February 2018 Mummies - the final hurdle

Sebbies - thats rubbish! Ive heard theyre really painful but great that they arent affecting you!

Beau - my midwife told me that sometimes protein comes up of some discharge goes into the sample... pretty hard for it not to considering the amount you get when heavily pregnant!

Sebbies they will need removing but not urgently since they're likely small enough to be not causing pain. They will monitor though. Last thing you want is them moving out of the gall bladder. That can cause long term, painful issues.

Chances are they'll come out after baby is born. The op is keyhole and an easy recovery. I had mine out a couple of years ago and was on my feet fully after a week.

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Sebbies - thats rubbish! Ive heard theyre really painful but great that they arent affecting you!

Beau - my midwife told me that sometimes protein comes up of some discharge goes into the sample... pretty hard for it not to considering the amount you get when heavily pregnant!

Thanks she didn't really explain or make much of it so hopefully just that!
I’ve spent the afternoon in Mau.. don’t have pre eclampsia but have an infection. Off to get some antibiotics!

Bo was raised marginally. No protein in urine though. Spoke to consultant and she said the induction process will be quicker at 38 weeks (I pestered her to get it out sooner..lol)
So glad it's nothing too sinister TOR. Did they say what kind of infection?

It's good to know there is a method in the madness of making you wait an extra week, but does the same principle apply the further along you are? IE will induction at 41w be faster than at 39w etc....

Having already done it though you are in a fab position (so I keep being told anyway lol. Inductions work better on subsequent babies)

So glad it's nothing too sinister TOR. Did they say what kind of infection?

It's good to know there is a method in the madness of making you wait an extra week, but does the same principle apply the further along you are? IE will induction at 41w be faster than at 39w etc....

Having already done it though you are in a fab position (so I keep being told anyway lol. Inductions work better on subsequent babies)


She said in your circumstances, a vaginal birth is clearly important to you. If your body is not ready (and will be less so at 37 weeks) then the process can take 3 days and after which there is more chance I won’t be able to push it out or it will be difficult. Which could end up in a section.

I think the more ready your body is the better probably when it comes to induction. I had the drip last time and I’m hoping the body will know what it’s doing this time! Fingers crossed anyway!

I’ve been prodded and poked by then junior docs today. It has been most amusing. They don’t know heads from arses lol. Though one of them was being quizzed by the consultant about a visual on my bump and all he came out with was ‘stretch marks’ :(

I think I have a chest infection. I’m still poorly and cough up gunk from xmas
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Thanks guys :( just the thought of another operation is making me want to cry :( I have massive phobias of being knocked out! It really is putting the fear of god into me! But if their not causing me any bother then surely that's a good enough reason not to operate on me :/, I have been warned to follow a low fat diet but I'm just gonna find it too hard :lol: but for the sake of avoiding an operation I'll do anything! :lol:

I've never been so terrified in my life :(
Sebbies. Letting them stay is not an option.

If they get out of the gall bladder they can damage the pancreas and bile ducts. That's long term hassle.

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Sebbiesmum.. a girl I work with has gallstones. When symptomatic she is admitted to hospital for several days in agony. She is waiting for a date for the operation to remove her gallbladder to fix it. I hope you don’t get a flare up of pain but think long and hard before refusing any treatment for this because it is very painful if it flares up.
I swear that I must have done something terrible in a previous life!!

Just got into work and have been advised that my enhanced maternity package has actually not yet been approved???

What the actual fuck?

It's pretty complicated but the situation is that someone in quite a senior position is pushing back on the new package for board approval (it was approved by my business unit leader in June and the person blocking it started in August!!). Ironically the person pushing back started here after being on ML for 9 months at a company who offer a very good maternity package.

I am livid, I am 2 days away from going off, I am a high risk pregnancy and they drop this on me.

I am confident it can be sorted but if its not then I need to know? I can't just hang in there, I need to budget.

I don't want to ring ACAS yet as I have a very senior person fighting my corner and I don't want to cause issues for him but man I am fucking raging!

And I'm ill. Have a cough and cold.

And James is still ill.

And I am heavily pregnant and I have had enough now!!!

I swear that I must have done something terrible in a previous life!!

Just got into work and have been advised that my enhanced maternity package has actually not yet been approved???

What the actual fuck?

It's pretty complicated but the situation is that someone in quite a senior position is pushing back on the new package for board approval (it was approved by my business unit leader in June and the person blocking it started in August!!). Ironically the person pushing back started here after being on ML for 9 months at a company who offer a very good maternity package.

I am livid, I am 2 days away from going off, I am a high risk pregnancy and they drop this on me.

I am confident it can be sorted but if its not then I need to know? I can't just hang in there, I need to budget.

I don't want to ring ACAS yet as I have a very senior person fighting my corner and I don't want to cause issues for him but man I am fucking raging!

And I'm ill. Have a cough and cold.

And James is still ill.

And I am heavily pregnant and I have had enough now!!!


Is this individual to you carnat or a policy waiting for board approval? If they don’t pay you that do you know what the alternative is? Is the person blocking it your manager?

Honestly.. work is shit sometimes.

Put it out of your mind for now until you know how you can influence the situ and concentrate on resting xxx

I’ll find out today if I have a job essentially. They are announcing the restructured dept today. Couldn’t be at a worse time really for me.
Oh FFS TOR, not what you need when you are on ML.

Surely you are protected though? From redundancy at least.

Policy has not been approved across all business units, it will be but not yet meaning I am not legible. Despite it being approved for our business unit in June and me having the letter to confirm etc.

It's the difference of 4 months full pay or SMP!!! So quite significant and they cannot lay this on me at the 11th hour


If there are expectations set in your mind from things that have previously happened then hang onto those with your evidence!

I don’t know re: redundancy. My understanding of the law (and there is precedent via a case) is that technically they can make me redundant, but they’d have to demonstrate that there is no suitable alternative employment in the organisation.. At the point at which my job became at risk. Which in reality means they would have to have no finance manager jobs in the structure at all, which I can’t see happening. I am one of 6 people doing the same job. And a qualified accountant - so I’m pretty certain there would be something for me there.

But... In that place I never cease to be surprised. And that’s making an assumption they follow employment law. Which they don’t always do.
Well the midwife couldn’t do a sweep. :(

The baby moved its head out of the pelvis at the last minute and she said it was too dangerous because she could break my waters and the cord could prolapse. Bugger!!
Oh no, naughty baby!!!

Will they be able to try again for you?

It's kind of good to know that they don't just go ahead and do sweeps regardless of where baby is!!! I have heard that they only do it if conditions are favourable.

I am going to speak to ACAS soon, hopefully will have a better idea then about my situation!!

Hope you get somewhere with them. You just don’t need the stress right now.

Talking about stress. My husband, in his bid to stop the floorboards creaking (having a carpet fitted on the stairs and landing tomorrow) has put a hole in a water pipe upstairs. Cue.. water coming through the ceiling/lights/heat detector - I have no lights downstairs now. And no water because he’s had to turn the water off.

Oh and no more sweeps for me.

Induction Thursday basically! 5 more full days is all I keep saying to myself.
Carnat - what a bloody nightmare!!! If you have that letter I would be taking it all the way, how can they do this?!

Tor - I think I may be in the same situation on Monday. I have a sweep in the morning before induction on Tuesday, but I dont know if baby is engaged.

Tor - shall we have a race and see who can get baby out first?! Haha! I have visions of being stuck in some horrid latent labour phase for like a week...


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