained 1xkg since 28 weeks which is good lol. all good in the hood here :lol:

Oh, thanks! I was thinking its gone forever. haha

I think we are both measuring the same so I'd be curious to know how much the babies weigh at birth.
As things stand I'll be a due date induction.

But depends on how baby gets on / how the growth scans are / how my blood sugars are. Could well be January.

I don't want another January baby.

Mine will be a January baby, from Friday I'll be able to say I'm having a baby next month eek!
I'm so nervous for my consultant appointment on Friday :( I physically shake at the thought!..im going to be even worse at that God awful glucose test :( im terrified and I don't even have the appointment for that yet, god knows what I'm going to be like on the actual day! My anxiety is really suffering this time!
I'm so nervous for my consultant appointment on Friday :( I physically shake at the thought!..im going to be even worse at that God awful glucose test :( im terrified and I don't even have the appointment for that yet, god knows what I'm going to be like on the actual day! My anxiety is really suffering this time!

It’s really not that bad sebbies mum. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Why are you under the consultant? I always find my appointments useful - better than the midwife ones anyway :lol:
Just trying this is so spooky... last night ny PGP/SPD went as well!!!!!! Honestly!!!

Today I can walk! I can go up stairs as well!

I am hoping for a January baby...

Im due 3rd Feb so a week early would be lovely. My brother has booked his wedding for 3rd March so baby cannot be late! Will be hard enough with a 4 week old baby, let alone a 2 week old if I go 2 weeks over

Just trying this is so spooky... last night ny PGP/SPD went as well!!!!!! Honestly!!!

Today I can walk! I can go up stairs as well!

What is going on?

I've been frolicking around the house, I've never felt so happy. :lol:
It is weird innit.

Mine was really bad the other week and now it’s not so bad, I’ve decided I think it’s when you have a big growth spurt it moves things about and causes problems. Keep moving and using your muscles and it will minimise the pain. The worst thing for it is to keep still.
Wednesday just trying maybe baby was low down?I find mine gets worse if baby has moved down. Otherwise it's ok apart from in bed
I bought more baby clothes today, and also a top for DD.


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Wow a few jan babies, I may have mine in jan too
I'm so nervous for my consultant appointment on Friday :( I physically shake at the thought!..im going to be even worse at that God awful glucose test :( im terrified and I don't even have the appointment for that yet, god knows what I'm going to be like on the actual day! My anxiety is really suffering this time!

It’s really not that bad sebbies mum. I wouldn’t worry about it.

Why are you under the consultant? I always find my appointments useful - better than the midwife ones anyway :lol:

Thanks guys :) I'm under consultant as my previous birth was an emergency c section, labour dystocia apparently :/ so the midwife thought it best I be consultant led this time! Ahh well I know I'm in safe hands :lol: and I wanted another c section this time around

In positive news..maternity leave is officially booked for 17th December! I got my way and can leave before Christmas! :D..so I go back to work on Thursday, And then I'm off for 2 weeks, go back for my last shift on the Saturday 16th and then I'm free! Couldn't of planned that better if I tried :lol:
Wednesday just trying maybe baby was low down?I find mine gets worse if baby has moved down. Otherwise it's ok apart from in bed

It could be that... mine usually flares up if Ive done something stupid... such as getting out of the car with my legs apart or something.

Im currently signed off work with PGP as I was unable to walk last week. Due back in on 8th December.

I dont really know if I will manage being back at work for long. Im not due to take mat leave until 25th Jan which is 39 weeks!

I may get a sick note for another week now until 15th December, and then see how much I can do over the Xmas period.

I know work cant kickstart my mat leave until Im 36 weeks, which is 6th Jan. Think I may have to bring Mat leave forward a bit

Wednesday just trying maybe baby was low down?I find mine gets worse if baby has moved down. Otherwise it's ok apart from in bed

Yeah actually I did read somewhere that pain eases when baby is engaged but isnt it abit early for that? Or not?

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